Impatiens stenantha

Impatiens stenantha Hook. f., Fl. Brit. India 1(3): 478-479 478 1875. (Syn: Impatiens angustiflora Hook. f.);

Impatiens urticifolia :  Attachments (2).  4 posts by 3 authors.
Impatiens urticifolia
At Lachung, Sikkim

Impatiens have always been difficult for me. They are difficult to dissect in dried specimens thus identification is problematic. By seeing pics only this species also resemble to I.stenantha but I have very little ground in Impatiens.

Impatiens stenantha Hook. fil. ??

Thanks, … To me also appears close to images at Impatiens stenantha



Impatiens for id from Sikkim:: NS Sept 02 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5).
This herb was found near Pelling, please help to identify..

This looks like something close to I. drepanophora or I. longipes (see upcurved spur), but this group of species is particularly difficult and little known.
Are flowers pure yellow? How high was plants? Is this annual or perennial?
One of dividing features between I. drepanophora and I. longipes are glandular tips of beak in mouth of lower sepal and lateral sepals. I don’t see this detail good enough on your pictures, however… Whole flower looks like 2-2,5 cm long – is my estimation correct?

I am sorry for not being able to give full information, the flower was completely yellow (however, some specimens from a different location show purple streaks on the upcurved spur), plant was about 1-1.2 ft. high, most probably annual.. your estimation about flowers size is also right..
Some high resolution cropped pics are attached, if they are of any help..

I am unable to push this further, unfortunately.
Some details are missing, some not match descriptions…

Could not find images in net for Impatiens longipes Hook.f. & Thomson for comparison but inflorescence and flowers looks matching with Impatiens drepanophora Hook.f..

Thanks … See the reply from …, way back..
“I have doubt about its identity as I. drapanophora or I. longipes
In I. drapanophora the lateral sepals will have a peculiar awn in its apex, in your plant that is absent.
In I. longipes the inflorescence will be dropping, that also absent in your plant.
rather it is more close to I. stenantha


Here is the third instalment. More tomorrow.

Though the picture is not very clear,
very much looks like Impatiens stenantha
Family : Balsaminaceae.



North Bengal Flowers – ID Request 3 – 13May09-SJ : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Is this a Balsam of some kind?

This should be Impatiens stenantha

indeed it is. I cannot tell you how many ‘impatiens’ I checked out on the net but this one didnt show up!
Thank you very much for the ID.


ID of this Balsam species: 3 images.
Found and photographed this Impatiens at Upper Samdong, East Sikkim in the month of July 2022. Is it Impatiens stenantha? Please id this flower.

My guess is Impatiens racemosa DC. !

Thank you for your reply sir. But I have seen Impatiens resemosa, which has a hood-like upper petal. Actually I was confused between Impatiens stenantha and Impatiens drepanophora, which I thought it may be, though I am not sure about these two. Please review your id sir.

Images are not so clear ! Could be drepanophora !

Quite confusing with

Can I consider it Impatiens stenantha ?

We can tentatively keep it there for the time being.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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