Sonchus wightianus DC., 187 1838. (Syn: Sonchus picris H.Lév. & Vaniot; Sonchus wightianus subsp. wightianus ; Sonchus lingianus C. Shih; S. picris H. Léveillé & Vaniot; S. wallichianus Candolle; S. wightianus subsp. wallichianus (Candolle) Boulos; Sonchus arvensis auct. non L.; Hook. f. Flora Br. Ind. 3: 414. 1881, p.p.); . Plants perennial, up to 2 m tall, leaves mostly entire or denticulate, not spiny margined, heads 3-5 cm across …… S. arvensis auct. non L. (now Sonchus wightianus DC.) Plant annual, up to 1.5 m tall; leaves pinnately divided, margins spinulose, heads 1.5-2.5 cm across ……. S. asper . Taraxacum does have an leafy branched stem. There is a single head on scape. . As per efi thread: According to Flora of India Perennials, 90-120 cm high. Leaves to 22 x 5 cm, oblanceolate, obtuse or acute at apex, narrowed to the base, amplexicaule, minutely spinulose-serrate along the margins, glaucous below. Heads 18 x 12 mm, in terminal panicled cymes; peduncles glandular-hairy; bracts 12 x 1.5 mm, 3-5 series, oblong, acute. Female corolla 15 mm long, glabrous; limb yellow, 5-lobed; anthers bases shortly tailed. Achenes 3 x 1 mm, minutely rugulose; pappus 10 mm long. Flowering and fruiting: Throughout the year Shola forests Indo-Malesia and China (From India Biodiversity Portal) Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi) . Plains to Low Altitude, Moist Localities (Attributions- G. Renu, Sanjana Julias Thilakar, D. Narasimhan, Centre for Floristic Research, Department of Botany, Madras Christian College, Tambaram) . ID-Sonchus: According to me this is Sonchus wightianus DC. ASTERACEAE Fortnight Part 3-Ligulate Heads: Sonchus wightianus from Uttarakhand_DSR_7 : Attachments (3). 1 post by 1 author. VOF Week: Sonchus oleraceous from the trek: Clearly Sonchus arvensis Head size and texture of leaves is distinctive. Thanks for correction sir…I think I should critically examine all the identified/unidentified pics of Sonchus with me….it always confuses me…. Hooghly Today : Sonchus riddle: I hope this is Sonchus arvensis Linnaeus (বন-পালং), as in my earlier post at – efi thread. Some confusion :-
Sonchus arvensis without any doubt. It was the information found in FoC page of Sonchus wightianus Candolle that created confusion to me. According to FoC, “Sonchus wightianus has frequently been misidentified with the habitually similar Sonchus arvensis, and the later is a hybrid, restricted to Europe & North America ……” Thank you very much for the ID and confirming one more time. No … I have to thank you for highlighting information in Flora of China. I will check my specimens with the key and find out. In the mean time you may also do the same for your above specimens. And here is the article by Kim et al. 2007. FoC informs – “The diploid S. wightianus has adaxially often reddish marginal florets….“…. a point in favour of S. wightianus But points against S. wightianus, as described in FoC, are :- 1, Flower and fruit from January to October… — i am watching this plant since last year, it starts growing in October-November and starts flowering at the end of November. Rest of the year the plant is unnoticeable. 2. Middle and upper stem leaves elliptic to lanceolate, smaller — but, in my species except for the top most leaves all leaves are equal and sometimes middle leaves bigger. 3. Achene…… with 1(or 2) weakly prominent main rib(s) and several secondary ribs on either face — in my species all ribs are prominent 4. Pappus 6-9 mm — the first picture (8799.jpg), attached herewith & though not scaled, clearly shows longer pappus as in S. arvensis described in FoA. I come to this conclusion by comparing the achene size with the pappus size (at least 3 times that of an achene). Here is the protologue of Sonchus wightianus.. I was reading some of your mails above. Indeed you jumped deep into it and this is really nice of you to have so much of patience. There is one issue here I think Many of the characters you are talking about are so variable that they cant be trusted to define a species based on morphology. According to the protologue if you can see, both species are written as PERENNIAL. Leaves in both are heteromorphic and hence there is no distinct shape and size, unless and untill one it toooooo long or tooooo short. Even the margin shape is not consistent. The prominence of ribs of achenes also depends on how dry the seeds are. Pappus is 6-9mm in one and 8-14mm in another, so this is slightly overlapping too. I am forwarding this to … also. May be she can dig something out of it. I find this post settled under Sonchus arvensis in efI – /species/a—l/ar/asteraceae/sonchus/sonchus-arvensis. Is it Sonchus arvensis? Or is it also an eye-opener? . Asteraceae Fortnight Part 3-Ligulate heads (plus Misc.): Sonchus riddle cracked? : sk02 : Attachments (13). 9 posts by 4 authors. This set of photographs is same as in – efi thread, and it is pending…! I try to decipher, based on efi thread. I think peduncles and phyllaries are stipitate glandular (is that what it is called?). If yes it should be Sonchus arvensis L. ssp. arvensis. Attaching account of all Sonchus species of India in Flora of India vol-5 (Asteraceae) by Botanical Survey of India. Hope it will be useful for identification of Sonchus in your area. Thank you very much Rawat Sir. Instead it will be S. arvensis auct. non L. (S. wightianus DC.); and this very much echoes FoC. In that case it will be S. wightianus ssp. wightianus. However, this plant is –
Thank you once again The problem is resolved. There is no S. arvensis L. in India. Thanks, …, That means we should move efi page Sonchus arvensis to S. wightianus DC. Yes, …, as per BSI docs S. wightianus DC. is the safest option. Compositae ID 09022012 SK Hooghly(WB): (11 pictures) May be Sonchus also I am getting more confused with Sonchus, Crepis and Taraxacum. But, it appears to me now that it is closer to Sonchus sp. as … and … suggested. Sonchus arvense for sure I wanted to confirm if all the photographs are of the same plant or two different plants as the first three plant photos seem to have a different habit and resemble Sonchus wightianus DC. while the rest of them are S. arvense as … has mentioned. After returning home when I checked those photographs (before posting) I too was confused, thinking that I have shot two different species of Sonchus. I examined the original photos thoroughly and concluded that all were same. However, again I will visit the place tomorrow and watch the plant more carefully. Certainly will inform you if I find any discrepancies out there. I checked the plant this morning once again and confirm that all images are from same species, but not from the same individual plant. I noticed 3 types of leaf blades and two types of buds. The Bengali name given to Sonchus arvensis is ‘BAN PALANG’ (Plant Groups by H Mukherji). A website also refers it – . Asteraceae Fortnight Part 3-Ligulate heads (plus Misc.): Sonchus again : sk03 : Attachments (11). 4 posts by 2 authors. This set was previously uploaded – efi thread This should be same as – efi thread Awaiting feedback from other thread: efi thread Thanks, …, That means we should move efi page Sonchus arvensis to S. wightianus DC. . Asteraceae Fortnight Part 3-Ligulate heads (plus Misc.): Sonchus riddle : sk01 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Very interesting –
No.2 above seems to be wrong, because of other illustrations – plantillustrations Please also check –, along with – (assuming the id is correct). Two more –
That means we should move efi page Sonchus arvensis to S. wightianus DC.
Asteraceae Fortnight Part 3-Ligulate heads (plus Misc.): Sonchus arvensis from Delhi-GS-30 : Attachments (4). 1 post by 1 author. Asteraceae Fortnight Part 3-Ligulate Heads: Sonchus for id from Dalhousie-NS 21 : Attachments (7). 3 posts by 3 authors. efi page Sonchus wightianus (Syn: S. arvensis auct. non L.; Hook. f. Flora Br. Ind. 3: 414. 1881, p.p.) I take this opportunity to correct myself – in my post i have written that there is no Sonchus arvensis L. in India (as per BSI). I was wrong. There is one –
S. oleraceous L. has acute auricles (BSI) S. asper (L.) Hill. – 1) peduncle can have glandular hairs (BSI) 2) capitula also can feature glandular hairs (FoC). But leaves are different – plantillustrations. S. jainii Chandrabose et al. – is confined to W. Ghat & Tamilnadu (BSI) So, we are left only with S. arvensis. Ii is non L. as per BSI & FoC. It was L. as per old classics. In volume 2 of “Botany of Bihar and Orissa” (H. H. Haines; p497) S. arvensis has leaves glaucous beneath, amplexicaul base with rounded auricles. Two varieties – 1) glandular heads – var. typica 2) egkandular – var. glaber. If we wish to follow BSI or FoC, since they are latest, then this plant is i think Sonchus wightianus DC. ssp. wightianus. But, unlike BSI descriptions the plants in my posts had glabrous stems which is a feature of ssp. wallichianus ! Asteraceae Fortnight Part 3-Ligulate Heads: Sonchus for id from Shimla-NS 22 : Attachments (5). 3 posts by 3 authors. This Sonchus was shot from Shimla.. again my id search revolves around S. arvensis / S. wightianus… Sonchus arvensis L. from Assam KD 08 Dec : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (13) Attached images may be Sonchus arvensis L. Please validate. Date :18.12.2014 Location: Assam Family : Asteraceae Genus & species : Sonchus arvensis L. Habitat: Grows wild on open filed Habit : Herb Attached images are fruits and their dispersal of same specimen of Sonchus arvensis L (?). Sonchus species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available) Sonchus arvensis L. is not reported from India as per efi thread Yes, as per efi thread. No glandular hairs, tomentose peduncle and phyllaries, S. wightianus subsp. wallichianus
Vof Week: Sonchus arvensis f. brachyotus (DC) Krip grom Govindghat ghangriya Trek: Yes … A typical specimen. Thanks for uploading very good photographs. To me appears similar to other images at Sonchus wightianus DC. Emilia coccinea (Sims.) G.Don for confirmation : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4) 18-10-2017 Lonavala region Basis for id: 1. Plant had both radical & cauline leaves. Upper cauline leaves smaller than basal ones. 2. Heads large, pubescence +, hispid 3. Stout, shrub-like, 1.5-1.7m tall 4. leaves: basally auriculate and amplexical. 5. Achene: 4-5mm, ribbed P.S.: The un id species of … from Meghalaya in the group website could possibly be Emilia coccinea. SK947 12JAN-2018 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (8) Location: Raniban, Balaju, Nepal Altitude: 4900 ft. Date: 10 August 2016 Sonchus wightianus DC. ?? Flora picture of the Year 2014- Karuna Kanta Das : 8 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (2) My flora picture of the year 2014 is dispersal of fruits of Sonchus arvensis L. To capture these images of this species I had to wait for many days and at last I got the images. you got them very nicely Oh! Wonderful patience!!! efloraofindia:” is this wild plant Blumea species at Talegaon Dabhade :Dec 2015: MR-07 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Talegaon Dabhade Pune Dec 2015 Requesting to Id this wild plant with purple pink midrib. Is this Blumea species? not in focus, esp number two 20/12/2015 was able to see open flowers. attaching some more picx Sorry forgot to add the url The url for Sonchus wightianus is /species/a—l/ar/asteraceae/sonchus/sonchus-wightianus I think you are right in thinking it as Sonchus wightianus as seems to be matching with the images herein. Many thanks for validating. Sonchus oleraceus? ABAUG2016/60 : 10 posts by 5 authors. 4 images. This tall sow thistle is very common these days. The upper leaves are narrow while the lower ones are lobed and large. Could this be S. oleraceus? Please advise. Sonchus oleraceus—Sow Thistle Mcleodganj, HP 1750m 19 July 2016 Appears close to images at Sonchus oleraceus (L.) L. For me it looks ID by … is correct. Thank you … I now doubt my guess as I had overlooked the fact that this plant had hairy upper stems and glandular calyx, clearly visible in this photo I am including here. My apologies to you and … for not editing and filing this photo for better analysis earlier In S. brachyotes peduncles and phyllaries are mostly glabrous, rarely white tomentose apically. Here glandular hairs are seen suggesting S. wightianus. Thank you … I will check these details and report back These keys for Sonchus (below URL) will help: They are partly explained on the thread already. Efi page on Sonchus wightianus with images New plant to me. Nice analysis as well. Sonchus wightianus DC. (provisionally accepted name) ??? : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6) Location: Chalnakhel , Nepal Altitude: 6500 ft. Date: 12 November 2016 Sonchus wightianus DC. (provisionally accepted name) ?? Nepali Names: दुधे / मुलापाते Thanks, … To me also it appears close to images at Sonchus wightianus DC. Nepali Names: दुधे Dudhe / मुलापाते Mulaapaate Yes … Sonchus wightianus DC. (provisionally accepted name) ?? : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (13) Location: Suryabinayak, Bhaktapur, Nepal Altitude: 5000 ft. Date: 14 January 2017 Appears closer to Sonchus wightianus DC. as per comparative images at Sonchus Thank you … Nepali names : दुधे Dudhe / मूलापाते Moolaapaate / बन रायो Ban Raayo Asteraceae For ID : Bangalore : 05FEB17 : AK-5 : 7 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Asteraceae growing wild seen on 9th Jan,17. Any leaves? Not for this plant. Adding pics of a similar one seen close by. Attachments (3) Pl. check comparative images at Sonchus & Cichorieae (if not matching with Sonchus) Looks closer to Sonchus wightianus DC. as per comparative images at Sonchus
Sonchus wightianus DC. (accepted name) ?? : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (8) Location: Soureni, Mirik, India Date: 21 April 2017 Altitude: 4200 ft. To me also appear close to images at Sonchus wightianus SK506 05 MAY-2017:ID : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6) Location: Soureni, Mirik, India Date: 21 April 2017 Altitude: 4200 ft. Sonchus sp. Asteraceae. Ixeris polycephala Cass. ?? Sonchus wightianus subsp. wallichianus Photo taken at Aambyvalley Rd., Off Lonavala, Pune in Jan.17. I think leaves are required to confirm the species as flowers look similar in many species. i am attaching another photo which to me confirms the identification. Attachments (1) Pl. check at
Idrequest – 24Jun10AR01 – efloraofindia | Google Groups Asteracea id From Bangladesh : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) Sonchus wightianus DC. 180212 BRS316 : Attachments (2). 3 posts by 3 authors. Pl. find the attached file contain photo for id. request. Date: 17.02.2012 Location: NBNP, ANaikatti, Coimbatore Habitat: Garden Habit: Herb? looks like some Sonchus sp (Family Asteraceae) Could this be Emilia sonchifolia of Asteraceae family. Sonchus wightianus DC. efloraofindia:”For Id 15092012MR1’’ is this Emilia sonchifolia at Pune: 12-09-2012 at Pune Wild plant growing on a roof top. The shoots are about 1.5 to 2 feet in height. Sorry the pictures are not clear as it is a distant shot. is this Emilia sonchifolia? Please ignore the Neem trees in the background I request you to validate More likely to be Sonchus arvensis…though not very clear…
Location: Kagbeni, Mustang, Nepal Date: 9 April 2017 Altitude: 9500 ft. Sonchus… ??? Pl. check with images at Sonchus oleraceus (L.) L. Also check with images at Sonchus brachyotus DC. It does not seem matching and not listed in Nepal. Leaves are prickly spiny. Could it be ordinary Sonchus asper (Linnaeus) Hill ?? If we go by glandular hairy stem & head, it is close to images at Sonchus wightianus DC. In Sonchus wightianus DC. the flower buds are hairy whereas it is spiny in this case. Also leaves are prickly spiny whereas not in the case of Sonchus wightianus DC. . That is the best I find it close to after pursuing all the threads in this and other Sanchus pages. I think this species also have two varieties. Yes … According to Flora of India . Wild Plant for ID : Bangalore : 04AUG20 : AK-03 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Wild plant seen in Bangalore in May. Some Asteraceae. Dandelion? Sonchus wightianus DC. ??? Thanks again. . Plant for ID : Bangalore : 01OCT20: AK-01 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) A wild plant seen last week (1.10.20) Seems to be from the Asteraceae family. Could this be Blumea Species? request for species id? Sonchus wightianus: 2 high resolution images. please check attached images of Sonchus species. it look Sonchus wightianus for me, please help. Captured at Srinagar Uttarakhand Yes! . Lonavala, MH :: Sonchus wightianus :: ARK2021-043: 3 high res. images. I guess this is Sonchus wightianus based on the eFI pics. This was captured near Lonavala in June 2021. Could you please validate. . Sonchus for id: 2 high res. images. Leaves suggest S. brachyotus This is Sonchus wightianus DC., as per images and details herein. . Sonchus wightianus DC.: 3 very high res. images. Location:Jumla, West Nepal Altitude: 2327m. Date: 17 August 2021 Habit : Wild . References: efi thread (with syn. as Sonchus arvensis auct. non L.; Hook. f. Flora Br. Ind. 3: 414. 1881, p.p.) The Plant List Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal Flora of China India Biodiversity Portal Flora of Madhya Pradesh: Chhatarpur and Damoh By G. P. Roy, B. K. Shukla, Bhaskar Datt (Keys- S. oleraceous & wightianus & Description) (with syn. as Sonchus arvensis auct. non L.; Hook. f. Flora Br. Ind. 3: 414. 1881, p.p.) Flora of Medak District, Andhra Pradesh, India By Thammineni Pullaiah, Chintala Prabhakar, B. Ravi Prasad Rao (Keys- S. oleraceous & wightianus & Description) (with syn. as Sonchus arvensis auct. non L.; Hook. f. Flora Br. Ind. 3: 414. 1881, p.p.) |
Sonchus wightianus
Updated on December 24, 2024