Carthamus lanatus L., 830 1753. (Syn: Anactis pilosa Raf.; Atractylis fusus-agrestis Gaertn.; Atractylis lanata Scop.; Atractylis leucocephala Moench; Atractylis lutea Bubani; Atractylis pilosa Moench; Calcitrapa lanuginosa Steud.; Carduncellus lanatus Moris; Carduus attractylis Garsault [Invalid]; Carthamus albus Desf.; Carthamus elatus (Gasp.) Nyman; Carthamus exsuccus Chaix; Carthamus lanatus var. abyssinicus (A.Rich.) Sch.Bip. ex Schweinf. ……..; Carthamus macedonicus Herzog [Invalid]; Carthamus tauricus M.Bieb.; Carthamus turbinatus Nyman; Centaurea lanata (L.) Lam. & DC.; Kentrophyllum elatum Gasp.; Kentrophyllum lanatum (L.) DC.; Kentrophyllum lanatum (L.) DC. ex Duby; Kentrophyllum lanatum var. abyssinicum A.Rich.; Kentrophyllum tauricum (M.Bieb.) C.A.Mey.; Kentrophyllum turbinatum Gasp. ex Guss.); . woolly distaff thistle or saffron thistle; . Common names: distaff thistle, downy safflower, saffron thistle; woolly safflower; woolly star thistle Prickly Plant !! . Asteraceae Fortnight Part 3-Ligulate heads (Plus Misc.): Carthamus lanatus from Nainital-GS2: Attachments (2). 2 posts by 2 authors. Carthamus lanatus Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 830. 1753. Common names: distaff thistle, downy safflower, saffron thistle; woolly safflower; woolly star thistle Loosely cobwebby brached herb, leaves 10-15 cm long, divided along margin into linear or lanceolate spine-tipped lobes; heads 25-35 mm long, some what tomentose, outer phyllaries spreading and longer than inner; corolla yellow, sometimes darkly veined, anthers yellow; achene brown 4-6 mm long with scaly pappus The species is very common in Kashmir along woadsides, wastelansds, more common along Pampore karewas. Photographed from Baramulla, Kashmir in July, 2011 .
Heads are too small for C. falconeri It is Carthamus lanata Cirsium falconeri is found in Alpine regions Carduus ?? What could be the possible I’d? Carthamus lanatus, heads are yellow but tend to fade with aged Here is my post I guess you are right … Sir ! I also agree as per images at Carthamus lanatus L. Thank you….Matched. . References: |
Carthamus lanatus
Updated on December 24, 2024