Drimiopsis botryoides Baker, J. Bot. 12: 364 1874. (syn: Drimiopsis botryoides subsp. botryoides ; Drimiopsis bussei Dammer; Drimiopsis erlangeri Dammer; Drimiopsis holstii Engl.; Drimiopsis kirkii Baker; Drimiopsis stuhlmannii Baker; Drimiopsis volkensii (Engl.) Baker; Ledebouria botryoides (Baker) J.C.Manning & Goldblatt; Scilla volkensii Engl.);
Jijamata Udyan Flower Show, Feb 2015 :: Requesting ID of this ornamental:: ARKMAR-02/02 : 13 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (3) Please ID this plant captured at Jijamata Udyan Flower Show in Feb 2015. Is it Gasteria obliqua? efi page on Gasteria obliqua this plant has bothered me ever since I saw it a week ago almost leaves may be gasteria as you suggest … but gasteria never gets these nice small round white flower buds ===== gasteria flower buds are usually red or scarlet round oblong base with pink or green narrow neck which opens to the outside world with five small petals .. in my plants they have always reminded me of red head with attached beaks of flamingoes…or the tailor birds nest shape… ONLY thing I can think of is an african plant not very popular demand but does occur in nursery specialty … I have seen it and marveled that it was asparagus family… it is Ledebouria socialis ‘Lutea’ Asparagaceae family may be … or some one familiar with houseplants can confirm I think … has got it right. Thanks … have you personally seen it anywhere in nursery trade or home etc with open flowers, did you take pictures? the flowers reminded me so much of Scilla indica which led me to the family. Not real sure …, But wondering if there is a green center when it blooms, open flowers? It looks a lot like a Scilla, like Ledebouria, but not sure. Cute plant. Not Gasteria of any sort, completely wrong flower. I don’t think so …, Could be with hybridizing, but it doesn’t look quite right to me. But that doesn’t mean anything really, you could be right, just glad to know someone agrees with the genus. You’re right …, Now that I look at it again, the leaves are Lighter than mine. The green is more green where mine is almost a maroon. but I suppose it could be due to lower light. But I’m not expert on them :- I appreciate your looking at this case and discussing the case and am glad you both agree with the genus and may be even the species. I do want to convey some concerns I have about color variation that you both mention… I have only this to convey… color differences from what you may have, does not mean anything esp. in digital images if color balance or light source was not set correctly for that particular pic…it looks very different and in India : the uv fraction of ambient light is different… making colors often look different from North American pictures of the same flower… trust me, I suffer from this color variation and it drives me nuts, often when my eyes don’t discern any difference yet the flower pictures are all different or wrong color …. happens in print ( in old days of using Kodacolor print film or now in digital SLRs of many kinds). This is the same plant posted by me earlier, … Had suggested as Ledebouria pauciflora, family – ASPARAGACEAE. I have it growing in my balcony. Succulent for ID : 110111 : AK-1 I finally seem to have got the right id in … link….. Drimiopsis kirkii of Hyacinthaceae. Experts kindly validate. efloraofindia:”For Id 21062012MR1’’ potted plant with leaves with blotches at Pune so what does it look like now? and can you correct the colors in pictures? Thank you everyone for a very fruitful discussion…..a very interesting one…..one clue leading to another….. Should we take it as Drimiopsis kirkii then, it does have a close resemblance? Attaching a cropped pic of the flowers Attachments (1) interesting Case …all this confusion in names may be this species should be undergoing some soul searching RECLASSIFICATION OR RE_IDENTIFICATION of the species or even its clade based on real detailed botanical study and DNA analysis… not just a bunch of hurriedly taken pictures may be its a case in flux something to remember and follow up
efloraofindia:”For Id 21062012MR1’’ potted plant with leaves with blotches at Pune: June 2012 Pune . Would appreciate your help to Id this potted plant at a private society at Pune. Sorry the pic with flowers is blurred. looks like sansevieria This plant was identified as Ledebouria socialis (Baker) Jessop. of Family Asparagaceae Id thanks to … at Wild Flowers A reply from … at Wild Flowers I used to know it under the name of [i]Drimiopsis kirkii[/i] or [i]Drimiopsis[/i] sp. (unknown species) …… The plant I have posted looks just the same I think Drimiopsis botryoides as per images and details herein.
Succulent for ID : 110111 : AK-1 : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2) Growing in my balcony here at Muscat, Oman. Leaves have darker green dots. Picture of flowers taken on the 4th of April,2010 and plant taken yesterday…on the 10th of Jan,2011. I think it is Bromelia? This could be Ledebouria pauciflora, family – ASPARAGACEAE Drimiopsis botryoides (Cultivated) as per another thread. Thanks … It also looks closer to Drimiopsis kirkii. I could be wrong. Drimiopsis kirkii is it’s synonym. Thanks … for correcting me.
id from Chandigarh. is it Sensevieria sp.?? PM1 12-10-2017 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4) Habit- Small herb with thick fleshy leaves Habitat- Cactus garden Location- Chandigarh Date- 12-05-2017 Surely not Senseviera sp. I will share my pics too, once any convincing lead is available to me.. Pl. check comparative images at Thanks … I hope Drimiopsis botryoides..
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Drimiopsis botryoides (Cultivated)
Updated on December 24, 2024