Cordia sebestena (Cultivated)

— named for Valerius Cordus, 16th century German botanist
seb-ess-TAY-nuh — from Persian sapistan, name of allied species grown around Sebesta Dave’s Botanary
commonly known as: aloe wood, geranium tree, largeleaf geigertree, orange geiger tree, scarlet cordia, sea trumpet, sebesten plum tree, Spanish cordia, Texas olive, ziricote • Bengali: kamla buhal, raktarag • Hindi: लाल लसोड़ा lal lasora, bohari • Kannada: challekendala • Tamil: அச்சிநறுவிலி accinayuvili
Native to: Florida Keys, the West Indies, and northern South America
As per efi thread :
Here is a key for distinguishing the species
1. Corolla white……………………………………………..2
2. Fruiting calyx not ribbed………………………………3
3. Filament hairy at base; Fruit up to 2.5 cm………..
C. dichotoma
3. Filament glabrous; Fruit up to 1.2 cm long……….C. sinensis
2. Fruiting calyx ribbed …………………………………….C. domestica
1. Corolla orange………………………………………………4
4. Leaves rough; Ripe fruit white…………………………C. Sebestena
4. Leaves not rough; Ripe fruit brown…………………..C. subcordata

Request Id_19062011DS_SN1:  Located this tree on roadside of Sali Lake, Kolkata – flowering season
nearly over, but still having few bunches.

Thanks … In Bengali, it is named as Raktarag – I serached internet after getting the botanical name from you.

Sacred beauty ! Temple grove Chidambaram: This Orange flowering tree looks very similar to  – Cordia subcordata Beach Cordia, ironwood
Plant Height 10 -12 feet
Leaves alternate, 12 cms
Flower size -3cms
Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu
18 May 2008

Cordia sebestina. Orange Geiger Tree, Broadleaf Cordia, Geiger Tree, Largeleaf Geiger Tree.

Its unusual to see an exotic tree, with less or no ethnobotanical or cultural value as in this case, as a sacred plant in Indian temples. I guess its just an ornamental, garden plant and not a “sacred” tree.

Since by definition, nothing is added or taken away from a sacred grove…
this must have been a naturalised /volunteered specimen… brought in by the wind or birds… etc…
an escapee from gardens finding sanctuary in a sacred grove… fantastic…love it

could this be Cordia sebestena?


CORDIA SEBESTENA: I saw Cordia sebastina ( Scarlet Cordia ), for the first time at Narendrapur, near Kolkata. Forest department has planted quite a number of the plant on the road side, here at Cooch Behar. It is a treat to see the scarlet colour flowers in clusters  This is what D V cowen says about the plant in her book FLOWERING TREES AND SHRUBS IN INDIA
” We have many indigenous Cordias in India, but the loveliest of them has its home in the Caribbean Islands and the northern coast of South America, and was imported to this country and Sri Lanka and the Philippines many years ago because of its ornamental value.—————-Here we find the Scarlet Cordia as a small tree or garden shrub, but in its native haunts, in the sandy, sun-baked conditions it loves, it can reach 12 m. ”
Attaching two images of the plant.


INDEPENDENCE DAY 2011:  On the eve of Independence Day, I am attaching two cards. The cards are designed using bamboo leaf, fern leaf, selaginella, petals of Scarlet Cordia, Passion flower, Amaltas, Bougainvillea and Mussaenda.


unknown orange flower tree from Alipore 27-05-12 SK:

My search strings are as simple as this one “persistent calyx + orange flower + tree” 🙂
And this gives me a result that tells me that the attached pics maybe of Cordia sebestena L., because there are some similarities in davesgarden and in
Species : UNKNOWN
Habit & Habitat : garden tree with orange flowers
Date : 25-0512, 1.42 p.m.
Place : The Agri=Horticultural Society of India, Alipore (Kolkata)

i have always thought this was the geiger tree i saw in key west gardens but there it flowers in december???

Yes it is Cordia sebestena
A common garden plant producing flowers all throughout the year.

efloraindia: 211111 BRS183:
Sharing the images of Cordia Sebestena from Peelamedu, Coimbatore.
Habitat: Urban (Road side avenue tree)
Habit: Tree

VALIDATE_ID_30MAY12_DS_SN1: Attaching pics of a small tree and flowers. Seems to me Cordia sebestena Scarlet Cordia.

Experts please help.

Seen in Mumbai, April this year.

Yes it is indeed.

Boraginaceae Week :: Cordia subcordata, Lam. <=> Beach Cordia Tree – Bangalore – RA:

This looks like the Scarlet Cordia [Cordia sebestina] to me. Please check.

Thanks … Another confusing one for me, I have seen only one tree.

… is right, orange red flowers are met in Cordia sebestena L.
Although most Indian specimens of C. myxa are now attributed to C. dichotoma, perhaps both are met in Indian subcontinent according to Flora of Pakistan, and have white flowers.

KOR-dee-uh — named for Valerius Cordus, 16th century German botanist
seb-ess-TAY-nuh — from Persian sapistan, name of allied species grown around Sebesta
Dave’s Botanary
Apr 25, 2009 … Esselworld, Mumbai
commonly known as: aloe wood, geranium tree, largeleaf geigertree, orange geiger tree, scarlet cordia, sea trumpet, sebesten plum tree, Spanish cordia, Texas olive, ziricote • Bengali: kamla buhal, raktarag • Hindi: लाल लसोड़ा lal lasora, bohari • Kannada: challekendala • Tamil: அச்சிநறுவிலி accinayuvili
Native to: Florida Keys, the West Indies, and northern South America
References: Flowers of IndiaWikipediaPIERNPGS / GRIN
more views: Apr 25, 2009 … Esselworld, Mumbai
Jul 15, 2007 … at Vaghbil, Thane, Maharashtra


Boraginaceae Week: Codia sebestena Scarlet cordia Pune.:  Codia sebestena (Scarlet cordia) Pune.
A native of Cuba; West indies, Florida
Commonly planted in gardens and bungalows for its beautiful scarlet flowers .

Sorry for the typo. It should read as Cordia sebestena.

ID No. MS 030612 – 95- Boraginaceae week – Cordia sebastina: I am sending herewith the photographs of Cordia sebastina photographed in a park in Mysore city during March 2012.

Nice images … Here are the fruits & leaf.


Cordia sebestena: The Common Wanderer (Pareronia valeria) on (Cordia sebestena)


Boraginaceae Week: Cordia sebestena L. (Alipore):

This is the second Boraginaceae member that i know since May 27, this year.
Species : Cordia sebestena L.
Habit & Habitat : garden tree
Date : 25/5/12, 1.43 p.m.
Place : Alipore (Kolkata), WB
more pictures in another post 


efloraofindia:”For Id 20102012MR1’’ tree with orange flowers at Pune:  09/10/2012

Request identification of this medium ht tree at a public park at Pune.

Scarlet orange flowers and green fruits

Cordia sebestena

Yes this is Scarlet cordia.
Botanical name Cordia sebestena.
Ornamental: Often planted in gardens due to its perennial nature of flowering.

Cordia sebestena
Cordia subcordata
Native. Has rough leaves. Fruit is smoother egg shaped.

Cordia subcordata : For ID Confirmation : 140713 : AK-4 : Attachments (2). 5 posts by 2 authors.
Cordia flowers seen in Muscat on 17/7/2009.

A small, cultivated tree.

Kindly confirm id.

Cordia sebastena.

The tree you mentioned is cultivated only at VJBU Mumbai, otherwise it is a coastal tree in Andaman. Flowers are pale orange and larger.

Thanks for confirming the id. I have seen the one at VJBU, Mumbai.
The flowers resembled those, hence I put it up for validation.

Another Cordia with bright orange flowers is very common here.

The one shown by you is C. sebastena, the bright coloured common Cordia.

The tree named by you (C. subcordata) is rare and is planted in VJBU.

IND 6 A and B : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2).
Please ID this tree with red flowers and fruits. Photo was taken from Chennai in March 2014

Cordia sebastiana L.

Can this be Scarlet Cordia (Cordia sebestena) an exotic plant?

Agree with …


SK737 18 SEP-2017:ID : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)
Location: Kolkata, India
Date: 8 September 2017
Elevation : 25 ft.

this is Cordia sabestena   family-  Boraginaceae

Tree for ID, Hyderabad NAW-MAR18-02 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)
Kindly identify this medium-sized tree with dark green leaves, orange flowers and a highly wrinkled bark, photographed in a house in Hyderabad in November 2017.

Leaves 15-20 cm in length.

Pl. check

Cordia sebestena for sure.

Thank you … I see that most of the pictures on the wikipedia page on Cordia sebestena are by … shot in Hyderabad!

Fwd: CORDIA SEBESTENA : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Attaching a collage of Cordia sebestena. It is an introduced species at this place. Forest department has planted this plant few years and these are doing well. They are in bloom at this time.

NSD-May 2018 -1, Cordia sebestena : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) – 1 MB.
Cordia sebestena 
Scarlet Cordia or Lal Lasora.
This small tree is native to South America 
planted as an ornamental tree for its beautiful flowers
Pics from Ahemdabad, Gujrat, May 2018

SL 58 281113 : Attachments (1).  4 posts by 4 authors.
Please ID this fruit tree. Photo was taken in Sri Lanka in Oct 2012.

Seems to be Cordia species.

Just a guess. Could this be Annonaceae sp because of what looks like aggregate fruits? Same was discussed in … post on 16th nov.

Yes, this looks like Boraginaceae only. These are not aggregate fruits …

Cordia sebestena fruits. I have grown the trees of this species and observed

It is a beautiful ornamental tree with orange red coloured flowers.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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