Sauromatum diversifolium (Wall. ex Schott) Cusimano & Hett., Taxon 59: 445 2010. (Syn: Diversiarum alpinum (C.Y.Wu ex H.Li, Y.Shiao & S.L.Tseng) J.Murata & Ohi-Toma; Diversiarum diversifolium (Wall. ex Schott) J.Murata & Ohi-Toma; Heterostalis diversifolia (Wall. ex Schott) Schott; Heterostalis foliolosa Schott; Heterostalis huegeliana (Schott) Schott; Typhonium alpinum C.Y.Wu ex H.Li, Y.Shiao & S.L.Tseng; Typhonium austrotibeticum H.Li; Typhonium diversifolium Wall. ex Schott; Typhonium diversifolium var. huegelianum (Schott) Engl.; Typhonium diversifolium var. microspadix Engl.; Typhonium foliolosum (Schott) Engl.; Typhonium huegelianum Schott; Typhonium mangkamgense H.Li); Arecaceae, Araceae, Zingiberaceae Fortnight 1-14 Aug 2014: Typhonium sp. for ID (Araceae) from Uttarakhand_DSR_20 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1). It appears like Himalayan Typhonium (Typhonium diversifolium is a synonym of Sauromatum diversifolium (Wall. ex Schott) Cusimano & Hett. ) Please open the spathe when the ID. Thank you Sir for introducing to another Typhonium (Sauromatum diversifolium). Does not seem to match with images of Sauromatum diversifolium at efi. On further perusal, I think it matches with some images of Sauromatum diversifolium at .
Please ignore the first picture, recorded from Chakrata.. sorry for the mess.. Attaching pics belonging to the plant posted here.. Actually, this WAS a Typhonium but it is now classified in the genus Sauromatum: Sauromatum diversifolium. The distribution of this species starts in W Himalaya and extends into W China. The further to the east one goes, the shorter the appendix gets and the more compact the inflorescence. In India 5 Sauromatum species occur: S. diversifolium grows in the NW states, the very rare and small Sauromatum brevipes occurs in Sikkim and W Bengal, S. venosum grows in south and north India and on a recent fieldtrip I came across S. horsefieldii near Roing in Arunachal Pradesh. S. horsefieldii is the most widespread species in the genus but it was not reported from India before. The fifth species is a species that has been found by several researchers in Arunachal Pradesh recently but it still needs to be formally described. The phylogeny and new classification of Sauromatum can be found in this excellent article:…/Cusimano_Typhonium_2010.pdf As the name suggests is the leaf of S. diversifolium variable ranging from hastate to pedate. In general S. diversifolium is a high altitude species often occurring above 3000 meter. Many thanks … for identification and providing a detailed note on distribution and taxonomy of Sauromatum in India… I will also go through the article you have linked..
This small herb was shot from Chakrata area in August last year.. Please help to conclude id.. I hope this is again a Typhoniun sp. .. Perhaps this is also Sauromatum diversifolium (Wall. ex Schott) Cusimano & Hett., as in efi thread Sauromatum diversifolium looks close ! . Altitude: 2957 m. Date: 20 August 2021 Habit : Wild Sauromatum diversifolium (Wall. ex Schott) Cusimano & Hett. ?? Yes, I agree, Sauromatum diversifolium. Nepali Name : तालु Taalu
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Sauromatum diversifolium
Updated on December 24, 2024