Strobocalyx arborea

Strobocalyx arborea (Buch.-Ham.) Sch. Bip., Jahresber. Pollichia 18-19:171. 1861 (Syn: (=) Eupatorium javanicum Blume; (≡) Vernonia arborea Buch.-Ham. (basionym); (=) Vernonia arborea var. javanica (Blume) C. B. Clarke; (=) Vernonia javanica (Blume) DC.) as per NPGS / GRIN ;
— Greek: strobos (cone), calyx (covering)
Dave’s Botanary
ver-NON-ee-uh — named for William Vernon, English botanistDave’s Botanary
ar-BOR-ee-uh — tree-likeDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: tree vernonia • Malayalam: ഏറകാത്തിര eerakatthira, കരണ karana, കടവരി kadavari, മലംപരുവ malanperuva • Naga: pachet • Tamil: கரணா karana, சாடகை sadagai, சுத்தை shutthai
Native to: s China, India, Bangladesh, Indo-China, Malesia

Trees; to 12 m high; bark 5-6 mm thick, grey, mottled with white and green, rough, marked with vertical cracks, exfoliations small, squarish, outer bark dead, corky, inner bark creamy with black streaks, semi fibrous. Branchlets densely brown silky tomentose. Leaves simple, alternate, estipulate; petiole 7-21 mm long, stout, densely pubescent, grooved above; lamina 10-29 x 4-10 cm, obovate, elliptic-obovate or elliptic-oblanceolate; base acute, obtuse, cuneate or attenuate; apex acuminate; margin entire or distantly serrate, chartaceous, glabrous above and densely brown tomentose beneath; lateral nerves 8-13 pairs, parallel, prominent, raised beneath; intercostae subscalariform. Flowers bisexual, purple, in heads arranged in terminal tomentose panicles; capitula 1 flowered, receptacle small; involucre tubular 0.3 cm across; phyllaries thick scarious-outer orbicular-ovate 1.3-1 mm, pubescent without, obtuse, inner one oblong, 4.5 x 1.5 mm, thinly ciliate-glabrescent, 3-nerved, faint, ending abruptly in the middle, calyx tube adnate to the ovary, pappus 1 seriate, to 7 mm, barbellate; corolla 5 mm across; tube cylindric 6.5 mm, lobes lanceolate, 3.5 mm; stamens 5, inserted within the corolla tube, anthers 2.5 mm, base fimbriate, basifixed, connate, connective produced upwards; ovary oblong, 1-celled, shortly beaked above, 2.2 x 1.5 mm, narrowed below ovule solitary, erect, style 1 cm, linearly 2 fid; stigma puberulous, recurved, acute. Fruit an achene, 2 mm long, 10-ribbed with glands in between, pappus hairs white.

Flowering and fruiting: September-March
Evergreen forests


Vernonia arborea Buch.-Ham. [Asteraceae]: Name: Vernonia arborea Buch.-Ham.
Family: Compositae
Date: 11 April 2011
Location: a sacred grove near Kotagiri; Nilgiris
Alt: c. 2000 msl
Habitat: wild tree
Is this ID right, or is this any other tree?

Yes it is Vernonia arborea Buch.-Ham. ex Buch.-Ham. of Asteraceae family.


DV :: 31MAR11 – 0447:
ID please.
A small – medium sized tree, sighted from long distance in low light.
Not sure whether the tree is in fruiting OR flowering.

Date/Time : March 31, 2011 at 4.47pm IST
Location Place : Kodagu Valley Resort, Coorg … 12.441958, 75.717025 (on Google maps)
Altitude : 3690 ft (above mean sea level)

This could be Vernonia arborea.

Yes even i guess Vernonia, (may be V. acuminata, pls check correct name for the same)

One of my flickr-facebook contacts, … is positive about the posted plant being Vernonia arborea

Strobocalyx arborea (Buch.-Ham.) Sch. Bip.
… popularly known by its synonym Vernonia arborea Buch.-Ham.
stroh-bo-KAL-iks — Greek: strobos (cone), calyx (covering)Dave’s Botanary
ver-NON-ee-uh — named for William Vernon, English botanistDave’s Botanary
ar-BOR-ee-uh — tree-likeDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: tree vernonia • Malayalam: ഏറകാത്തിര eerakatthira, കരണ karana, കടവരി kadavari, മലംപരുവ malanperuva • Naga: pachet • Tamil: கரணா karana, சாடகை sadagai, சுத்தை shutthai
Native to: s China, India, Bangladesh, Indo-China, Malesia
References: Flowers of IndiaNPGS / GRIN
at Madikeri on 31 MAR 11

Very good photographs


Vernonia arborea -01032014- PKA-March-07 :  Attachments (8). 2 posts by 2 authors.
Tree Vernonia was seen at many places in Chikmagalur region (Karnataka).
I think these may be planted ones in Coffee estates.
Bot. name: Vernonia arborea
Family: Asteraceae
Plant Habit: Tree ( around 15m in ht).
Date/Time: 27-01-2014 / 09:30AM

Very beautiful pics …


Vernonia arborea Buch.-Ham. SN Aug 51 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1).
Vernonia arborea Buch.-Ham, medium sized tree from Medekere, Karnataka

MS Jan.2017/11 Vernonia sp. ?? for id : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)

Location : Sairep, Mizoram
Altitude : ca 1,330 m.
Date : 26-01-2017
Habit : Climbing shrub
Habitat : Wild

Pl. check comparative images at Vernonieae

I think close to images at Strobocalyx arborea (Buch.-Ham.) Sch. Bip. as per comparative images at Vernonieae


SK582 20 JUN-2017:ID : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7)

Location: Soureni, Mirik, India
Date: 20 May 2017
Altitude: 4200 ft. 

Looks like Vernonia arborea Buch.-Ham. (Asteraceae)


Flower for Id – 30032019SH2 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)

Flower for id pl.
Location – Latpanchar (Near Darjeeling), West Bengal
Date – March 2019

I think close to images at Strobocalyx arborea (Buch.-Ham.) Sch. Bip.

SK 2888 21 March 2021: 5 very high resolution images.

Location: Godawari, Lalitpur
Date: 11 March 2021
Altitude: 1800m.
Habitat : Wild
Could not get too close since the sp.was on a cliff!

I found some similarities with images at Strobocalyx arborea (Buch.-Ham.) Sch. Bip. (syn: Vernonia arborea Buch.-Ham.)
So it may be some species of Vernonia (now moved to different genera) as per Checklist of Nepal.
Pl. check. 

Further images on 27 March 2021 !
6 very high resolution images.

Strobocalyx arborea (Buch.-Ham.) Sch. Bip. Syn : Vernonia arborea Buch.-Ham. looks matching !


Swamy/New series/ID/55- tree from Kothagiri: 3 images.
I received a few photographs of the tree from Chennai for ID. I request ID of the tree. For me it looks like Vernonia amygdalina. ???

My suggested ID is Vernonia species and not as suggested earlier.

This is Strobocalyx arborea (Buch.-Ham.) Sch. Bip., as per images and details herein.


429 ID wild tree:
Please ID wild tree, very close to, but a tree,
Location: near Adimali, Idukki, Kerala
Altitude: 1800fsl
Flower date: 12MAR2023, 05.50pm
Habitat: wild moisture sloppy misty hill
Plant habit: tree, erect branches, branchlets, hard woody stem 70 inches base circumference, rough cracked flaked brown bark, velvety young sprout
Height: 20 meters
Leaves: alternate, elliptic, obtuse acute, simple rough hairy, serrated margins size upto:22×12cm
Flower: axillary/terminal panicle inflorescence, clustered, diameter:05mm, violet into white, fragrant

Camera: CANON EOS1500D +FL10x

To me appears close to images at

Yes, it is Strobocalyx arborea, dear …, thank you very much for ID my tree

Updated on December 24, 2024