Dipcadi ursulae Blatt., J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 32: 735 1928. (Syn: Ornithogalum ursulae (Blatt.) J.C.Manning & Goldblatt); . Western India as per WCSP; . As per efi thread: On Checking the Key from BSI the following plant may be Dipcadi ursulae and not Dipcadi montanum as the bracts are longer than pedicel; . Kas week : Dipcadi for ID. SMP 07/10/2012: Dipcadi ursulae? Yes, … You are right in your reasoning.
With bracts longer than pedicels you may please correct this to D. ursulae.
Kaas week :Dipkadi ursulae: Dipkadi ursulae I think Dipcadi ursulae
Kas Week::PKA36: – Dipcadi ursulae??: Flower hopefully 1-1.5 cm; Perianth segments unequal. Pedicels stout (Not filiform); Filaments not adnate wholly to perianth tube. Bracts much longer than pedicels. Bracts long acuminate scarious (Not coriaceous) efloraofindia will benefit the most if more and more members understand the value of character photography (as you have termed it). It would be much more easier for those trying to identify. Perhaps we have to abandon the concept of “flower alone is enough”. Well said … and … ‘Character photography’ is the way to go… Satara, Oct 2014 :: Requesting ID validation – Dipcadi :: ARKOCT-17 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7). Requesting to please validate ID – Dipcadi ursulae – captured near Satara, Maharashtra in October 2014. I have arrived at the names of many of the plants captured at Satara based on the pics already present in the efi database and hence request validation.
Kas Week :: DV :: 19 OCT 07 – 1228 :: Dipcadi montanum: Kas plateau … about 4000 ft asl … one of the 39 World Heritage sites in the Western Ghats of India … on various dates: 19 OCT 07, 28 SEP 08 and 25 AUG 10 Dipcadi montanum (Dalzell) Baker … (family: Asparagaceae) DIP-kad-ee — a Turkish name for the musk hyacinth … Dave’s Botanary I think it should be Dipcadi ursulae as the bract appears longer than the pedicel as well as per images herein.
Kas week: dipcadi 22092011: … Dipcadi montanum to me. Thanks … for posting these crisp pictures. Especially you have photographed nicely to depict the characters clearly. Can not say for sure as bracts are dried. But all the postings from Kas are of Dipcadi ursulae, where the bract appears longer than the pedicel. Also fruit appear to be different from images of Dipcadi montanum (Dalzell) Baker For Id – 270112 – NS1 – from Kaas: Dipcadi montanum I think it should be Dipcadi ursulae as the bract appears longer than the pedicel as well as per images herein. would appreciate a confirmation photographed at Kaas plateau third week of october 2016 Dipcadis on a hillock near Horsely hills in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2) I saw this plant, one of the Dipcadis on a hillock near Horsely hills in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh on 18th June 2017. Location is about 1300 M, dominated by grass, sandy and black soil. Could you please help me identify this? Please compare with the species available in efi. Dipcadi montanum? I think closer to Dipcadi ursulae Blatt. as per comparative images at species available in efi. D montanum In ursulae the bracts are much longer than pedicels. Thanks, …, Bracts are not clearly visible in the first image, but are clear in the 2nd image. From 2nd image these are certainly longer than the pedicel. In view, these should be Dipcadi ursulae Blatt. . Flower for id -ID29092021SH3 Habenaria sp.: 1 image. Flower for Id pl. Which Habenaria ? Location – Kaas Plateau,Maharashtra. Date – September 2021 Any other clear image of flower, leaves and habitat? Sorry, it’s not an Orchidaceae member, Asparagaceae only, Mostly Dipcadi, follow to … for conformation, Thank you … for the clue. Looks Dipcadi ursulae Blatt. But difficult to decide since image is not clear ! By mistake I have uploaded wrong image for id. Extremely sorry for that. I will upload correct photo in a fresh post. I also think Dipcadi ursulae Blatt. as the bracts are longer than the pedicel. . References: |
Dipcadi ursulae
Updated on December 24, 2024