Impatiens rupicola Hook.f. var. nataliae (Hook.f.) Bhaskar. (= I. nataliae Hook.f.).;
Impatiens sp from North karnataka for ID- PKA-Nov-01/01 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (9) Came across this Impatiens sp. near Unchalli Falls, North Karnataka. Requesting ID.. This can be Impatiens oppositifolia L. but please check sir. It looks like Impatiens rupicola Hook.f. var. nataliae (Hook.f.) Bhaskar. (= I. nataliae Hook.f.). Perhaps it does not differ much from I. rupicola except having pale white flowers. I hope this plant is not mixed up with the regular population of I. rupicola having light to deep pink flowers. I would greatly appreciate if … could kindly permit me to use the images of this in my 2nd edition of Monograph on Impatiens of Western Ghats which is in the final stage. I would certainly give due credit and mention ‘Photo courtesy: …’; I congratulate … for taking these nice photos. Thanks a lot … for the ID. You may use the images .. References: efi thread GRIN IPNI BSI Flora of India The Plant List Ver.1.1 India Biodiversity Portal (observation) 1997 IUCN Red List of Threatened Plants By Kerry Scott Walter, Harriet J. Gillett, World Conservation Monitoring Centre |
Impatiens rupicola var. nataliae
Updated on December 24, 2024