Impatiens balsamina var. macrantha

Impatiens balsamina var. macrantha Hook.f. ;

Requesting to please provide ID of this Impatiens captured near Satara, Maharashtra in October 2014.
Encountered 3-4 species of Impatiens on the trip, very confusing… Will be posting them today and tomorrow….

Impatiens balsamina.

This is Impatiens balsamina var. macrantha


Devgad, Kokan, MH :: Impatiens balsamina var. macrantha for validation :: ARK2021-061 : 2 images.

This Impatiens was captured near Devgad, coastal Kokan, MH in Aug 2021.
Guessing it to be Impatiens balsamina var. macrantha, it matches similar flowers from Satara, MH posted by me here.
Requesting to please validate.

Yes, matches with images at Impatiens balsamina var. macrantha


Jawhar near Nashik, MH :: Impatiens for ID :: ARK2021-087: 1 image.
This was clicked at Jawhar near Nashik, MH in July 2021.
This is the only pic I have.
Requested to please ID.

Impatiens balsamina L.

Thank you … for the ID.
I was a bit skeptical because of the short spur.

What about Impatiens balsamina var. macrantha ?

Yes … The short spur points to that.
However, I do not see any pics posted by others in efi for comparison.



The genus Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) in the northern and parts of central Western Ghats by Jyosna R.N. Dessai and M.K. Janarthanam (2011- 58 pages): Rheedea Vol. 21(1) 23-80 2011 IBIS Flora 1  IBIS Flora 2  Herbarium Catalogue  Filed as Impatiens balsamina L. var. macrantha Hook.f. 

Updated on December 24, 2024

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