Cordia domestica Roth, Nov. Pl. Sp. 123 1821. (Syn: Cordia domestica var. evolutior (C.B.Clarke) M.R.Almeida; Cordia evolutior (C.B.Clarke) Gamble; Cordia fulvosa Wight; Cordia fulvosa var. evolutior C.B.Clarke; Cordia myxa var. domestica (Roth) C.B.Clarke; Gerascanthus fulvosus (Wight) Borhidi [Invalid]; Lithocardium fulvosum Kuntze (Unresolved)); . Here is a key for distinguishing the species 1. Corolla white……………………………………………..2 2. Fruiting calyx not ribbed………………………………3 3. Filament hairy at base; Fruit up to 2.5 cm………..C. dichotoma 3. Filament glabrous; Fruit up to 1.2 cm long……….C. sinensis 2. Fruiting calyx ribbed …………………………………….C. domestica 1. Corolla orange………………………………………………4 4. Leaves rough; Ripe fruit white……………………….C. sebestena 4. Leaves not rough; Ripe fruit brown…………………C. subcordata . Fwd: [efloraofindia:158731] Boraginaceae – Cordia sp. for ID from Kerala- KMPK 3 : Attachments (3). 3 posts by 1 author. Please help me for identification of one more Cordia sp. collected from Kerala. To me it appears closer to Cordia domestica Roth (syn: C.fulvosa Wight) as per POWO and GBIF– specimen and FoPI. CoL considers these to be a syn. of Cordia dichotoma G. Forster unlike POWO. Pl. confirm or otherwise. ¿ Spermadictyon species ? : Attachments (5). 13 posts by 6 authors. I found this plant (looks like a scandent shrub, probably woody and branched at base, further branches seemed tender) … growing among thicket of many other plants along road side in the ghat section near Karnala Bird Sanctuary on 31st March 09. Requesting ID. I think this should be ‘Mappia foetida“. … (plantscape at flickr) believes this to be not M. foetida. Will wait for comments from other friends. Look like cordia. I have earlier mailed this plant as Cordia species Yes …, many thanks to you and … but I am not yet able to get to exact species, whose habit is more of a scandent shrub. (I do not know if I am mistaking it to be a shrub). Any other species found in the Western Ghats, besides listed below ? Cordia dichotoma (syn. C. myxa) C. gharaf (syn. C. rothii) C. monoica C. obliqua var. tomentosa C. octandra C. wallichii This is Cordia and most probably C. montana, but dissected flower for confirmation. With hint of Cordia sp. from …, I strongly believe this plant to be Cordia monoica Roxb. I am not convinced as per images at Cordia monoica Roxb. To me it appears closer to Cordia domestica Roth (syn: C.fulvosa Wight) as per POWO and GBIF– specimen and FoPI. CoL considers these to be a syn. of Cordia dichotoma G. Forster unlike POWO. Ok, thanks … I will tentatively label it as Cordia domestica, until it gets validated otherwise. There is one photo on flickr taken by Lalithamba ji, which made me think of my plant as C. monoica. . . References: |
Cordia domestica
Updated on December 24, 2024