Aster falconeri

Aster falconeri (C.B.Clarke) Hutch., 398 1910. (Syn: Aster diplostephioides var. falconeri C.B.Clarke);

by  Alok Mahendroo (Id validation by Chris Chadwell) & Oleg Polunin (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more photos & complete details, click
on the links)




Fwd: Aster falconeri in Kashmir : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)

Here with a scanned in slide taken by the late Oleg Polunin in the 1980s (co-author of ‘Flowers of the Himalaya) showing the delights of
alpine meadows in Kashmir. 
I THINK this is Aster falconeri.
The image posted on eFI as this species, seems highly unlikely to me.
Flowers of Himalaya records this from alpine slopes @ 3000-4200m from Pakistan to W.Nepal.
Stewart found it to be common on alpine meadows in Kashmir @ 3-4000m.
Aster (and related genera) are often difficult to identify.
There is a posting from Pangi originally thought to be Aster falconeri but then named as Erigeron multiradiatus – it is definitely not this Erigeron but may prove to be Aster falconeri, see: efi thread
I do NEED to take a serious look at postings of Aster & Erigeron on eFI but they are tough genera and a DAUNTING task.  There are MANY other genera awaiting my attention, so likely to WAIT a while before CONFRONTING such troublesome genera!

Aster from Pangi Al020112 : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)
Sharing a flower found on the Pangi trip
Name – Aster Falconeri
Location Pangi valley
Altitude 4000 mts
Habitat wild
Habit Herb

I hope Erigeron multiradiatus
Aster has broader ligules and in single series and few in number
Here are links for Erigeron multiradiatus

Sorry sir forgot to attach the third photo with the basal leaves… I
had referred Flowers of India… as the basis of my id

Attachments (1)

I have just taken a look at this posting in connection with an Aster/ Erigeron photographed in Nepal originally thought
to be Aster himalaicus but definitely not this now thought perhaps E.multiradiatus, which it might be.
This is definitely not Erigeron multiradiatus – it may well be Aster falconeri, the original suggestion.
I have not had the time to face the DAUNTING task of scrutinising all Erigerons and Asters from the Himalaya – a challenging
task. I have photos dating back decades which are not named beyond genus i.e. Aster sp.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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