Jurinea dolomiaea

Jurinea dolomiaea Boiss., ; Fl. Or. Suppl. 311 (1888) (Syn: Dolomiaea
macrocephala Royle
; Jurinea
macrocephala (Royle) C. B. Clarke
Images by Prashant Awale and DS Rawat (Inserted by Gurcharan Singh)



धुप Dhup (Np);

Open alpine slopes, 3200 – 3800 metres[145]

W. Asia – Turkey and Iran, east to E. Asia – Himalayas
Jurinea dolomiaea is a PERENNIAL growing to 0.5 m (1ft 8in).
It is hardy to zone 6. It is in flower from Aug to September. The flowers are hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs) and are pollinated by Insects.
A decoction of the root is cordial[240]. It is given in the treatment of colic and puerperal fever[240]. The juice of the roots is used in the treatment of fevers[272]. The bruised root is applied as a poultice to eruptions[240].
The root extract is used as an incense[145]. The plant is used for incense[272].

(From PFAF on 17.6.13)


Jurinella macrocephata (Royle) Aswal et Goel [=Jurinea macrocephala Royle; Jurinea dolomiaea Boiss.] is a frequent alpine perennial forming large rosettes.
Known as ‘Dhoop’ or ‘Dhoop Lakkad’ its rootstock is burnt in Havans.
Reproduced from my old optical picture taken in Rudranath alpine area Uttarakhand in 1995

Thanks … Collected a lot but no photograph yet.



Jurinea macrocephala – Dhoop- enroute Dhel Pass – GHNP – PKA7 : 6 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (5). Seen this prostrate, stemless herb en-route Dhel Pass at an altitude of approx. 3800m.
Bot. name: Jurinea macrocephala Local name: Dhup, Guggal Dhup Family: Asteraceae

I think yes.

Yes a very distinctive plant in the alpine meadows.

A very good find … thanks for showing..



Dolomiaea macrocephala ABAUG2017/11 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)

I found many of these rosettes growing about 4000m and above but found flowers growing on only this plant. I think this is Dolomiaea macrocephala. Please advise me if I am making a mistake.
Dolomiaea macrocephala


Above Lahaish Cave, Towards Indrahar Pass, Dharamshala, HP
4000m and above
28-29 July 2017




Superb images, …  I do not remember having seen such a plant earlier.

Yes it looks like Jurinella macrocephala (Asteraceae). Rosette of leaves is yet not mature and some larger leaves are browsed by animals(?). Complete rosette is quite characteristic and can readily be identified. Please see this plant in eFI.
Two species of Dolomiaea DC. genus are known in India as per BSI information (Karthikeyan et al 2009)
1. D. baltalensis Dar & Naqshi known from Kashmir
2. D. cooperi (J.Anthony) Ling known from Eastern Himalaya
Their distribution is not matching with this record!
The plant here looks to me closer to Jurinella macrocephala (Royle) Aswal & Goel (=Dolomiaea macrocephala Royle; Jurinea macrocephala (Royle) C.B.Clarke; Jurinea himalaica R.R.Stewart). This species is widespread in Central and Western Himalaya and this record matches with distribution.
In eFI we have kept it under the nameJurinea dolomiaea.

Thank you … once again for explaining this. I saw several larger rosettes but since they didn’t have flowers yet (or I failed to spot them in my tiredness), I didn’t get images of them. Perhaps, I will get to go and see the plant again some time soon.

This plant is called GugalGrows at 3800-4000mts Uttarakhand Himalayas. Collected from Gidara Bugyal.

Isn’t Guggul Dhoop is made from Commiphora wightii ? which is not the
same plant !

No sir
This is not the traditional one. Mostly any plant here that has an exudate incense is called dhoop or gugal. I was thinking of Tanectun species but wanted to confirm

Second photograph is of Jurinea dolomiaea  commonly called as Dhoop

First photograph is also of Jurinea dolomiaea in the centre.



Annonated checklist of the flowering plants of NepalPFAF

The Plant List 1 (Jurineadolomiaea Boiss.- Unresolved) The Plant List 2 (Dolomiaeamacrocephala DC. with Carduusnepalensis Spreng. ex DC. &  Jurinellamacrocephala (Royle) Aswal & Goel as synonyms)

Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Himachal PradeshBy Narain Singh Chauhan (description & other details)

Updated on December 24, 2024