Impatiens brachycentra Kar. & Kir., Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou 15: 179 179 1842.; . Small annual herb barely 40 cm tall, simple or branched, glabrous, succulent; leaves alternate, elliptic-ovate to elliptic, 4-12 cm long, 2-5 cm broadcrenate-serrate; petiole up to 3 cm long; flowers small, barely 4-6 mm long, white, in 4-12-flowered raceme, peduncle 5-10 cm long; pedicel slender, up to 2 cm long, with persistent lanceolate bracts at base; lateral sepals ovate, 1.5 mm long, obtuse at apexlower sepal boat-shaped, 1 mm long with hardly 1 mm long spur, often tinged yellow; upper petal obovate to orbicular, 3-4 mm long, lateral united petals clawed, 2-lobed, basa;l lobes oblong, distal broadly oblong, large; capsule erect, linear-oblong, 1.5-2 cm long. . Impatiens for ID_RKC01_030611: Loc.: On way to Churdhar, Himachal Pradesh, ca 1500msl. Date: August, 2010. Lacking spur, flowers smaller, I hope Impatiens brachcentra VOF Week: Impatiens sp for ID? –en-route Vasundhara falls: Flower size please?? Around 1 cm in height. Looks like Impatiens brachycentra Yes …, U had rightly pointed out, this one is almost spur less hinting towards Impatiens brachycentra. I also had that in mind when I asked flower size, because flowers looked slightly larger to me. May be the camera magnification confused me. Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae Week: Balsaminaceae-Impatiens brachycentra from Kashmir : 3 images. Impatiens brachycentra Kar et Kir., Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou 15:179. 1842 Small annual herb barely 40 cm tall, simple or branched, glabrous, succulent; leaves alternate, elliptic-ovate to elliptic, 4-12 cm long, 2-5 cm broadcrenate-serrate; petiole up to 3 cm long; flowers small, barely 4-6 mm long, white, in 4-12-flowered raceme, peduncle 5-10 cm long; pedicel slender, up to 2 cm long, with persistent lanceolate bracts at base; lateral sepals ovate, 1.5 mm long, obtuse at apexlower sepal boat-shaped, 1 mm long with hardly 1 mm long spur, often tinged yellow; upper petal obovate to orbicular, 3-4 mm long, lateral united petals clawed, 2-lobed, basa;l lobes oblong, distal broadly oblong, large; capsule erect, linear-oblong, 1.5-2 cm long. Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae Week: NS09: BALSAMINACEAE: Impatiens for id from Chakrata : 3 images. Small whitish looks like I. brachycentra – please compare plants on FOI page I think all are I. brachycentra only. Small flower size and minute spur are distinctive. . Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae Week:: Balsaminaceae :: Impatiens brachycentra en-route Vasundhara falls – PKA17 : 7 images. 4 posts by 3 authors. This is yet another set of Impatiens brachycentra. This was spotted growing near the boulders en-route Vasundhara falls. Family: Balsaminaceae Date/Time: 11-08-2012 / 09:00AM. Very nice set – bot whole plants and details very well visible . Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae Week:: Balsaminaceae :: Impatiens brachycentra at Jofra enroute Hampta Pass – PKA15 : 4 images. 5 posts by 3 authors. This one is a tiny Impatiens sp. from Jofra on the way to Hampta Pass, Manali Region Yes … Nice photographs Unique shaped small flowers. Good find! Location Kalatope, Chamba This can be Impatiens parviflora. Impatiens parviflora Hook.f. (non DC) is correctly known as I. flemingii Hook.f. and I think has yellowish flowers. This plant can be I. laxiflora Edgew. (syn: I. micrantha Edgew.), but needs to be confirmed as I have not seen it. Thank you Sir.. but how can we confirm if it is I. laxiflora.. Sir any clues to this one.. if there is anything to be confirmed of the characteristics.. I think it is still in bloom.. May be Impatiens laxiflora but no much information and some chinese sites shows its color yellow Does look like it from what I could glean on the net about I. parviflora. Both Impatiens laxiflora and Impatiens micranthemum are described in Flora Simlensis, former has yellow flowers and flower about 2.5 cm long of which spur longer than rest of flower). In I. micranthemum flowers are white, about 1.2 cm long spotted with yellow and pink, spur as long as rest of flower. Thanks Sir Agreed our and … plant I micraanthemum Begging your pardon sir but is I.micraanthemum a synonym for …. observation given on the link below.. which I think is like my observation…. Not to get confused, I. brachycentra is a species with much smaller flower (not longer than 6 mm) and spur almost absent, just like a knob where as in I. micranthemum and your specimen the spur is much longer, flower larger and lower lip much longer. Some photos with measurements of the same for your perusal (the flower is still blooming)… I am sorry if I am dragging this too far.. but the spur is much smaller than the flower… I have seen spur in your photographs, it is much longer than I brachycentra, where it is almost non existant. Your flower without spur is 9 mm, spur I think atleast 3 mm would make it 12 mm, double the size of I. brachycentra Better upload one close up of flower in which spur is clearly seen No…no .. sir..!! I do not wish to say that it is I brachycentra, anymore because it does not fit that bill.. but if it is not that and neither I. micranthemum… then it could be something else.. and we could figure that out only if you’d give me specific instructions for observation… For me it is like any puzzle and THAT I’d love… I’ll send you the photo of the spur tomorrow… if there is any other instruction too please let me know and I’ll try to follow them as best as I can to my limited understanding… More close-ups sir, the spur is clearly 2mm and the flower length is 9mm.. I also checked the flowers around and it has only yellow color with a tinge of green inside… Impatiens stocksii Hook.f. & Thomson ?? This is Impatiens brachycentra. . Impatiens brachycentra: 2 images. Habit:Samll herb. Flowers:whitish with yellow patch On sides and middle. Habitat: near river streams and stagnant water ponds. Location:Kulgam, Jammu and Kashmir. Please do check it for Impatiens scullyi….. Impatiens scullyi have pale pinkish petals. There us an appendage but in I.brachycentra there is no any apendage Yes it is I. brachycentra, I. skullyi would have very long spur, and broader lower lobes. .
. ID JK 16: 1 high res. image. Please identify the herb from Pulwama in Kashmir. 14/9/24 Impatiens. Please post clear images of flower and seed pod from different angles for correct ID Impatiens brachycentra I hope . References: |
Impatiens brachycentra
Updated on December 24, 2024