Impatiens laxiflora

Impatiens laxiflora Edgew., Trans. Linn. Soc. London 20: 39 39 1851. (syn: Impatiens elata Edgew.; Impatiens laxiflora var. edgeworthii Hook.f.; Impatiens laxiflora var. khasiana Hook.f.; Impatiens laxiflora var. sikkimensis Hook.f.; Impatiens laxiflora var. stracheyi Hook.f.; Impatiens leggei Pusalkar & D.K.Singh; Impatiens micranthemum Edgew.) as per Merging Impatiens leggei Pusalkar & D.K.Singh page to Impatiens laxiflora Edgew.;

As per the latest publication by Dr. Rajib Gogoi et al. “Taxonomic revision of Impatiens laxiflora Edgew. (Balsaminaceae) and its allied species in India, Nepal, Bhutan & China ” the long awaited mystery of I.laxiflora Edgew. is finally solved…
The paper is not open access so i have added some important points below –
The name I.leggei Pusalkar & D.K.Singh is conspecific with I.laxiflora Edgew., the species have navicular lower sepal with straight spur and the presence of reduced second pair of lateral sepals seen as minute corpuscles at the base of dorsal petal which is important and unique feature of this species so far not known in any other Western Himalayan balsam however it is also seen in closely related I.sunkoshiensis S.Akiyama et al. and I.desmantha Hook.f. (Synonyms –I.recticalcarata S.Akiyama) present in Central and Eastern Himalaya.
The description and distribution of I.leggei Pusalkar & D.K.Singh matches with that of true I.laxiflora Edgew. including the presence of second pair of reduced lateral sepals. So please correct the species name of I.leggei page to I.laxiflora Edgew. with I.leggei and I.micranthemum Edgew. as its synonyms. I.laxiflora Edgew. is a widely distributed species across Himalaya known from Kashmir to Sikkim.
Although we have many images of this species on site still i have attached two more images showing a pair of corpuscles, navicular lower sepal and straight spur character of species.
Photographed at Kullu district, Himachal Pradesh in August 2018.


Impatiens lemannii species confirmation : 11 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5)

This Impatiens was earlier identified as I. lemannii by Wojciech Adamowski sir, still can’t find any image on internet, hopes some other experts on Impatiens may confirm this species.
Pictured at Kullu, Himachal Pradesh
Dated – 10 July2017

Check for Impatiens leggei

Thanks sir,
Earlier I was also thinking of I.leggei but Adamowski sir suggested for Impatiens lemannii, I think it’s inflorescence is slightly different.

Looking more close to Impatiens leggei !

Observation in efi so far are available at Impatiens leggei

What do you finally say ?

Sir I am still not sure though it looks very much similar to I.Leggei but earlier  Wojciech Adamowski sir suggested this as Impatiens lemannii.
I think Wojciech Adamowski sir or Dr. Akiyama mam may confirm as there is no any image of I.lemannii on internet.

Thanks, …  But none of them are responding further.

After checking with images at efi site, I will also like to go with Impatiens leggei

Thanks sir yes it should be I.leggei.


Flora of Uttarakhand- Impatiens glandulifera ?: Wild Herb captured on 13/8/10 during the trek from Ghangaria (around 11,000 ft.) to Hemkunt Sahib (around 14000 ft.).

Could this be Impatiens leggei ! (flowersofindia )

Yeah, appears to be the same.

It is Impatiens leggei

Impatiens laxiflora Edgew. as per Merging Impatiens leggei Pusalkar & D.K.Singh page to Impatiens laxiflora Edgew.


VOF Week: Impatiens leggei ?? en-route Hemkund Sahib and also along Govindghat-Ghangaria Trail:   Seen this small Impatiens sp. en-route Hemkund Sahib and also along Govindghat-Ghangaria Trail.
I think could be Impatiens leggei?? Kindly validate the ID..
Family: Balsaminaceae
Date/Time: 07-08-2012 / 3:30PM and 09-08-2012 / 7:20AM
Plant habit: Herb.

Wonderful catch, and the right ID!

Here are images of Impatiens leggei from the original publications where this species was described
Taiwania, 55(1): 13-23, 2010

Here is the link for the same….

Impatiens laxiflora Edgew. as per Merging Impatiens leggei Pusalkar & D.K.Singh page to Impatiens laxiflora Edgew.

VoF week : MN 020912 Impatiens leggei:  Impatiens leggei
Valley of Flowers


VoF Week :: DV :: 03 AUG 12 – 0419 :: Impatiens ¿ leggei ? along Hemakund – Ghangaria trail:    3 AUG 12
Hemakund – Ghangaria trail … about 10900 ft
Habitat: mountain slope
Habit: herb, about 50 – 70 cm high; flower about 10 – 12 mm across



VOF Week: Impatiens sp. 3 for id from the trek: This is another Impatiens with smaller flowers…shot from the back trek…hope to conclude the id…

this is Impatiens leggei Pusalkar & D.K. Singh


VoF Week: Impatiens leggei from Valley:

Impatiens leggei from Valley

Pls Validate


Impatiens for ID_RKC03_060611: Loc.: On way to Churdhar, Himachal Pradesh (ca 1500m)

Date: August, 2010.

Impatiens glandulifera?

Not Impatiens glanduligera

It could be I. thomsoni. …, could you give us length of the flower (including spur).

Cant remember exactly…but it was not more than 2.5 cms long including the spurs.

I. thomsoni, can that be considered.

For me looks close to newly described I. leggei.

However, on first photo one can see capsules with reddish stripes and strongly curved spur…

… my belief too: Impatiens leggei.


Another Impatiens sp for ID-141010-PKA3: This is yet another Impatiens sp. from Chikka (on the way to Hampta pass).
Date/Time: 26-09-2010 / 03:55PM
Location: Chikka @ 9000 ft altitude on the way to Hampta Pass (Manali region).
Habitat: Wild
Plant Habit: herb

Impatiens sulcata by any chance?

Here is another project for you and …
Upper petal is supposed to be bilobed in I. sulcata. The flowers at FOI and photograph on the web by … have also a mucro in the notch. Above flower has no trace of notch or mucro
Upper lateral petals are smaller and almost under the upper petal in FOI and … photographs, also of the same colour. They are much broader and almost lateral and much lighter almost translucent in above.

The lower lateral petals are much broader without tapering lower half. In above photographs the lower half is distinctly tapered and pointed.

Looks closer to the group of Impatiens balfourii & Impatiens flemingii.

Could this be Impatiens leggei???

As far as I see, I. leggei is most probable choice

This one was again shot from the Gobind Ghat-Gobind Dham Trek during our VOF visit… Impatiens leggei Pusalkar & D.K. Singh

Thanks for sharing. Seems to be a plant with smaller flowers by size.

Yes …, this is indeed a small flowered Impatiens

Impatiens laxiflora Edgew. as per Merging Impatiens leggei Pusalkar & D.K.Singh page to Impatiens laxiflora Edgew.

Impatiens leggei Pusalkar & D.K. Singh
im-PAY-shuns — impatient; referring to the seed pod’s habit of bursting open … Dave’s Botanary
¿ LEH-gee-eye ? — named for Joan Margaret Legge, British botanist … Taiwania
commonly known as: Mary Legge’s balsam
Distribution: India (Western Himalaya) probably endemic
ReferencesFlowers of India • Taiwania

along Ghangaria – Hemkund Sahib trail on 03 AUG 12

This reminded me of Vally of Flowers Trek. If i remember correctly, … had photographed this plant from VOF long back even before it was described.

Impatiens laxiflora Edgew. as per Merging Impatiens leggei Pusalkar & D.K.Singh page to Impatiens laxiflora Edgew.

This small Impatiens sp. was spotted en-route Hemkund Sahib and also along Govindghat-Ghangaria Trail.
Bot. name: Impatiens leggei
Family: Balsaminaceae
Date/Time: 07-08-2012 / 3:30PM and 09-08-2012 / 7:20AM
Plant habit: Herb.


Impatiens leggei — en-route Shilt and Bheradnala at GHNP – PKA25 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (6).

Impatiens leggei — en-route Shilt and Bheradnala at GHNP at an altitude of approx 3000m.
Family: Balsaminaceae

Thanks … for sharing. I have also photographed this balsam at Kashmir (Chandanvari) but the same was identified as Himalayan Balsam. I have attached the photographs shot in Aug-2013. Pl confirm. Attachments (2).

Yes, … plant looks like in description: whitish upper petal, rose or lavender lower lateral petals, some yellow markings, especially inside of lower sepal.

… plant is different with bigger and clearly darker, rosa or pale purple upper petal. I don’t see enough details to determine it. Especially side view of flower could be useful. It is rather not I. glandulifera – please notice linear capsules.

Saw this at many places near Ghangaria on Ghangaria-VOF trail, Uttarakhand in Aug 2018.
Requested to please provide ID, is this Impatiens leggei?

To me also appears close to the images at

Yes, Impatiens leggei. Nice observation.

Saw this at VOF trail, Uttarakhand in Aug 2018.
Requested to please provide ID, if possible given the quality of pics?

Looks like Impatiens leggei

Thanks … for the ID. I too think they look similar to I. leggei, however, these seem to be more pink.

Impatiens leggei from Rohtang… : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)
Here am attaching some images of Impatiens leggei taken from Rohtang in August 2018…!!!

Amarnath Yatra: Balsam Sp for ID (NSj-01 03/09/2013) : Attachments (2). 4 posts by 2 authors.
Balsam SP for ID
On the way to Pissu Top from Chandanwari
Altitude: 11000′ Approx
Date Aug 11, 2013

Could it be Impatiens leggei  ??? Pl validate.

efi page on Impatiens leggei

Reply from another thread:


… plant is different with bigger and clearly darker, rosa or pale purple upper petal. I don’t see enough details to determine it. Especially side view of flower could be useful. It is rather not I. glandulifera – please notice linear capsules.

I guess ID is correct ! Impatiens laxiflora


Impatiens laxiflora:

I guess I. leggei and I. laxiflora are two different sp. and the flower color of I. laxiflora is yellow,.

This should be I. leggei !

Looks like POWO has not updated Impatiens leggei. Please see the attached paper.
In the same paper, the yellow flowered Impatiens desmantha makes me curious. It is supposed to be allied to Impatiens laxiflora.

1 attachment

Even CoL, GBIF and IPNI has  them as separate ID. Enclosing images from the book of Dr. Gogoi !

One more link. (PDF) Three New Species of Impatiens (Balsaminaceae)

… is right.
We have also merged in efi site at Impatiens laxiflora

OK … !


Updated on December 24, 2024

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