Trichodesma zeylanicum

Trichodesma zeylanicum (Burm.f.) R.Br., Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl. 496 1810. (Syn: Borago zeylanica Burm.f.; Borraginoides zeylanica (Burm.f.) Hiern; Leiocarya kotschyana Hochst. (unresolved); Pollichia zeylanica (Burm.f.) F.Muell.);

On careful searching I found important characters to differentiate Trichodesmas.
1. Stamens included Corolla tube longer than lobes, lobes shortly acuminate, not recurved…. …. T.inaequale.
1. Stamens exserted; corolla tube as long as, or shorter than lobes, lobes acuminate, recurved … 2

2. Glandular spots on corolla lobes; calyx hastate or cordate …. T.indicum
2. Glandular spots absent on corolla lobes; calyx rounded …. T. zeylanicum  

Boraginaceae Week :: Trichodesma zeylanicum, Pune:
Trichodesma zeylanicum
Please validate.
I was just checking for all the posts with subject line Trichodesma indicum.
As … said T.indicum and T.zeylanicum are very close and difficult to differentiate from each other.
On careful searching I found important characters to differentiate Trichodesmas.
1. Stamens included Corolla tube longer than lobes, lobes shortly acuminate, not recurved…. …. T.inaequale.
1. Stamens exserted; corolla tube as long as, or shorter than lobes, lobes acuminate, recurved …   2

2. Glandular spots on corolla lobes; calyx hastate or cordate …. T.indicum
2. Glandular spots absent on corolla lobes; calyx rounded …. T. zeylanicum
Considering the above characters esp the calyx is clearly not hastate here. As against to this the plants posted as T.indicum by … , … and … clearly have hastate calyx more clearly seen in sideview..
The pattern of dark tinge on the petals here is also different. I think my posted plant is T.zeylanicum.

… to me your plant looks different from T. indicum that I am familiar … at least the calices, in closed and open condition certainly look different, the lobes of corolla too clearly hint of spiral ending at their tips.
Thus T. zeylanicum.

Trichodesma sp. for ID:
Please identify this Trichodesma sp.

I think this is Trichodesma zeylanicum.
Calyx lobes are not amplexicaul to call it Trichodesma indicum.

Yes it is Trichodesma zeylanicum


Fwd: [efloraofindia:178237] Plant for ID 281213 KS1 :  Attachments (1)- 1MB.  2 posts by 1 author.
Taken at Pocharam village near Hyderabad on 01-12-2010

I guess it as species of Desmodium though floral characters not seen

Trichodesma zeylanicum (Burm.f.) R.Br (Boraginaceae) frequent around Bangalore, tall herb grows up to 4-5 feet

Trichodesma zeylanicum (Burm.f.) R.Br :  Attachments (2). 3 posts by 3 authors.
Trichodesma zeylanicum (Burm.f.) R.Br, Fam: Boraginaceae
Denkanikota , Krishnagiri DT, Tamil Nadu
Rainfed land
850m altitude
Weed of Ragi, Groundnut, Gorghum field, flowering twig

This is more like any Swertia to me..

Supporting …, T. zeylanicum

Herb for ID, Telangana, NAW-JAN15-08 : 8 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)
Kindly identify this weedy herb with white flowers photographed at a orchard near Vikarabad about 50 Kms west of Hyderabad, in February 2015.
Herb about 60-80 cms in height, white flower about 1 cm wide.

It is Trichodesma zeylanicum of Boraginaceae

It is Trichodesma indicum of family Boraginaceae

It is Tricodesma indicum belongs to Boraginaceae.

It is Trichodesma zeylanicum, family Boraginaceae.

It is T.zeylanicum , because the plant is about 1 m tall, flowers blue with pink base on inner side, in lax cymes, leaf base acute

It may be Trichodesma zeylanicum (Boraginaceae). In exceptional cases it grow up to 2 m.
In the genus Trichodesma, species are identified on the basis of nutlets, calyx and stamens.
If calyx is rounded then- it is zeylanicum; cordate or hastate-then indicum.


Trichodesma indicum from Pune: 10 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (4)
Trichodesma indicum
I was lucky to observe this today near Katraj Pune.
Trichodesma inequale is very common around Pune but I was waiting to find this for last 4-5 years.
As against T.inequale this appeared more firmer and erect plant; taller too; quite bristly.
Flower with more bluish tinge with characteristic petal tips… Is it what is called as cuspidate?
The central pointed structure is also unique and differes from the earlier mentioned species.
I hope the ID is correct.

On rethinking can it be Trichodesma zeylanica?

… this is not Trichodesma inaequale … the central structure in the flower is minimal.

You mean this …

Yes …. Your picture T I.jpg shows Trichodesma inequale.

Trichodesma zeylanicum as per your posting in another thread.

Trichodesma indicum: I’d confirm : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) – 2 Mb and 3 Mb.
Trichodesma indicum

I think more closer to images at Trichodesma zeylanicum (Burm.f.) R.Br. rather than those at Trichodesma indicum (L.) Sm.  and as per keys and comparative images at Trichodesma

Trichodesma inaequale

No, … It is Trichodesma zeylanicum (Burm.f.) R.Br. as per keys and comparative images at Trichodesma

O.K. … I will compare the characters with the key provided.


Trichodesma Species for ID : Nasik : 28APR21 : AK-22: 3 images.
Seen growing wild in the month of Dec, 20.

Trichodesma zeylanicum


12-09-2022 DNS #1: 2 images.
I found these growing in a vacant plot in the city- Ahmedabad, Gujarat. It is a kind of Trichodesma ? Here is a view of the area showing the spread of this plant and a close-up. The stems and branch has prickly hair. The leaves are rather large and the height of the bush must be around 1.5-2ft.
Please help ID.

A suggestion: Check for T.zeylanicum. But need better photographs of the flowers/ plant for confirmation.

Attached are some close-ups of the flowers – T. zelaynicum 🙂
Just one additional query : are they reported as native to the arid belt of the Aravalli?
3 images

BSI Flora of India Checklist gives its range as Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Goa, Daman & Diu, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarkhand, West Bengal


Boraginaceae: Trichodesma zeylanicum (Burm.fil.) R.Br.: 1 high res. image.
location/date: Tarubanda village, Melghat Wildlife Sanctuary, Amravati Distr., Maharashtra, November 1994


Updated on December 24, 2024

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