Livistona chinensis

Chinese Fan Palm, Chinese fountain palm, Chinese Livistona;
1. The leaf of L. rotundifolia has uncut portion more than half, whereas in L. chinensis the cuts proceed below middle
2. The upper leaf surface more delicate and flatter in L. rotundifolia, deeper grooves in L. chinensis;

Chinese Fan Palm is a very popular palm grown in parks and gardens.
It is able to reach 50 feet in height but usually seen at 30 feet with a 10 to 12-foot spread,
Chinese Fan Palm has a single straight trunk and large, six-foot-long leaves which have drooping tips. The divided leaves have long, tapering, ribbon-like segments which gracefully sway beneath the leaves, creating an overall fountain-like effect. The long leaf-stalks may be armed with sharp spines.
The inconspicuous flowers are hidden among the leaves and are followed by small, blue-black, olive-like fruits.
Young specimens of this fan palm are as attractive as the mature plants.
The Chinese fan palm is native to southern Japan, Taiwan and several islands in the South China Sea.

Nice Shots … Pls also add a shot of Complete plant if possible

It was not possible to take a full shot, as its in somebody’s house.
I am waiting for the fruit to come now. That will atleast complete the set.

Date/Time-Sep 2011
Location-Place, Altitude, GPS-Pune
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-Private garden
Plant Habit-Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Palm

Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size-Fan shaped green

i think it is a borassus sps or palm

I also think some species of Borassus. Complete photo of the plant can help

I think Borassus leaves dont have spines on the petiole. I may be wrong though.
This should be Livistonia chinensis.

Could be Bismarckia nobilis; but need to see the leaf stem (petiole).

Thank you all. Attaching another pic may be it helps for correct Id

commonly horticulturist call it table fan palm.

I think this is Livistonia chinensis, as … suggested.

This is not Livistonia chinensis. Leaves have a very long tapering end (downy)

…, That is not a character for identification of Livistonia. The ends of leaves can bend down in scarcity of water I assume.
This cant be Bismarckia as the color of leaf is different.
Washingtonia is another option but it is not so popular in Indian gardens.

I suppose Livistonia chinensis

Can this be Licuala grandis Ruffled fan palm Philippin Garden 

I do not think it is Licula grandis either.

Livistona chinensis or L. rotundifolia as per another thread:

efloraofindia:”For Id 17012014MR2’’ ornamental plant at Pune : Attachments (3). 3 posts by 2 authors. 15/01/2014. requesting identification of this ornamental plant at Pune

It looks like Livistona chinensis

Thank you for the Id

Arecaceae Fortnight 1 Aug to 15 Aug 2014 : UNKNOWN-5 SK-05 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6).

These are common in a village, apparently ornamental, but seems to be spreading wildly. Livistona chinensis (Jacq.) R.Br. ex Mart.?

Two more photographs may help identification. Attachments (2)

Reniform leaves (conspicuous in young stage), deeply 2-partite pendulous long acuminate segments; branched inflorescence of 3-orders and olive like drupe are all indication of Livistona chinensis (Jacq.) R.Br. ex Mart.


Livistona chinensis (Jacq.) R. Brown ex Martius, Hist. Nat. Palm. 3: 240. 1838.
Chinese Fan Palm

Photographed from Delhi University Nursery


mailing shots of a Palm. ID please

Hope Livistona chinensis.


Cultivated palm in a garden, Muscat.

Posted earlier on our group.


Attached images may be Livistona chinensis (Jacq.) R.Br. ex Mart. Please validate.

It looks like Livistona chinensis to me too, though I do not know if there is any lookalike.

Attached are pictures of Livistona chinensis captured at Hiranandani Powai, Heritage Gardens in January 2013.

Requested to please validate the ID.

A palm common in Delhi also.

Yes, fruits look similar.


IBG today : Arecaceae : known01 :  3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (13).
Livistona chinensis (Jacq.) R.Br. ex Mart.
There are mature trees and young. It is interesting to note that leaves of mature tree do not bear spine on petiole. Leaves of young tree do have spine near the base.

ID can be assured since there was a nameplate! This is the only palm I could find a nameplate. So, my next posts will be ‘unknown’. It is possible that I may have recorded the same species at different locations.

Detailed capture … Thanks for sharing..

Attached are pictures of Ravenea rivularis captured at Hiranandani Powai, Heritage Gardens in January 2013.

Requested to please validate the ID.

The third image looks like a Livistona; the first two could be Ravenea, but I suggest you check with … at Kew

No 1 and No3 are Livistona chinensis. No2 is Ravenea rivularis.


3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5).

This palm is quite commonly planted… present shots were recorded from Karnal..
Please validate the id..

Small Palm For ID : Lalbagh,Bangalore : 06DEC14 : AK-20 : 8 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (3)

A small palm seen on 8/11/14.

Ornamental, cultivated plant.

base of the plant of the leaves

whole etc
my usual request?

These are the only pictures I have.

The plant uploaded seems to be Livistona sp.

Livistona species so far in efi 

I think this is Livistona chinensis

Palm for ID from Pantnagar: March2016_DSR_1 : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (6)

This palm is commonly planted here in Pantnagar, Uttarakhand. Not aware of the scientific name. Please ID!

Could be Livistona chinensis, common name Chinese Fan Palm.

I had posted earlier.

Seems to be

To me it is Livistona saribus (Lour.) Merr. ex A.Chev.

Thank you … for suggesting ID.

In light of eFI page on L.chinensis, I am taking it as L.chinensis only.

L. saribus has stem covered with old remains of leaf bases (thus not smooth) and petioles has long spines.


on 12/1/08 in Kolkata;Trees of Delhi- Flowers in March- April & sometimes in Jan.Chinese Fan Palm (Livistona chinensis) – indiantreepix | Google Groups

efloraofindia:”For Id 11102011MR2’’ Resurfacing for Id ?Licuala grandis Ruffled fan palm Pune:  Resurfacing for identification
Can this be Licuala grandis Ruffled fan palm
Prior identification
borassus sps or palm …
some species of Borassus….
This should Livistonia chinensis. …
Could be Bismarckia nobilis
Date/Time-Sep 2011
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS-Pune
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-Private garden
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Palm
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size-Fan shaped green

This may not be Licuala grandis because the cleft at the tip of leaves are deeper in this picture whereas, the same in Licuala grandis is very shallow.
We shall wait for others comments.

This is Livistonia chinensis I assume.

I too think that this is Livistonia chinensis.

The apex of leaf segment is not drooping hence it would be Livistona rotundifolia. Anyway young palms can be misleading for ID.

I have studied the two plants on the net and found the following relevant info
Considering these points does it favor more to be Livistonia chinensis
Attaching new pictures showing Petiole and its attachment to the leaf blade which was not clear in previous pictures
Please validate

 Livistonia chinensisLivistona rotundifolia Plant posted by me
 PetiolePetioles longer than the leaf blades, stout, round spines on the petiole;Petiole is not longer than leaf blade, spines do not appear round
 LeafThe leaves of this palm are fairly large and marked costapalmate (palmate but with a ‘costa’ or midrib down the middle at which point the palm has a deep ‘V’) with elegant drooping leaflets about the distal ¼ of the leaf.leaf blades round, not deeply incised, the tips not drooping or scarcely droopingThe leaves of this palm are fairly large and marked with a midrib down the middle at which point the palm has a deep ‘V’)

Plant book

Licuala is out of contention, because it has leaves, almost undivided blade with toothed outer margin

There is a close race between Livistona chinensis and L. rotundifolia, but I will go with L. chinensis for two reasons
1. The leaf of L. rotundifolia has uncut portion more than half, whereas in L. chinensis the cuts proceed below middle
2. The upper leaf surface more delicate and flatter in L. rotundifolia, deeper grooves in L. chinensis

The plant is too young to show pendulous tips, generally seen in older plants. But who knows, some other species may spring up. Frankly I don’t have much experience with palms, but know Licuala and Livistona clear differences.


Palm Tree for ID : Oman : 250612 : AK-1: A small, ornamental, cultivated palm in one of the gardens photographed on 9/6/2011. Green fruits seen. Id please.

How about Chinese Fan Palm (Livistona chinensis)?

I agree with … i.e. Livistona chinensis (Jacq.) R. Br. ex Mart.


Regarding the plant name, species: 3 images- 2 high res.
Place: Kurukshetra Haryana

Date: 04/02/24
Time: 11:02 AM IST

Pritchardia pacifica Seem. & H.Wendl ??

Pl. check.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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