Lobelia heyneana Schult., Syst. Veg. 5: 50 1819. (Syn: Dortmannia reinwardtiana (C.Presl) Kuntze; Dortmannia trialata (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Kuntze; Lobelia aligera Haines; Lobelia arenarioides (C.Presl.) A.DC.; Lobelia bialata Merr.; Lobelia decurrens Roth [Illegitimate]; Lobelia dichotoma Miq. …….; Lobelia micrantha Hook. [Illegitimate]; Lobelia reinwardtiana (C.Presl) A.DC.; Lobelia subincisa Wall. ex A.DC.; Lobelia subincisa Wall.; Lobelia subracemosa Miq. .; Lobelia trialata Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don ….; Lobelia umbrosa Hochst. ex Hemsl.; Lobelia zeylanica var. aligera (Haines) Haines ..; Rapuntium arenarioides C.Presl.; Rapuntium reinwardtianum C.Presl; Rapuntium trialatum (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) C.Presl); Common name: Heyne’s Lobelia
Only 4 species have been mentioned from the family in BSI Mah flora. Out of these 4 are native. and 1 is cultivated: Lobelia erinus reported in gardens in Pune. Of the 4 natives L. chinensis is a creeping herb with terete stem. L. nicotianaefolia (Wild tobacco) is 1-3m tall. L. alsinoides and L. heyneana are less than 50 cm tall. with solitary axillary flowers. The differentiating key between them is given as —–two of the anthers penicillate at tip; seeds ellipsoid … L.heyneana. —–All anthers penicillate at tip.; Seeds trigonous … L.alsinoides. Diffuse herbs, stem 3-winged, glabrous. Leaves 3 x 1.5 cm, obovate, apex obtuse or acute, base narrowly winged on the petiole, crenate-serrate, nerves 4 pairs; upper leaves sessile. Flowers in terminal, short raceme; sepals 4.5 x 1 mm, lanceolate, glabrous; corolla blue, 10 mm long, ventral lobe broader; lateral and dorsal lobes lanceolate; anthers 2.5 mm long, 2 anthers with penicillate black hairs at apex; style stout, curved; stigma with a ring of hairs below. Flowering and fruiting: September-November Wet areas in evergreen forests and moist grassy places Indo-Malesia, China and Africa Lobelia heyneana is widely distributed in East Africa, Indo-Malaysia, India, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Myanmar, Nepal, Cameroon, Ethiopia and Tanzania. In India, it is commonly seen in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka , Kerala , Maharashtra, Meghalaya, Madhya Pradesh, Sikkim and Jammu and Kashmir (Cook 1996, Rao and Kumari 2002). It occurrs in moist and swampy places, along streams, marshes and rice fields and tolerates considerable shade (Cook 1996). (From IUCN Red List (LC) ) small plant for id : Attachments (2). 6 posts by 5 authors. Is this Acanthaceae member? … I guess Lobelia alsinoides Lam. of Family Lobeliaceae (Campanulaceae) Lobelia heyneana R & S. Could this be any Scrophulariaceae member? Thanks for showing the pictures. Thank you so much for the detailed identification. the plant is collected from Mudhumalai Tiger reserve, Tamil nadu. Herb 1 for ID from Morni Hills: Another member of the same family (Scrophulariaceae) from Morni Hills. Again a very small herb with light pinkish flowers. Please identify Could this be Lobelia alsinoides?? Lobelia alsinoides I think this was previously known as Lobelia trigona Seems to be soe species of Lobelia Winged stem and pale blue flowers are character of Lobelia heyneana of companulaceae family. To me it is Lobelia heyneana here is the online reference. http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=2&taxon_id=118775 Kas Week: Lobelia heyneana: This is possibly the smallest plant and flower on Kas plateau. You have to go down on your knees and comb the ground to locate this 5 cm plant and 0.3 cm flower hidden among other plants. I assume it is found during September. Kas week:: PKA37:: Lobelia heyneana???: Requesting ID for this plant. Could this be Lobelia heyneana?? Very small plant (hardly 4 to 5cm in height). … has validated the ID as Lobelia heyneana. Identification of this scrophulariaceae herb requested : Attachments (1). 10 posts by 6 authors. About 30 cm high herb, looks like lindernia is found at E.ghats, pls help me in identification Sir this might be Lobelia sp of Campanulaceae Lobelia species in efi so far. It is campanulaceae sp. Lobelia heyneana, I think. The first upload is a species of Lobelia for sure. Yes, It is Lobelia heyneana Roem. & Schult.
Campanulaceae & Gentianaceae Fortnight:: Lobelia heyneana from Morni Hills:: NS 20 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4). This delicate, erect herb was also recorded from Morni Hills in Haryana, I hope this is Lobelia heyneana.. please validate.. These tiny flowers noticed and photographed by the expert explorer. Great. Campanulaceae & Gentianaceae Fortnight: Campanulaceae : Lobelia heyneana at Kas : PKA26:: : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2). Seen this small herb (hardly 4 to 5cm in height) in Satara region. Bot. name : Lobelia heyneana, Very beautiful..
Satara, Oct 2014 :: Requesting ID validation – Lobelia :: ARKOCT-20 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3). Requesting to please validate ID of this very tiny herb captured near Satara, Maharashtra in October 2014. Is this Lobelia heyneana? Again, arrived at the ID based on the avaiable pics in efi…. I think Lobelia heyneana, nice catch.
Family: Scrophulariaceae? Date: September 2015 Place: Chikamagalur, Karnataka Habit: Small herb Habitat: Grasslands at around 1400 metres above sea level. This appears Lobelia zeylanica Campanulaceae Can this be Lobelia heyneana Schult. instead? efi page on Lobelia heyneana Yes It looks like Lobelia zeylanica Yes, it is L heyneana.
Campanulaceae & Gentianaceae Week: Lobelia alsinoides? from Morni: This one was shot in October 2010, from Morni Hills, id was earlier requested, I am almost convinced for this to be Lobelia alsinoides… help please… Thanks … for sharing this tiny beauty. It does look like Lobelia alsinoides but lets wait for further comments.. Yes I too think so. Lobelia heyneana Schult. as per another thread.
Lobelia heyneana ABSEP2016/45 : 3 posts by 2 authors. 7 images. I found a couple of Lobelia plants while looking for begonia seeds this morning. They were growing by the side of the road. I think they are Lobelia heyneana. Please advise. Lobelia heyneana—Heyne’s Lobelia Pl. check collected at talakona on 10/12/2017 I think Lobelia heyneana, nice pics… I think Lobelia heyneana, nice pics… Lobelia heyneana Schult. ?? in the absence of clear anther picture, seed It looks like Lobelia heyniana only, normally leaf margin serrate in L.heyniana, but crenate or entire in L.alsinoides
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Lobelia heyneana
Updated on December 24, 2024