Cordia lutea (Cultivated)

Common name: Yellow Cordia, Yellow Geiger, Muyuyo;

I D for Chennai tree: I retrieved the photographs from my archives. I took the photographs during June 2005, if I remember right.

I have not seen anywhere else in Chennai.
This is a small tree abutting the compound wall.
Could this be a  species of Cordia. Leaves also look like Cissus.
Location : Sardar Patel Road, near Anna University.

Cordia lutea, perhaps.


I am attaching the pictures of Cordia species.
Location: Sardar Patel Road, Chennai (near Anna University)
Date 25th November 2005.
I posted these pictures earlier also. But not yet been confirmed.

Cordia lutea, perhaps.


Tree for ID : 100511 : AK-1: Taken at Jijamata Udyan or Rani Baug, Mumbai, Maharashtra on the 10th of April, 2008.
A medium sized tree with tiny white flowers.

Looks like Cordia species.

i think this is vellaris heynei

Can you post the close up of flowers if you have.

Sorry…I don’t have any close up of flowers.
Will try to get them next time I visit.

I do not think this is vellaris heynei because a) heynei is a woody climber and b) in the survey made by Dr. Almeida he does not mention heynei. I think this is likely to be vallaris solanacea. However one will need a close up of the flowers to make a final call.
Unfortunately the tree may have lost all the flowers by now so we may have to wait till next year.
Anyway …, I will be going to Jijamata garden (at 9 in the morning) coming Sunday, you are welcome to join.

Vallaris heynei is synonym of Vallaris solanacea … climber.
Just as … thinks, my guess too is some species of Cordia.

Vallaris solanacea (heynei) climber flowering on a medium sized tree of Cordia dichotoma (myxa).

it is Cordia domestica Roth., Nov. Pl. Sp. 123, 1821; Almeida, Fl. Mah. 3:295, 2001; Singh et al, Fl. Mah. St. 2: 417, 2001.
Synonyms: C. myxa L. var. domestica Cl. in Hook.f., FI. Brit. Ind. 4: 140, 1883. C. fulvosa Wt. Icon. t. 1380, 1850; Cooke, Fl. Pres. Bombay 2: 267, 1958 (Repr.)
i collected it from Bangur nagar, Goregaon, Mumbai and subsequently observed it at VJBU, opposite office.
here is a key for distinguishing the species
1. Corolla white……………………………………………..2
2. Fruiting calyx not ribbed………………………………3
3. Filament hairy at base; Fruit up to 2.5 cm………..C. dichotoma
3. Filament glabrous; Fruit up to 1.2 cm long……….C. sinensis
2. Fruiting calyx ribbed …………………………………….C. domestica

1. Corolla orange………………………………………………4
4. Leaves rough; Ripe fruit white……………………….C. sebastina
4. Leaves not rough; Ripe fruit brown…………………C. subcordata

i think plant is Cordia sinensis, there are many trees in the gardens of this species… one at the corner of the office and one near the Gustavia tree…. there is Vallaris only on Lion cage in Rani baug….

i do not think its Vallaris, leaves are not opposite here, to me it look like Cordia.., in Victoria garden Vallaris is present on Lion cage….
… pls if you can give us the exact location in Victoria garden, it would be easy to identify the small tree…

When you are going towards the Nursery, you have the offices on your right. Just before the offices begin, on the right itself is this small tree.
Had been there a couple of days ago, saw the tree, no flowers now.
There is a Sita asoka tree on the left, just opposite it on the right a little inside the road.
I don’t think any climber is growing on it.

I think … has made it very clear. There are two plants in this photograph, a tree Cordia dichotoma which is not flowering and a climber Vallaris solanacea, which is flowering and the object of this identification.
So the identification of Flowering plant should go as Vallaris solanacea.

sorry, but there is no two object in the photo, its an Cordia sinensis, and not C. dichotoma… according to the location provided by …, and i know that no climber growing on that tree..
those who are confused please check the photo again..
even i request … to upload more photos or give more information if any climber growing on tree..

I think … is right. There is only one plant in the pic. What ever it is!!! 🙂

If this plant id Cordia sinensis, then what is this??

Surely the two are different
In Cordia sinensis (syn: C. gharaf Forssk; C. rothii Roem. & sch.), corolla lobes are much narrower, 4 in number and reflexed. The above plant seems to have 5, much broader corolla lobes which are spreading. lso flower are too large for cordia.

looking into more details, it look more closer to Cordia myxa, i thought C. myxa and C. sinensis are synonyms but after going through details i saw different characters of both the species..


Kindly have a look at Cordia sinensis; observe the leaves in the following link and compare it with the pic in the post

i am adding few pic of Cordia domestica (not cordia dichotoma) which i
have pictured of the same plant at VJBU and at Bangur nagar Goregaon.

Thanks … for your efforts. We seem to be reaching somewhere. It looks similar to C. domestica

I agree with … ONLY ONE PLANT / TREE in this photo.

The focus of attention is the branch with flowers, and if this belongs to tree in question, I think we should be exploring further with what … has suggested. Let us go further from there and forget about two plant theory.

Adding two more pictures taken recently at the same place in Jijamata Udyan for identification.

This is Cordia lutea Lam. (Cultivated) as per images and details herein and as per Flora of Peninsular India



Requesting validation of ID of this Cordia – Jijamata Udyan – Feb 2014 :: 05032014 :: ARK-08 : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments(6).
Requesting to please validate the ID of this small tree captured in Jijamata Udyan, Mumbai in February 2014. The placard stated Cordia sinensis

Sad that the Jijamata Udyan people have nailed the placard.

efi page on Cordia sinensis    

Here is the link: Tree for ID : 100511 : AK-1: (Identified as Cordia domestica)

This Cordia domestica, from near the jijamata office.

Thank you … for the ID…..

I too photographed this tree at the same location where … had taken pics……

Adding images of flowers taken today… (10.6.14)

This is Cordia lutea Lam. (Cultivated) as per images and details herein and as per Flora of Peninsular India

Updated on December 24, 2024

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