Lobelia leschenaultiana (C.Presl) Skottsb., Acta Horti Gothob. 4: 4 1928. (syn: Dortmannia leschenaultiana (C.Presl) Kuntze; Lobelia aromatica Moon ex Wight; Lobelia excelsa Lesch. ex Roxb.; Rapuntium leschenaultianum C.Presl); Stout erect shrubs, usually unbranched. Leaves 15-25 x 3-6 cm, linear-elliptic, densely pubescent below, shortly and broadly petiolate. Racemes terminal, 25-60 cm long; bracts 2.5 cm long, linear, pubescent; flowers numerous, densely packed; pedicel pubescent; bracts 2.5 cm long, linear; sepals 14 x 2 mm, linear, acuminate, serrate, pubescent; corolla pale pink, 25 mm long, lobes linear; staminal tube narrow, 2.5 cm long, anthers 7 mm long, all glabrous. Capsule 8 x 8 mm, depressed globose, scabrid; seeds biconvex, brown. Flowering and fruiting: Throughout the year Grasslands and shola forests India and Sri Lanka Giant Lobelia at Mullayangiri Peak – 03022014-PKA3 : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (7). This is yet another interesting plant spotted at higher elevation. This Giant Lobelia was seen near Mullayangiri peak (at alt. of approx. 6000ft). Could this be Lobelia excelsia?? Family: Campanulaceae Date/Time: 25-01-2014 / 01:20PM Habitat: Wild (On the cliffs and slopes at high altitudes) Plant habit: Tall Herb L. nicotianifolia..??…. It is Lobelia lechenaultiana. The identity is confirmed by … Thanks a lot … for pursuing this post. Thanks to … for the ID. I was also thinking this to be Lobelia excelsia which is the synonym of Lobelia leschenaultiana (C.Presl) Skottsb; Synonyms: Dortmannia leschenaultiana (C.Presl) Kuntze (synonym) Lobelia aromatica Moon ex Wight (synonym) Lobelia excelsa Lesch. ex Roxb. (synonym) Rapuntium leschenaultianum C.Presl (synonym) Campanulaceae and Gentianaceae Fortnight: July 1 to 14 SN 3 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3). Lobelia leschenaultiana (C.Presl) Skottsb.(= Lobelia excelsa Lesch. ex Roxb.), Wild shrub from tea estate area, Nilgiri, Tamilnadu around 2000m altitude. Seems quite robust and large plant. Lobelias in the Himalaya are smaller species but closer to Tropics these becomes larger becoming almost tree like in Tropical alpines. New to me; thanks for showing. HAL 8 8/11/14 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Please ID this small medicinal plant. Photo was taken in Sri Lanka in Oct 2012. Lobelia nocotianifolia i think. I think this is Lobelia leschenaultiana (C.Presl) Skottsb. as per images herein.
efloraindia: 11111 BRS149: Pl. find the attached file contain photos for id. request. Location: Pombar Shola, Kodaikanal Date: Jan.2006 Habitat: Wild Habit: Herb. Lobelia nicotinifolia? Yes, I agree with … id, with a minor correction in spelling: Lobelia nicotianifolia. Is this Lobelia nicotianifolia (Wild Tobbaco)? : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)- 4 MB. Place: Bombay Shola, Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu Date: 19/01/18 Yes appears so at first glance. Further check Thank you. There are no other species which are similar, are there? I also think so. OK. Thanks. Yes, It should be Lobelia nicotianifolia Roth ex Schult. and it is the most common speices around Kodaikanal. Sorry. It should be Lobelia leschenaultiana (C.Presl) Skottsb. as per images herein. Is this Lobelia nicotianifolia (Wild Tobbaco)? : 9 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)- 4 MB. Place: Bombay Shola, Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu Date: 19/01/18 Yes appears so at first glance. Further check Thank you. There are no other species which are similar, are there? I also think so. OK. Thanks. Yes, It should be Lobelia nicotianifolia Roth ex Schult. and it is the most common speices around Kodaikanal. Sorry. It should be Lobelia leschenaultiana (C.Presl) Skottsb. as per images herein. 20122019EPT48 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Presenting for ID ? Lobelia leschenaultiana Location : Kodaikanal Elevation : 5900 ft Habitat : Roadside Habit ; 2-3 mts height bush Taken on 24th Jan 2019 Yes, appears close to images at Lobelia leschenaultiana |
Lobelia leschenaultiana
Updated on December 24, 2024