Sphagneticola trilobata

Sphagneticola trilobata (L.) Pruski, (syn. New York Bot. Gard. 78 114 1996.; Acmella brasiliensis Spreng.; Acmella spilanthoides Cass.; Buphthalmum procumbens Desf. ex Steud.; Buphthalmum repens Lam.; Buphthalmum strigosum Spreng.; Complaya trilobata (L.) Strother; Seruneum trilobatum (L.) Kuntze; Silphium trilobatum L.; Sphagneticola ulei O.Hoffm.; Stemmodontia carnosa (Rich.) O.F.Cook & G.N.Collins; Stemmodontia trilobata (L.) Small [Illegitimate]; Thelechitonia trilobata (L.) H.Rob. & Cuatrec.; Verbesina carnosa (Rich.) M.Gómez (Unresolved); Verbesina tridentata Spreng.; Wedelia brasiliensis (Spreng.) S.F.Blake; Wedelia carnosa Rich. [Illegitimate]; Wedelia crenata Rich. [Illegitimate]; Wedelia paludosa DC.; Wedelia trilobata (L.) Hitchc.);
sfag-net-TEE-koh-luh — sphagnum-dwellerDave’s Botanary
try-lo-BAY-tuh — three-lobed (leaved)Dave’s Botanary
commonly known as: Bay Biscayne creeping ox-eye, creeping daisy, goldcup, rabbit’s paw, Singapore daisy, trailing daisy, water zinnia, wedelia, wild marigold, yellow dots
Native to: Mexico, Central America, Caribbean; naturalised elsewhere; also cultivated
As per efi thread:  
The leaves may not always be trilobate in W. trilobata, but leaves are broadly winged, corolla orange-yellow and ray florets longer (15-20 mm long); In W. chinensis leaves are less broadly winged at base, flower lighter yellow and ray florets 10-12 mm long.
Distinct from S. chinensis by its orange-yellow flower heads, abruptly narrowed and disstinctly winged leaf base and achenes blackish with scaly pappus.
Grow as a thick green cover on the ground in several gardens. 

Sphagneticola trilobata, commonly known as the Singapore Daisy, Creeping-oxeye, Trailing Daisy, and Wedelia.[3][4] is a plant in the Heliantheae tribe of the Asteraceae (sunflower) family.

It is native to Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean, but now grows throughout the Neotropics.
It is widely cultivated as an ornamental groundcover.[5]
Spreading, mat-forming perennial herb up to 30 cm in height. Has rounded stems up to 40cms long, rooting at nodes and with the flowering stems ascending. Leaves are fleshy, hairy, 4–9 cm long and 2–5 cm wide, serrate or irregularly toothed, normally with pairs of lateral lobes, and dark green above and lighter green below. Peduncles are 3–10 cm long; involucres are campanulate to hemispherical, about 1 cm high; chaffy bracts are lanceolate, rigid. The flowers are bright yellow ray florets of about 8-13 per head, rays are 6–15 mm long; disk-corollas 4–5 mm long. The pappus is a crown of short fimbriate scales. The seeds are tuberculate achenes, 4–5 mm long. Propagation is mostly vegetatively as seeds are usually not fertile.[6]
It has a very wide ecological tolerance range, but grows best in sunny areas with well-drained, moist soil at low elevations.[7]
Sphagneticola trilobata is listed in the IUCN’s “List of the world’s 100 worst invasive species”.[8] It is spread by people as an ornamental or groundcover that is planted in gardens, and then it is spread into surrounding areas by dumping of garden waste. It spreads vegetatively, not by seed. It rapidly forms a dense ground cover, crowding away and preventing other plant species from regenerating. This species is widely available as an ornamental and is therefore likely to spread further.
(From Wikipedia on 10.5.13)

identification no sn010611sn2:
Kindly identify this flower. Taken at Mulshi, Pune in April11

i think this is wedelia

Why not Sphagneticola trilobata 

Both are right! Wedelia trilobata is a synonym of Sphagneticola trilobata 

Please identify this flower and plant:
Here I attached the picture of a flower that attracts butterflies for font
of Nectaring. Please identify the plant.

Here i attach more pictures of the plant for identification. This plant is a herb.

it looks like wedelia trilobata, an ornamental,  for me too; similar pictures of wedelia trilobata is posted herewith

I too think that this is Wedelia trilobata (Asteraceae) common name: Creeping Daisy.
Grow as a thick green cover on the ground in several gardens.
Now it become a weed in coastal areas of Kerala.

The accepted name for Wedelia trilobata as per theplantlist.org is Sphagneticola trilobata (L.) Pruski

Flora of Panipat: Wedelia trilobata:
Wedelia trilobata
From Herbal Garden Samalkha Panipat

Often becomes gregarious if left unattended.

Yes Sir same situation here


efloraofindia:”For Id 28082011MR2’’ shrub Pune:
Request for identification

Date/Time- Aug 2011
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS-Pune
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-Garden
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb-  Shrub
Height/Length- 2-3 feet
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- green
Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- yellow flowers
Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds-Not seen 

This is Creeeping Daizy or Spaghneticola trilobata (L.) Pruski syn. Wedelia trilobata. W. chinensis is a wild herb with small flowers.

In addition leaves are 3-lobed in Wedelia trilobata and petiole winged (not so in W. chinensis)


ID 220911 SB01:
ID request for this common, grown in flower beds, Asteraceae member
I think we had identified this in between, but i am unable to find the link of this.

I think this is Wedelia. Possibly Wedelia trilobata.

Yes confirmed Wedelia chinensis– from Asteraceae

I think it is Wedelia trilobata and not W. chinensis
1. In W. chinensis the florets are pale yellow and not bright yellow as here
2. The leaves are never three lobed in W. chinensis, they can be seen here in few leaves
3. Leaf base is winged as seen here, not in W. chinensis
Thanks Sir. Yes,
1. The florets were pretty bright and not pale at all
2. The leaves were very much lobed and ovate (and not narrow at both ends as in case of W. chinensis)
3. Leaf base does seem to be lobed, but i think for that i should have taken a better picture
Sir, many thanks for bringing this to notice.

I am learning by committing mistakes. I want to clear my concepts and so the following questions. I am attaching the pic of my previous post which was id’d as W chinensis. In this pic the leaves did not appear distinctly trilobed.
It was possible for me to take more pics of the SAME PLANT  today
In some parts of the plant leaves look trilobed and in others single.
am I calling the correct part winged petiole?
And are these flowers pale or bright yellow?
I have labelled each pic with my queries?
If you can be kind enough to answer my qs?

Yes Wedelia trilobata again

Is the current name Sphagneticola trilobata (L.) Pruski
Synonym: Wedelia trilobata (L.) Hitchc

Yes .. I tink plant has a bunch of synonyms
you can check out from the link below.

I was lucky to see both the plants near my home and could understand the differences better. Attaching pics showing differences in height, leaves and flowers.
Also attaching a .doc file with info on the two

Thats a great effor ….!!!
Thanks for sharing.
Yes the concerned plant is Wedelia trilobata and Wedelia chinensis.
I think the information on PLANT LIST is a bit confusing as it shows both Wedelia trilobata and Sphagneticola trilobata as accepted names.
It needs to be checked.


Flora of Haryana: Wedelia sp from TDL Herbal Park Yamunanagar:

Wedelia sp from TDL Herbal Park Yamunanagar
My guess W chinensis
pls validate

the leaves are like- Wedelia trilobata.
cauz flower of both W.chinensis n W. trilobata. appear same, my guess is trilobata sp.

To me it looks like W chinensis as the flower is yellow and not golden or orange yellow also leaves do not look like W trilobata. they are not winged. Was it more spreading on the ground or about 3-4 ft in ht (more in favour of W chinensis)

It was spreading on Ground

I think Wedelia trilobata

As I am not a Botanist I am a bit confused about the term trilobate.
Is it that if the leaf has three lobes it is termed trilobate or does the midrib have to reach the apex of the side lobes or even if it is to the side it is still called trilobate? I would be grateful if somebody helps me out with this

Three lobed is trilobate

Sphagneticola trilobata (L.) Pruski is the current name for this garden escape.

Attaching both W.trilobata n W. Chineisis for comparison.
In d Pic of Trilobata , der r just 2 leaves visible.
Here r real good pics of trilobata sp by … at efi thread

I think both your photographs belong to W. trilobata
The leaves may not always be trilobate in W. trilobata, but leaves are broadly winged, corolla orange-yellow and ray florets longer (15-20 mm long;
In W. chinensis leaves are less broadly winged at base, flower lighter yellow and ray florets 10-12 mm long.
I am uploading both for comparison.

Ohh Thanks … Got it, but It’s little confusing that ” leaves may not always be trilobate in W. trilobata “.
I think that’s Y we need experts like you. I m learning….loooon way to go.

Thanks … for your kind words. Perhaps this link should help

And plz confirm that these pics ( as I have deduced ) r of- W. trilobata.
These too taken at Pune, at diff site.

Yes W. trilobata


unknown yellow from Alipore 26-05-12 SK:
I always believe that Botany is for serious faced professors having baritone voices. Was trying to obtain ID of this plant by google searching for about an hour. But cosmos, daisy, zinnia, marigold, Bidens, Arnica all looked same!

So, it is before you…!
Species : UNKNOWN
Habit & Habitat : trailing garden herb, less than 1 foot
Date : 25-05-12, 1.32 p.m.
Place : Agri-Horticultural Society of India, Alipore (Calcutta)

this is peeta bhringaraj in Sanskrit

Wedelia calendulacea called simply bhringaraj in bengali
if you ask the local green leaf/herb vendor to get you bhringaraj in WB this what you’ll get
Hort plants these in big long rows all over every year .
elliot park on chowringhee used to do so too!
In most of rest of india, herb vendor/supplier would get you … eclipta alba, bhringaraj….

I really compliment you on your great knowledge of plants, their local names and uses. Yes it is Wedelia, but I feel darker (orangish) colour of flowers, broader leaf base and trilobate leaves suggest W. trilobata, which has taken over many areas as escape from cultivation. Wedelia calendulacea, now correctly known as W. chinensis, has lighter coloured flowers, petiole not expanded (winged) and leaves not trilobed.

So, there is another bhringaraj besides Eclipta alba. This wedelia flowers are favourite to grass blue and gram blue. There were many of them.

Thank you for the ID of this species. Noticed that this plant is nectar plant for some butterflies.

Attaching some more pictures for the identification of this species. Is it possible that there were two Wedelia species growing side by side? I stepped down my camera aperture (white balance) to 3 or 4 steps in order to get rid of bright sunlight. This may explain darker colour of the flowers.

by now we must be at such terms that you should not have to first complement me … ha ha…
you could just have corrected my mistake, no need to go softly…
I must look into my notes…
Several years ago we were introduced to Bengali Bhringaraj at that very spot and I believe i took some pictures and may be even made a herbarium specimen.. will have to look it up and
read the refs based on what you just told me…

Found a similar post by … at efi thread. There is a discussion over W. chinensis & W. trilobata.
Another post by … featuring W. calendulacea / W. chinensis is at efi thread.

But none of the above helped me decide.

  • Three varities of ‘bhringaraja’ is available at efi thread.
  • ‘prostata’ can be ‘erecta’, then it is called ecotype efi thread.

Well, this is for my own learning.

I quote you: ” suggest W. trilobata, which has taken over many areas as escape from cultivation” why is it cultivated…


Herb for ID: SPC-015 : 19-09-12 : Baroda:
Please help to identify this flower seen in a house garden, it is quite common but I don’t know the botanical id. Leaves rough, opposite.

It is Sphagneticola trilobata (= Wedelia trilobata).


Hooghly Today : Sphagneticola trilobata (L.) Pruski:
This seems to be the same Wedelia trilobata (L.) Hitchc. as has been identified in my earlier post, at efi thread.
This time the plant is growing wild, in a roadside waste place in Hooghly.


Asteraceae fortynight :art 1 : radiate heads.: ID No. MS 100213 -110:Sphagneticola trilobata: Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author.
Sending the photographs of Sphagneticola trilobata syn. Wedelia trilobata . Date of photograph not known. Place : Mysore 


Asteraceae Week Part I-Radiate heads:- Wedelia trilobata from Pune –MR11 : Attachments (12). 3 posts by 2 authors.
sharing images of Wedelia trilobata from Pune. It was interesting for me to see how different the flowers looked at different stages of development. Also the flowers attract many insects esp butterflies

Yes … Very well illustrated display.


Asteraceae Week (Part I – Radiate heads) :: Sphagneticola trilobata at Thane :: DV31 : 3 images. 2 posts by 2 authors.
Sphagneticola trilobata (L.) Pruski
Popular synonym: Wedelia trilobata (L.) Hitchc. 

sfag-net-TEE-koh-luh — sphagnum-dwellerDave’s Botanary
try-lo-BAY-tuh — three-lobed (leaved)Dave’s Botanary
commonly known as: Bay Biscayne creeping ox-eye, creeping daisy, goldcup, rabbit’s paw, Singapore daisy, trailing daisy, water zinnia, wedelia, wild marigold, yellow dots
Native to: Mexico, Central America, Caribbean; naturalised elsewhere; also cultivated
References: Flowers of IndiaDave’s GardenWikipedia NPGS / GRIN  at various gardens in Thane


ASTERACEAE Fortnight Part-I Radiate Heads May 1-14: Wedelia trilobata from Uttarakhand_DSR_18 : Attachments (1).  2 posts by 2 authors. Wedelia trilobata (L.) Hitch. [=Silphium trilobatum L.] is a common ornamental perennial in Pantnagar making complete cover over ground.
This ‘Creeping Daisy’ is a native of America and widely cultivated in Tropics and sub tropics of the world.
Now correctly known as Sphagneticola trilobata (L.) Pruski

Asteraceae Week Part I-Radiate heads::Sphagneticola trilobata Pune. SMP28 :  4 images. 2 posts by 2 authors.
Sphagneticola trilobata Syn. Wedelia trilobata. Ornamental.

This spreading ornamental was shot from Panipat.. I have identified this as Sphagneticola trilobata… please correct me, as I have not yet distinguishably observed W. trilobata and W. chinensis

Forwarding again for validation please. efi pages: Sphagneticola trilobata & Sphagneticola calendulacea

I too want to know the differences between the two species. I am doubly confused, if not more.

If i take FoC is the VED-VAKYA yours is not Sphagneticola trilobata (Linnaeus) Pruski. Because-
  1. flowers have more than 8 ray florets
  2. FoC is silent on position of capitula. Neither it has illustration (though seems to be very common, for ornamental + escape). But the same FoC equates it with Silphium trilobatum Linnaeus. I found one herbarium from The Linnean Society, showing axillary head – http://www.linnean-online.org/10864/
  1. heads are axillary as per FoC illustration – http://www.efloras.org/object_page.aspx?object_id=121783&flora_id=2
  2. FoC equates it with Verbesina calendulacea Linnaeus. I found a herbarium, again from Linnean Society, showing terminal head – http://www.linnean-online.org/10523/
  3. We have our own “Indian Medicinal Plants” illustration – http://plantillustrations.org/illustration.php?id_illustration=162200 !!!
  4. Please also check – http://plantillustrations.org/species.php?id_species=1072567, (specially Hortus Indicus Malabaricus – http://plantillustrations.org/illustration.php?id_illustration=123264)
One more site for Verbesina calendulacea
Two more sites for Sphagneticola trilobata (L.) Pruski –
I skip Bengal Plants, F. I. and Fl. Br. Ind.
My questions are –
  1. Who is/are correct?
  2. Is/are someone/somebodies misleading the world?
I will be waiting for experts’ views.
This might help me to determine my posts.

Sphagneticola trilobata (L.) Pruski. Syn: Wedelia trilobata (L.) Hitchcock
Distinct from S. chinensis by its orange-yellow flower heads, abruptly narrowed and disstinctly winged leaf base and achenes blackish with scaly pappus.

After … post I ID’d this plant in our garden.
A photo is posted here taken today for ID confirmation.
Is it Wedelia trilobata?

I think yes. Very good photographs.

Asteraceae Week (Part I – Radiate heads) :Wedelia chinensis :  Attachments (2).  3 posts by 3 authors.
Wedelia chinensis from Mumbai

Wedelia trilobata I think.


Asteraceae Fortnight Part 3-Ligulate heads (plus misc.): 140713 ARK-31 : Wedelia trilobata from Mumbai – September 2012 : Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author.
Attached are pictures of Wedelia trilobata captured in a cultivated garden in Mumbai in September 2012.

FJ9 031113 : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors.
Can you please ID this small herbaceous plant with yellow flowers. Photo was taken in Fiji in Sep 2013.

Sphagneticola trilobata (= Wedelia t.)


Sphagneneticola trilobata—-for sharing and validation : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1).
Pic taken at ambyvalley rd., lonavala, pune in oct.13

Could the learned members of the group establish the identity of these flowers growing wild at the Panchkula Golf Club, Haryana, in a swampy patch and also observed on the banks of a nallah Sukhna Lake, Chandigarh?
Any background information on this flower would be welcome. 

Wedelia chinensis I think.

This is Wedelia trilobata (L.) A.S. Hitchc. belongs to the family Asteraceae. It is a native of Tropical America naturalized in many parts of the tropics. This is one of the best ground covers in the middle east gardens.

ID request 040515SG : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Requesting ID of following spread ornamental. Photo taken on 23Oct14 near Mohol, Maharashtra

Trilobed leaves are more clear in images, so plant should be Sphagneticola trilobata (L.) Pruski {Syn: Wedelia trilobata A.St.-Hil. ; W. trilobata (L.) Hitchc.}.

I think it is weedelia sinensis

With due respect, based on every international taxonomic records and databases (KEW, GRIN, Missouri Botanical Garden, The New York Botanical Garden, IPNI etc.) there is no legitimate species like “Wedelia sinensis” as well as missing in TPL. And species name W. sinensis  is mistakenly available or listed in with some herbal or biocare product websites.

Thanks, …, He must have meant as Wedelia chinensis (Osbeck) Merr. (synonym of Sphagneticola calendulacea (L.) Pruski)

This could be a variety of Sphagneticola trilobata ( earlier “Wedelia“)

SK749 22 SEP-2017:ID : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)
Location:  New Town Eco Park
                 Kolkata, India
Date: 10 September 2017
Elevation : 25 ft.

Sphagneticola trilobata

Thank you …! Sphagneticola trilobata (L.) Pruski

Images by J.M.Garg (Validation by Chandramohan Reddy), Satish Phadke, Balkar Singh (Id by Gurcharan Singh), Shweta Bhatt (Id by Prasad dash & Gurcharan Singh), Sonia Chauhan (Id by Vijayasankar Raman), Surajit Koley, Bhagyashri Ranade & Nidhan Singh (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more photos & complete details, click on the links)



IDENTITY : 66 : 7 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1)
A roadside small plant with bright yellow flowers. 
Identity please.

Sphagneticola trilobata (L.) Pruski ??

a wedelia sp

Syn : Wedelia trilobata (L.) A.

All I have to say is, size of lateral lobes is very variable in this species … whenever I observe non-existent lateral lobes,
I check whole spread and I always manage to discover leaves with sizeable lateral lobe … and I stamp it as S. trilobata.
I do not think I have seen S. calendulacea yet. 

yes i go with triolaba


Sphagneticola trilobata for validation: 1 high res. images.
Request for validation of Sphagneticola trilobata growing wild in Bilaspur. Photographed in May 2022.

Yes from me. It is seen near my house spreads on the ground. Used as a ground cover.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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