Impatiens fasciculata

Impatiens fasciculata Lam. (Unresolved), Encycl. 1: 363 1785. ;
im-PAY-shuns — impatient; referring to the seed pod’s habit of bursting open … Dave’s Botanary
fas-sik-yoo-LAH-tuh — banded, bundled … Dave’s Botanary 
commonly known asfascicled-flowered balsam 

Nilgiris: Impatiens for identification 141112MK02:
Please help me to identify this Balsam plant found commonly in the high altitude grasslands. The plant height is not more that 30 cm.

Leaf: 5 cm long
Flower: 1.5-2 cm across
Date: 21 Oct 2012
Place: Mukruti NP, Nilgiris, TN
Alt.: 2350 m asl

At the first look, this species looks like Impatiens fasciculata Lam. (=I. vivekananthanii Jyosna & Janarth.) which was hi.therto mistaken for I. chinensis L. Pls check Wight Ic.t.748. 1844. Wight also collected it from Nilgiris. I have collected it from Talacauvery, Sringeri and other places in Karnataka also and included in my Taxonomic monograph on Impatiens of Western Ghats (March 2012).


Attigundi Road Karnataka
Date: 14 NOV 2016 … Altitude: ~ 1450 – 1600 m (4750 – 5250 ft) asl
Impatiens balsamina L. var. micrantha Hook.f. … (family: Balsaminaceae)

Dear friends,
Please validate the ID.

Impatiens fasciculata Lam. – Usually mistaken for I. chinensis.  Beautiful photos indeed !

Would like to know the distribution of Impatiens fasciculata Lam. and whether it has any synonyms.

I. fasciculata is distributed through out southern part of Western Ghats. I. vivekananthanii Dessai and Janardanam is made synonym by me.

via Species‎ > ‎I‎ > Impatiens fasciculata Lam. … family: Balsaminaceae

Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
im-PAY-shuns — impatient; referring to the seed pod’s habit of bursting open … Dave’s Botanary
fas-sik-yoo-LAH-tuh — banded, bundled … Dave’s Botanary 
commonly known asfascicled-flowered balsam 
botanical namesImpatiens fasciculata Lam. … synonymImpatiens vivekananthanii Dessai and Janarthanam … efloraofindia 
November 14, 2016 … along Attigundi Road, Karnataka 

im-PAY-shuns — impatient; referring to the seed pod’s habit of bursting open … Dave’s Botanary
fas-sik-yoo-LAH-tuh — banded, bundled … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: fascicled-flower balsam

botanical namesImpatiens fasciculata Lam. … homotypic synonymsBalsamina fasciculata (Lam.) DC. … heterotypic synonymsImpatiens vivekananthanii J.R.N.Dessai & Janarth. … POWO

Bibliography / etymology

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
fascicled-flower balsam
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
no given name / no name found
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
no given name / no name found
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
no given name / no name found
~~~~~ x ~~~~~

Doesn’t know it’s specific name, so I suggest the Malayalam name as ബാൾസം, translation of English balsam and another common name മഷിത്തണ്ട് mashithandu for Impatiens sp. The name മഷിത്തണ്ട് mashithandu is derived because of its fleshy soft stem used as an eraser by kids to delete pencil writings on slate in early times. And let us wait for experts comments.

Thanks very much, dear …, for earnest attempts at coining a name for this plant.
I suggest we refrain from Malayalam spellings of English names.
മഷിത്തണ്ട് mashithandu is nice name, its meaning too is good. However being a generic name for Impatiens spp., it will be good to have unique prefix to mashithandu for every species that needs a name.
The epithet fasciculata means banded OR bundled.
Please check whether you can come up with translation for bundled / clumped / clustered / grouped / arranged
For example, my attempt – കുലകളായി മഷിത്തണ്ട് kulakalaayi mashithandu … but I am not at all confident with my try, since I do not what other meaning it would make.

Well-done!! It is a good attempt and needy to naming to plants those haven’t Malayalam name. I agree with you, and your suggestion must be rearrange to  മഷിത്തണ്ട് കുലകൾ mashithandu kulakal or മഷിത്തണ്ടിൻ കുലകൾ mashithandin kulakal (second is better). Please forward this suggestion to experts for their opinion,

Thanks very very much, …, for the two options of names.
Let us go with a new name only if it is easy and convincing, needing no opinions.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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