Impatiens acaulis

Impatiens acaulis Humbert, Notul. Syst. (Paris) 15: 114 1956.;
im-PAY-shuns — impatient; referring to the seed pod’s habit of bursting openDave’s Botanary
a-KAW-liss — without stem or trunkDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: rock balsam • Marathi: पाण तेरडा pan terda
Native to: Western Ghats (of India), Sri Lanka
As per efi thread:
In I.acaulis the wing petals are bilobed where as in I. scapiflora it is 3-lobed;

for id 21 07 2011 mm1: begonia i think
photoraphed in amboli on a roadside rocky cliff, in very pure light the flowers were mauve in color and approximately an inch long would very much appreciate an id

It is Impatiens sp (most probably I. acaulis) of Balsaminaceae family.

This is Impatiens acaulis (Balsaminaceae), This plant is stemless, very often mistaken for Begonia sp.

Clicked at Amboli near the source of “Hiranyakeshi” river on 16.08.12
Common name: Rock Balsam 
Marathi: पाण तेरडा कि पान तेरडा – please CONFIRM ?
Botanical name: Impatiens acaulis

Yes. You are correct. it is Impatiens acaulis.

Color variation in Impatiens acaulis???:
Here is the photograph of Impatiens acaulis in white colour.
Photographed at Naneghat (Maharashtra on 9.9.2012)
Needs experts comments…

I remember, … posting this on Indian Flora, here is detailed discusssion

It looks almost like Impatiens acaulis Arn., except perfect white coloured flowers. I have come across a few light pink and pinkish white fld I. acaulis and I. scapiflora in wild mixed up with pink coloured plants. How about this ? Is it mixed up in the pink fld plants or entire population has white fld plants ? If the entire
population has white fld plants, then it would be interesting and worth studying it in detail. I would appreciate if some pollen and seeds are sent to my address


Kas week : Impatiens acaulis SMP:
Impatiens acaulis
Another Impatiens species observed on rocky faces of mountains near the plateau. An occasional observation. Similar to elsewhere in Western ghats.

I think this is not very common at Kas.

Interesting looking with exceptionally long tail (spur)



KAS Week::(Impatiens acaulis – 09/10/2012-NJ):
Impatiens acaulisRock Balsum

A gregarious plant found on dripping rocks near waterfalls. As the name suggests, it has no stem.

Impatiens acaulis
Grows on moist rocks in rainy season esp in waterfalls.
Western ghats.

Excellent photographs

Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae Week :: DV10 :: 14 AUG 10 14:10 :: Balsaminaceae » Impatiens acaulis on Aaja Parvat : 3 images. 7 posts by 5 authors.

Impatiens acaulis Arn.
im-PAY-shuns — impatient; referring to the seed pod’s habit of bursting openDave’s Botanary
a-KAW-liss — without stem or trunkDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: rock balsam • Marathi: पाण तेरडा pan terda
Native to: Western Ghats (of India), Sri Lanka
References: Flowers of IndiaNPGS / GRINFlowers of Sahyadri by Shrikant Ingalhalikar
on Aaja Parvat near Ghoti on 14 AUG 10

” Sheput Pandhare, Jhabale Gulabi, an Payat Hirwa Boot, Khadaka warati Shravan Maasi Pan Teradya chi Loot”……. (1) 

” Khadaka Warati Shrawan Maasi Chamchamati Shewal, an bhawati ya saranchya Pan Teradya chi Maal”……. (2)
This is how this particular plant looks like. .. thanks Dear … for another beautiful set of photographs.

Thanks dear … for the two original verses penned by you … I hear you reciting these, when we come across this particular species of balsam.

Impatiens acaulis (Rock Balsam) photographed at “Kulang gad”.
Family: Balsaminaceae

Lovely … the name of the locality suggests that this should be somewhere in Uttrakhand or H.P., can you please specify?

Kulang Gad is in Maharashtra (Igatpuri Range).

[efloraofindia:149134]Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae Week ::AK 03 :: Impatiens acaulis : 5 images. 7 posts by 5 authors.
Here I’m sharing the photographs of Impatiens acaulis, member of Family Balsaminaceae
Location & Date: Pune, Nov 2012 

Yes. Nice presentation!


Impatiens acaulis Mahabaleshwar Oct 2011 : Attachments (5).  4 posts by 4 authors.

Sharing the images of Impatiens acaulis from Mahabaleshwar captured in late monsoons.Oct 2011.
The typical habitat is on rocky patches near waterfalls.
Family : Balsaminaceae

Awesome shot of the flower and habitat …

Anmod Ghat :: Impatiens acaulis :: DVFEB66/99 : 2 posts by 2 authors. 4 images.
Anmod Ghat NH4A descending from Anmod, Karnataka to Mollem, Goa
Date: 14 JUL 2013 Altitude: descends from about 640 m asl to 90 m asl
Impatiens acaulis Arn. (family: Balsaminaceae)

Nice photographs.


Submitting images of an Impatiens spp. for Id assistance.
Date/time: 27-08-2014/ about 3-00 PM
Location: Devaramane, Mudigere taluk of Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1400msl
Habitat: Wild

Habit; Terrestrial, among rocks

This is white-flowered Impatiens acaulis.


TSPSEP2015-13: Images of Impatiens acaulis shared : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (5)
Sharing few images of Impatiens acaulis (Balsaminaceae). Generally the flowers are light pink to deep pink, but this specimen with white flowers was standing out among pinkish ones. May be a colour variant…!
Habit: Herb’
Habitat: Montane forest.
Sighting: Devaramane, Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1400.msl
Date: 27-08-2014 and 12-08-2015 

TSPSEP2015-10: Images of Impatiens acaulis shared. : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)
Sharing few images of Impatiens acaulis (Balsaminaceae).
Habit: Herb
Habitat: Epiphytic-Lithophytic, on moss clad tree and rock crevices, montane forest.
Sighting: Devaramane, Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1400.msl
Date: 29-7-2015,12-08-2015 and 27-08-2015 

I love Impatiens acaulis, cuute tiny beauty
Thanks for sharing incredible pictures …


These flowers was seen on the rocks beside a waterfall in Tamhini ghat near Pune, MH in Aug 2019.
I guess this is Impatiens acaulis.
My first sighting of this beautiful flower.

ID is correct !!

Beautiful flowers …, Thanks for sharing,

Thanks … They are really beautiful.
Some 6-7 years ago, one of our members had a pic of these flowers on their FB page and from then on I wanted to see the flowers.
It took these many years for me to finally behold them with my eyes.

Congrats …, I understand your feelings, was so much happy when we saw the original habitat the first time,


Amboli, MH :: Impatiens acaulis :: ARK2021-99: 6 images.
Impatiens acaulis.
This was seen at Amboli hill station, MH in Aug 2021.


Impatiens scapiflora?? enroute Netravati Peak- Karnataka: 2 images.

Seen this herb near water fall enroute Netravati peak in Kudremukh region, Karnataka.
These are the only pics available as the flowers were bit far and I was not having zoom lens..
Could this be Impatiens scapiflora??
Family: Balsaminaceae

Looks like

I think more closer to images at


Updated on March 7, 2025

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