Carthamus oxyacanthus


Asteraceae species for ID: Please help for the ID of the attach plant.
Recorded from Gurgaon, Haryana
Flowering: April -May

This is Carthamus oxycantha, a troublesome weed in wheat fields, creates nuisance for the persons harvesting the crop through its entirely spiny foliage.

Flora of Panipat- Carthamus oxyacanthus 16072011–5: Carthamus oxyacanthus
From Lohari Panipat

Carthamus oxycantha from Haryana- NS April 02 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (5)
This spiny herb was a weed of wheat fields in our area..
but that was years back.. now completely eradicated due to excessive weedicide use..

These pics were taken from wheat fields near Panchkula, Haryana.. Carthamus oxycantha..


yellowPricklyWildflower : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
I found this wild flower plant in a ‘wasteland’ near wheat fields. This plant has come up only now that is March and in spring time!
I found that this is very similar to the Mexican Poppy in terms of its overall structure etc.

Would appreciate if someone can identify this plant.

this beautiful snap is of carthamus lanatus most probably commonly called as safflower

Carthamus oxyacanthus as per images herein.


on-5.5.2009 In the dry river area at Bilwari(Jaipur); 24-4-08- Near IOC Refinery Panipat;ID(dkb-29) – efloraofindia | Google GroupsAsteraceae herb from IOC refinery for id pls – efloraofindia | Google Groups


Neemrana sandy soils


I think Carthamus oxyacanthus M.Bieb., as per images and details herein.

Yes … !

Seems correct!

Updated on December 24, 2024

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