Lobelia erinus L., Sp. Pl. 932 1753. (Syn: Dortmannia debilis var. natalensis Kuntze; Dortmannia erinoides (L.) Kuntze; Dortmannia erinus (L.) Kuntze .; Dortmannia flexuosa (C.Presl) Kuntze; Dortmannia lavandulacea (Klotzsch) Kuntze; Dortmannia senegalensis (A.DC.) Kuntze; Enchysia erinoides (L.) C.Presl; Grammatotheca erinoides (L.) Sond.; Laurentia erinoides (L.) G.Nicholson; Lobelia acutangula (C.Presl) A.DC.; Lobelia algoensis A.DC.; Lobelia altimontis E.Wimm.; Lobelia bellidifolia L.f.; Lobelia bellidifolia Thunb.; Lobelia benguellensis Hiern; Lobelia bicolor Sims; Lobelia bracteolata A.DC.; Lobelia candida Link [Invalid]; Lobelia chilawana Schinz; Lobelia dortmannii Dammann; Lobelia erinifolia Salisb. [Illegitimate]; Lobelia erinoides L.; Lobelia erinoides Thunb.; Lobelia erinus var. bellidifolia (L.f.) Sond. ……………….; Lobelia filiformis f. albiflora E.Wimm. ……; Lobelia jugosa S.Moore; Lobelia keilhackii E.Wimm.; Lobelia kohautiana Vatke [Illegitimate]; Lobelia lavendulacea Klotzsch; Lobelia lydenburgensis E.Wimm.; Lobelia melsetteria E.Wimm. [Invalid]; Lobelia montaguensis E.Wimm.; Lobelia natalensis A.DC. .; Lobelia nuda Hemsl. ..; Lobelia nuzana E.Wimm.; Lobelia oranjensis E.Wimm.; Lobelia parvifolia Raf. [Illegitimate]; Lobelia polyodon E.Wimm.; Lobelia procumbens J.Forbes .; Lobelia raridentata E.Wimm.; Lobelia rosulata S.Moore .; Lobelia schrankii Sweet; Lobelia senegalensis A.DC. ..; Lobelia transvaalensis Schltr.; Lobelia trierarchii R.D.Good; Lobelia turgida E.Wimm. .; Lobelia wildii E.Wimm. .; Monopsis conspicua Salisb. [Illegitimate]; Monopsis debilis var. conspicua Sond.; Monopsis simplex var. conspicua (Sond.) E.Wimm.; Rapuntium acutangulum C.Presl; Rapuntium bellidifolium (L.f.) C.Presl; Rapuntium bicolor (Sims) C.Presl; Rapuntium erinoides (L.) Mill.; Rapuntium erinus (L.) Mill.; Rapuntium kohautianum C.Presl; Rapuntium krebsianum C.Presl; Rapuntium procumbens (J.Forbes) C.Presl); . Only 4 species have been mentioned from the family in BSI Mah flora. Out of these 4 are native and 1 is cultivated: Lobelia erinus reported in gardens in Pune. Of the 4 natives L. chinensis is a creeping herb with terete stem. L. nicotianaefolia (Wild tobacco) is 1-3m tall. L. alsinoides and L. heyneana are less than 50 cm tall. with solitary axillary flowers. The differentiating key between them is given as —–two of the anthers penicillate at tip; seeds ellipsoid … L.heyneana. —–All anthers penicillate at tip.; Seeds trigonous … L.alsinoides. . Lobelia erinus L., Sp. pl. 2:932. 1753 Common names: Edging lobelia, garden lobelia, trailing lobelia Low annual or perennial herb usually shorter than 20 cm; leaves alternate, lower elliptic or obovate, upper serrate, 12-25 mm long, serrate; flowers blue or violet with yellowish or whitish throat, 12-18 mm long, in racemes; anthers exserted, lower two penicillate. Photographed from California, cultivated in flower beds. Not not so Half a flower: Lobelia erinus from California: Lobelia erinus L., Sp. pl. 2:932. 1753 Common names: edging lobelia, garden lobelia, trailing lobelia Low herbaceous plant with elliptic to obovate lower leaves, upper linear, up to 25 mm long, serrate; flowers in loose racemes; calyx with 5 linear lobes; corolla blue or violet with white or yellowish throat, 15-22 mm long, upper lip with two short distinct lobes, lower lip larger, 3-cleft; anthers bearded. Commonly cultivated in flower-beds in California forming ground cover. Campanulaceae & Gentianaceae Fortnight: Campanulaceae-Lobelia erinus ‘Techno Heat Violet ’11’ from California-GSJUL34 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2). Lobelia erinus ‘Techno Heat Violet ’11’ A cultivar with early flowering purple flowers, larger in size. Photographed from California. Very beautiful flowers..!! . Campanulaceae & Gentianaceae Fortnight: Campanulaceae-Lobelia erinus from California-GSJUL32 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4). Lobelia erinus L., Sp. pl. 2:932. 1753 Common names: Edging lobelia, garden lobelia, trailing lobelia Low annual or perennial herb usually shorter than 20 cm; leaves alternate, lower elliptic or obovate, upper serrate, 12-25 mm long, serrate; flowers blue or violet with yellowish or whitish throat, 12-18 mm long, in racemes; anthers exserted, lower two penicillate. Campanulaceae and Gentianaceae Fortnight: July 1 to 14, 2014 : Campanulaceae : Lobelia erinus : Muscat : 140714 : AK-6 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2). Sharing pictures of Trailing Lobelia from Muscat identified from the following link…. http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/229/#b Had posted these earlier. Kindly validate. . Garden Flower for ID : Oman : 050712 : AK-1: 2 images. Looks like some Lobelia. yes it is Lobelia sp. . Lobelia erinus from California-GS06122021-2: 2 high res. images. Lobelia erinus, cultivated roadsides, Mississauga, Canada. 31-7-2019. . References: POWO |
Lobelia erinus (Cultivated)
Updated on December 24, 2024