Pyrostegia venusta (Ker Gawl.) Miers, Proc. Roy. Hort. Soc. London 3: 188 1863. (Syn: Bignonia ignea Vell., Bignonia ignea Presl., Bignonia venusta Ker Gawl., Pyrostegia ignea (Vell.) C.Presl ….); . Flame vine, Flaming trumpet, Golden shower trumpet, Orange Bignonia • Tamil: தந்கா பூ Tanga pu; . py-roh-STEG-ee-uh — Greek: pyr (flame), stegia (covering or roof) … Dave’s Botanary ven-NUSS-tuh — beautiful, charming … Dave’s Botanary . Native to: Southern Brazil, Northern Argentina and Paraguay . Evergreen woody climber with tendrils; Leaves opposite, each with two lateral leaflets and terminal 3-parted coiled tendril; leaflets ovate to ovate-oblong, 4-7 mm long, cuneate to subcordate at base, acuminate at apex, entire; flowers orange to crimson-orange, 5-7 cm long, in many-flowered pendulous panicles; calyx campanulate, 5 cm long with minute teeth, glandular-ciliate; corolla tube cylindrical, 4-5 cm long, lobes oblong, reflexed; fruit about 30 cm long, rarely seen. . Bignoniaceae Week : Pyrostegia venusta : Flaming Trumpet/Orange Bignonia : Nasik & Mumbai : 080113 : AK: Thanks … This woody climber is supposed to be common in Delhi, especially in Delhi University, but unfortunately I have yet to capture it. Close up was taken at a flower show in Mumbai. Try finding it later this month or early Feb and you will be able to capture it. I have seen this in Munnar & Nairobi too. Bignoniaceae Week :: Pyrostegia venusta, Miers <=> Flaming trumpet – Bangalore – RA: Flaming trumpet is a vigorous, fast-growing, evergreen woody vine that blooms in winter and spring with spectacular reddish-orange flowers. The compound leaves have two or three 2-3 in oval leaflets and are arranged in pairs opposite each other on the stem. Often, the center leaflet is modified into a coiled, three-parted tendril. Flame vine branches profusely and climbs by clinging with its tendrils. The tubular flowers are about 3 in long and borne in clusters of 15-20 at the tips of branches. The corolla has five lobes which are bent backwards, and the long orange stamens and style extend beyond the tube. The flower clusters may hang down under the weight of their own beauty. Fruits are slender dry capsules about 1 ft long. Flaming trumpet is native to southern Brazil, northern Argentina and Paraguay. Nice shots of common Garden Vine
. Flora of Haryana: Pyrostegia venusta (Ker Gawl.) Miers from CCSHAU Hisar: 5 images. Probably called as “Sankrant Vel“. As it flowers around the time of Makar Sankranti. very nice bright colors and pics… i have seen it in southern california gardens…. not photographed… wish i did Bignoniaceae Week::Welted trumpet (Prsostagia Ventura): Some mixup of the Botanical name. Bignoniaceae Week: Pyrostegia venusta from Morni: Syn: Bignonia ignea Vell.; Bignonia venusta Ker -Gawl. Common names: Flamevine; orange trumpetvine; orange-creeper Evergreen woody climber with tendrils; Leaves opposite, each with two lateral leaflets and terminal 3-parted coiled tendril; leaflets ovate to ovate-oblong, 4-7 mm long, cuneate to subcordate at base, acuminate at apex, entire; flowers orange to crimson-orange, 5-7 cm long, in many-flowered pendulous panicles; calyx campanulate, 5 cm long with minute teeth, glandular-ciliate; corolla tube cylindrical, 4-5 cm long, lobes oblong, reflexed; fruit about 30 cm long, rarely seen. Photographed from Rest house Tikkar Tak Lake, Morni [efloraofindia:For Id 16012013MR!] Bignoniaceae Week: is this Pyrostegia venusta? from Pune: yes this is Pyrostegia venusta संक्रांत वेल Yes it is. The true Sankrant Vel rather than the one posted by you on FB. SYMBIOSIS :126: From the photograph, it is very clear the Scarlet Sunbird’s curved beak cannot easily reach the nectaries of the the tubular flower. All they have to do is simply puncture at the base near the honey glands. SYMBIOSIS :129: SYMBIOSIS : 137 : Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author. Duars : Pyrostegia venusta (Ker Gawl.) Miers : Attachments (4). 7 posts by 4 authors. This one looks like the one in FoI or eFI. It’s a beautiful picture! Nice set of photographs. I think we also refer this climber as “Sankrant vel“, probably beacuse it is in full bloom around sankranti time in January… Fwd: SYMBIOSIS : 894 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) Attaching a collage of Purple Sunbird (male) visiting flowers of Bignonia venusta (GOLDEN SHOWER).
Pyrostegia venusta (Ker Gawl.) Miers : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Location: Sanepa, Kathmandu, Nepal Date: 13 January 2018 Elevation: 4400 ft. Nepali Name: खुर्सानी फूल Khursaanee Phool id plz : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)- 1 Mb each. requesting for its id. shot in sambalpur today id pl 4 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) requesting for its id. shot in sambalpur today (30.1.18) Pyrostegia venusta Flaming Trumpet Mirch bel Thanks, … Your knowledge about plants is superb. I am truly thankful to all of you. I have learnt many things about plants in the last few days. has been great for me. Actually I am finding the names of these trees and plants because of my 4 year daughter who now knows name of quite a few wild plants and flowers. Pyrostegia venusta!- from … in another thread. Fwd: SYMBIOSIS : 1060 : 1 post by 1 author. 1 image. Attaching a collage of male Purple Sun Bird visiting flowers of Bignonia venusta (GOLDEN SHOWER).
Pyrostegia venusta (Ker-Gawl.) Presl [Bignoniaceae]: Golden Shower shrub from Bignoniaceae Name: Pyrostegia venusta (Ker-Gawl.) Presl – This plant is commonly known as ‘Flame Vine” – A very lovely plant to cover walls and arches. GOLDEN SHOWER: “Probably no plant in the world presents so gorgeous an appearance as Bignonia venusta (Golden Shower) when it is in full bloom during Jan-Feb” This certificate is taken from “SOME BEAUTIFUL INDIAN CLIMBERS AND SHRUBS”, by N L Bor and M B Raizada. I agree. I first saw the plant in full bloom at Military Hospital at Dehradun. I have seen the plant at Pachmarhi, Tezpur and many places at North Bengal. I brought a sapling from Tezpur to Cooch Behar. It is in full bloom now. Sunbirds visit the plant for nectar. Attaching two images of the plant. In the second image male of a Yellow backed Sunbird is on the flower. You may be familiar with this type of scene. BIGNONIACEAE WEEK some species from Pantnagar: 1 correct image as above. Enclosing pics of: 3. Pyrostegia venusta, a very popular climber blooming in winters thus making good bee forage. Thanks for lovely pics esp the hedge formed by Pyrostegia venusta is new arrangement/use that I have not seen before… Could you kindly upload one more photograph of last (Tecoma stans) ?. As suggested by …, attaching one more pic of T.stans showing leaves clearly. Bignoniaceae Week :: DV :: 11 MAR 07 :: Pyrostegia venusta in Mumbai: Pyrostegia venusta (Ker Gawl.) Miers py-roh-STEG-ee-uh — Greek: pyr (flame), stegia (covering or roof) … Dave’s Botanary ven-NUSS-tuh — beautiful, charming … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: flame vine, flaming trumpet, golden shower trumpet, orange trumpet Native to: Southern Brazil, Northern Argentina and Paraguay References: Flowers of India • Top Tropicals • Dave’s Garden • Wikipedia at Chota Kashmir, Mumbai on 11 MAR 07 So beautiful. My favourite vine. It is commonly seen in its flowering splendour in the gardens in plantation areas high up in the Western Ghats, Kerala. Fruits of Pyrostegia venusta (Bignoniaceae) : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Nice to see the fruits of Pyrostegia venusta. Are there two climbers growing together? I can see a small purple flower resembling Petrea, possibly Petrea volubilis. Yes … Petrea is also visible. Please confirm the ID of the photographs. My ID is Pyrostegia venusta, also commonly known as flamevine or orange trumpetvine. An ornamental climber. Yes. It is correctly identified. The id is correct. Cultivated ornamental vine in a Garden from Chandrapur area of MP . Bignoniaceae: Pyrostegia venusta: 1 high res. image. Pyrostegia venusta from Andhra University Botanical Garden Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh . References: |
Pyrostegia venusta
Updated on December 24, 2024