Impatiens racemosa DC., Prodr. 1: 688 688 1824. (syn: Impatiens microsciadia Hook. f.); . Smaller flowers and longer slightly incurved spur seems to differentiate it from I. scabrida. It is quite distinct from I. scarbida, in habit also, this is smaller in height; . Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae Week: NS12: BALSAMINACEAE: Impatiens for id from Gori Valley: 6 posts by 5 authors. 8 images. This Impatiens species was shot from Gori Valley Tour in August 2012… id please.. flowers very small, spur almost as long as the flower.. petals have purple dots.. might be … have identified this by now.. Another unique Impatiens sp. Thanks … for sharing. My guess is I. racemosa DC. I have no enough literature, but this one is described and illustarted as small and yellow flowered I think … may be right reported from W. Himalayas. Smaller flowers and longer slightly incurved spur seems to differentiate it from I. scabrida. Thanks a lot … for id, … for further information.. yes, it is quite distinct from I. scarbida, in habit also, this is smaller in height.. Impatiens racemosa Candolle : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (8) And this yellow flowered balsams is rather sure Impatiens racemosa.
Impatiens-6 for ID :: Govindghat-Ghangaria, Uttarakhand :: Aug 2018 :: ARKNOV-14 : 7 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (2) Saw this in Gobindghat, Uttarakhand (1800 m) in Aug 2018. Requested to please provide ID, Perhaps Impatiens racemosa ? This could be Impatiens racemosa. I guess correct. Impatiens racemosa Candolle : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (11)- around 500 kb each. Location: Sundarijal, Kathmandu Date: 30 July 2019 Elevation: 1612 m. Habit : Wild Fwd: Impatiens ID : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1) – 2 mb. Is this Impatiens scullyi? Found at 2750m on Phulchowki Peak Nepal growing on shaded rocks. Flowers very minute – smaller than I. racemosa. Impatiens radiata? Please check Impatiens racemosa DC. ! I agree with …!! on this. . Impatiens racemosa Candolle: 3 very high res. images. Location: Dailekh, West Nepal Altitude: 2230m. Date: 12 August 2021 Habit : Wild |
Impatiens racemosa
Updated on December 24, 2024