Echinops niveus Wall. ex DC., Prodr. 6:526. 1838 (“1837”); . Spiny herb with simple stem, densely cottony; leaves up to 20 cm long, bipinnatifid, divided into linear spiny segments, margins recurved, densely cottony beneath; Heads globose, 6-8 cm across, spines not projecting; outer involucre bracts few, spathulate, spine-tipped, inner connate when mature, 20-30 mm long. . Asteraceae Fortnight Part 2-Discoid heads- Echnops niveus from Chakrata-GS40 : Attachments (4). 2 posts by 2 authors. Echinops niveus Wall. ex DC, Prodr. 6:526. 1838 Spiny herb with simple stem, densely cottony; leaves up to 20 cm long, bipinnatifid, divided into linear spiny segments, margins recurved, densely cottony beneath; Heads globose, 6-8 cm across, spines not projecting; outer involucre bracts few, spathulate, spine-tipped, inner connate when mature, 20-30 mm long. Photographed in Chakrata area and along Mussoorie Chakrata Road. . Echinops niveus from Chakrata: Only today I was going through the pics of the tour and wanted to know the name of this plant, thanks for the same. Asteraceae Fortnight Part 2-Discoid Heads: Echinops niveus for validation from Chakrata – NS 46 : Attachments (4 + 3). 3 posts by 2 authors. This erect spineous shrub was shot from Deoban road, Chakrata area.. I hope this should be Echinops niveus.. please correct me.. Found more pics.. hope they help in clarifying.. Great photographs. Thanks …
ANNOV36 Which Echninops sp.? : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5) Road to Chakrata November 2014 Looks like Echinops echinatus. It is Echinopsis niveus Thank you very much sir.
This Echinops? sp. was shot from various locations in Gori valley area.. the flower heads are bluish, the spines shorter than the flowers in mature heads, leaves much dissected than Echinops niveus.. please help to fix the id… May be Echinops niveus It may be some other species in view of comments of … in another thread. Would be helpful to know the altitudinal range of locations in Gori Valley where you found this Echinops? I do not have any check-lists for Uttarakhand to help but ‘Enumeration of the Flowering Plants of Nepal’ Vol III (1982). only lists 2 species: E.cornigerus and E.niveus. This publication gives a distribution for every species and altitudinal range in Nepal. It is likely that your specimen is one of these species. Does not match what I understand to be E.cornigerus E.cornigerus is recorded (in Nepal) from 2400-3300m; E.niveus from 1400-1700m (only in W.Nepal). Your images certainly look very different to the E.cornigerus I know from Ladakh (accepting that the climatic conditions would be much more arid and hot during summer months than in the Gori Valley). Yes, the foliage is markedly dissected but I am not familiar with this species in the wild. I draw your attention to a pressed specimen in the Kew herbarium collected by Blinkworth almost 200 years ago (I think in what is now Uttarakhand) with similar dissected foliage of E.niveus. There is also a specimen from what was Burma named as var. burmanicus which suggests varieties have been recognised. The line drawing of E.niveus in ‘Flora Simlensis’ shows dissected foliage with linear lobes. I also note that Stewart records E.niveus to 2700m and Eastwards to Garhwal. Will the elevation you found this globe thistle help provide supporting evidence, or not? I am sorry to unnecessarily prolong the matter. The delay on my part was mainly due to the fact that I could not ascertain the exact locality of collection of this plant. The area visited ranges in altitude from 2200 m (Munsiyari) to 650 m (Jauljibi), passing through 2010 m (Chokouri) and 1900 m (Kosani). I assume this plant to be collected near Kosani on Kosani-Ranikhet route i.e. from 1500-1600 m. (P.S.- As I generally name the identified plants as soon as they are identified in the original folder itself, the sequence of pics as recorded in camera is lost, making the things jumbled). Echinops from Solan : 12 posts by 3 authors. pls help id for this sp of Echinops Is it Echinops sphaerocephalus?? May be E cornigerus also Yes may be i am not too confirmed!! i am also not so confirmed Yes i will also like to know Echinops sphaerocephalus is the plant !! I have collected Echinopsis echinatus from Pune Maharashtra. It is Echinops nevius Echinops Species for ID : Patni Top : 16JUL19 : AK-23 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) With the current discussion on Echinops, I am posting my pictures from Patni Top in Kashmir. These pictures were taken in Sept, 2011. I had labelled them as Echinops echinatus, which could be wrong. Kindly give your views. I hope Echinops niveus, leaves would be pinnatifid in E. cornigerus, bipinnatifid here. Both occur in J & K. Thanks a lot for the id of this Thistle from Kashmir. . Echinops niveus Wall. ex Royle: 12 very high res. images. Location: Kalikot, West Nepal Altitude: 1648m. Date: 16 August 2021 Habit : Wild . References: |
Echinops niveus
Updated on December 24, 2024