Acmella radicans

Native to: Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Leeward Is., Mexico Central, Mexico Gulf, Mexico Northeast, Mexico Northwest, Mexico Southeast, Mexico Southwest, Nicaragua, Panamá, Peru, Trinidad-Tobago, Venezuela, Venezuelan Antilles, Windward Is. Introduced into: Assam, Bangladesh, India, Netherlands Antilles, Tanzania as per POWO;
Creeping spotflower;
Often confused with A. oleracea but whitish heads and 4-merous heads are distinctive.
A. oleracea heads are much larger, yellow with dark centre. A. radicans is only with whitish heads.
Acmella radicans with white to yellowish-white corolla. Heads are yellow in A paniculata.
A native of Mexico and Central America and considered as Invasive Alien Species in India. Species is found in almost all the India. It reached Pantnagar few years back with construction material (sand) and spreading now.

Requesting id 18112010 asp 01 herb :
Requesting for id of  attached photos, resembles Spilanthes.

Date/Time- 14.11.2010/ 16.30
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Melkote, Mandya district, Karnataka
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- besides agricultural fields
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb-   herb
Height/Length- hardly 100 cm in length

Yes, also had Spilanthes in mind, although not familiar with S. radicans.
The species is now correctly known as  –
Acmella radicans (Jacq.) R.K.Jansen<JSTOR> in Syst. Bot. Monogr. 8: 69 (1985).


Herb for Id- 120112- NS 1- Flora of Madhya Pradesh:
Herb was photographed in d wild at Betul , MP. Dated- 12.12.11.  Plz Id.

… species of Acmella ?

Perhaps Acmella radicans var. radicans

How about Acmella oleracea?

A. oleracea heads are much larger, yellow with dark centre. A. radicans is only with whitish heads.



Acmella species for ID 17/01/2012 SMP2:  Attaching pictures of an Acmella species observed in Sinhagad valley near Pune.
Habit : Herb found near rice fields. Nov 2011
Height of the plant 1to 1.5 feet.
Flower heads 1cm or so.

I tried to read the key for Acmella but it seems to be difficult for me unless I see several other species from the genus.
Taking a short cut route for ID.
For me it looks like Spilanthus paniculata (S.acmella)
Spelling is also different at diff sources here it is from BSI Flora of Mah.

I hope Acmella radicans with white to yellowish-white corolla. Heads are yellow in A paniculata


Acmella ? Hooghly SK1 28Nov12:  Attaching images of a herb found on roadside.

Species : Acmella radicans var. radicans ? ???
H & H : about 2 feet high
Date : 28/11/12, 10.57 a.m.
Place : Hooghly
Sites visited :-

Looks like Acmella oleracea to me.

Thank you …, but it doesn’t look like Acmella oleracea to me.

I think Acmella oleracea as suggested by …

Thank you Sir, i thought florets are greenish white and 4-merous.

On reconsideration perhaps you are right, Acmella radicans var. radicans

Earlier upload on the group perhaps had younger heads. Yes often confused with A. oleracea but whitish heads and 4-merous heads are distinctive. Thanks for pointing out.

Thank you Sir, attaching larger pictures of heads, not clear though.

I hope you have seen the key uploaded by me.

efi thread

Your key on Spilanthes acmella is in the top of the ID help list of my post. I wish to collect all such keys prepared by you on various genera and compile it to a list so that it can be a ready reckoner and kept in the top position of eFI site.

Wild Flower for ID – 210112 – RK:
Pics taken on 08-01-12 in Lakkavally [ on the R. Bhadravati banks], Karnataka at 9.30am. About 4′ high shrub. Request ID.

It is a Acmella spp

Looks like Acmella oleracea but it is an annual herb not growing more than 30 cm or so.

I think Acmella radicans var. radicans, after seeing the upload by …



281211 BRS290: Pl. find the attached file contain photo for id. request.

Date: 22.12.2011
Location: NBNP , Anaikatti, Coimbatore Dist.,
Habitat: wild
Habit: Herb

Nice pictures of Spilanthes (now Acmella), may be A. radicans.

Yes I think … is correct this plant surely looks like Acmella radicans

Acmella species indeed

Acmella radicans var. radicans


Acmella radicans observed in Sinhagad valley Pune in Dec 2011.
Corolla white with purple tinge.

Nice photos … Many thanks for sharing this Acmella.

I am hesitant about uploading my sightings – not confident about my IDs.
We have a interesting and educative upload by … Spilanthes acmella confusion.

Eagerly waiting for uploads of

  • Acmella calva (DC) R. K. Jensen
  • Acmella ciliata (Kunth) Cass.
  • Acmella oleracea (L.) R. K. Jensen
  • Acmella paniculata (Wall. ex DC) R. K. Jensen
  • Acmella radicans (Jacq.) R. K. Jensen var. radicans

Initially I was hesitant to accept this ID suggested by … as this species is not mentioned in BSI Flora Mah. but as per the Key suggested by him it has to be correct.

Certainly no doubts of … ID, …
But these Acmella (earlier popular as Spilanthes) are confusing to me.
Forgot to add another common species Acmella uliginosa (Sw.) Cass.
Hoping that the confusion gets cleared with various uploads.

Spilanthes radicans Jacq. is a native of Mexico and Central America and considered as Invasive Alien Species in India. Species is found in almost all the India. It reached Pantnagar few years back with construction material (sand) and spreading now.
The Plant list 2010 mentions this species as Acmella radicans but I have followed here the name as mentioned by Karthikeyan et al. 2009 in their document “Flowering Plants of India Dicotyledons- Vol-I (Acanthaceae –Aviceniaceae).

Now known as Acmella radicans var. radicans
Good photographs …
efi thread

Seen this Acmella sp. en-route Bhimashankar.
Date/Time: 05-11-2011 / 10:00AM
Bot. name: Acmella paniculata??

Acmella radicans I hope.

Yes this one looks similar to the one posted by me. Acmella radicans.


Asteraceae Week (Part I – Radiate heads) :: Acmella ¿ paniculata / radicans ? near Jog Falls :: 16 DEC 12 11:57 :: DV42 : 3 images. 3 posts by 2 authors.
Acmella ¿ paniculata / radicans ?

Place, Altitude: near Jog Falls (1500 ft asl)
Date, Time: 16 DEC 12 11:57am
Habitat: wild, along trail to the falls, growth on wall made of cut-rocks.
Habit: herb; apologies – not able to recall dimensions

A. paniculata I think has yellow heads. This should be A. radicans only.

Thank you very much for the ID, …
This plant is commonly found on hills of northern Western Ghats.

3 images.  3 posts by 2 authors.
Acmella ¿ radicans ?
Place, Altitude: Prabal Machi, village en-route Prabalgad (1400 ft asl)
Date, Time: 28 JAN 12 03:57pm
Habitat: wild, among cultivated plants
Habit: low herb, about 6 – 7 inches high … perhaps this could be stunted growth. Elsewhere have found it growing about 2 ft high; flower-head about 4 – 5 mm across

Yes it id Acmella radicans


Dec 2015
Talegaon Dabhade Pune
is this wild herb any Acmella species? I have only one pix

Acmella species with keys

Yes to some species of Acmella.
Could be A. radicans OR paniculata … let us wait for validating comment(s).

its A.radicans


Fwd: Acmela radicans ? : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
This acmella has been capture recently at Nahan at 700mt. It looks me as Acmella radicans. what is your opinion.

I think seems to match with images of this species at Acmella

Yes A.radicans to me too.
I think it is not known earlier from Himachal Pradesh. A native of Tropical America and Mexico, this species is spreading rapidly in India.

its certainly A radicans



Fwd: [efloraofindia:239326] For Id VD 070216- 2 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)

Possibly Acmella sp. Asteraceae

I too was thinking of Acmella sp esp Acmella radicans because of the whitish creamish heads ref eFI page /species/a—l/ar/asteraceae/acmella/acmella-radicans

its Acmella radicans


Acmella radicans :: Vythiri, Wayanad :: 13 NOV 19 : 3 posts by 2 authors. 3 images.
… at a resort  in Vythiri, Wayanad
Date: November 13, 2019 … Altitude: about 700 m (2,300 ft) asl
Acmella radicans  (Jacq.) R.K.Jansen

Pl id white flower in dandeli : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)-  3 mb.
Pl id white flower in dandeli, Karnataka, February

Please send the closeup of the flower heads.

Check it with Acmella radicans !!

Seen this herb en-route Prabalgad (Near Panvel, Maharashtra). Looks like some Acmella sp.
Date/Time: 28-01-2012 / 04:00PM
Plant habit: Herb

I hope Acmella paniculata

I think this is  Acmella radicans (Jacq.) R.K.Jansen as per images and details herein.


Small Plant for ID : Nasik : 21APR21 : AK-10: 1 image.
Saw this plant growing wild.
I have only one picture.
Acmella Species?

Acemella radicans


Amboli, MH :: Asteraceae for ID :: ARK2021-102: 2 images.
This was seen by the roadside at Amboli hill station, MH in Aug 2021.
Can this be some Acmella species?
Requested to please provide ID.

Acmella radicans


Wild Plant for ID : Nasik : 29NOV21 : AK – 028: 3 images.
Seen yesterday (28.11.21) in the Gangapur Grasslands.

Acmella radicans (Jacq.) R.K.Jansen !


Asteraceae plant for id: 2 high res. images.
Request for id of an Asteraceae plant from Bilaspur. Photographed in February, 2022.
Appears to be Acmella.

Yes it is Acmella radicans (Jacq.) R.K.Jansen syn Spilanthes radicans Jacq.

To me also appears close to images at Acmella radicans (Jacq.) R.K.Jansen


Updated on December 24, 2024

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