Capparis zeylanica L., Sp. Pl. ed. 2 720 1762. (Syn. Capparis acuminata Roxb.; Capparis acuminata De Wild.; Capparis aeylanica Roxb.; Capparis aurantioides C.Presl; Capparis crassifolia Kurz; Capparis dealbata DC.; Capparis erythrodasys Miq.; Capparis hastigera Hance; Capparis horrida L.f.; Capparis latifolia Craib; Capparis linearis Blanco; Capparis nemorosa Blanco; Capparis polymorpha Kurz; Capparis quadriflora DC.; Capparis rufescens Turcz.; Capparis subhorrida Craib; Capparis swinhoii Hance; Capparis terniflora DC.; Capparis wightiana Wall.; Capparis xanthophylla Collett & Hemsl.) as per The Plant List; . Sri Lanka, Thailand, China (Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan), Java, Lesser Sunda Isl. (Lombok, Sumbawa, Semau, Timor), Sulawesi (incl. Selayar Isl.), Philippines (Luzon, Mindoro, Mindanao), Moluccas (Sulu Arch.), Taiwan (I), Andamans (Middle Andamans, South Andamans), Myanmar [Burma] (widespread), India (widespread), Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan (Sind), Vietnam, Laos as per Catalogue of Life; . Ceylon caper • Bengali: kalokera • Gujarati: ગોવિંદકળ govindakal, kakhbilado, karrallura • Hindi: ardanda, jhiris • Kannada: ಮುಳ್ಳುಕತ್ತರಿ mullukattari • Konkani: वाघांटी vaghamti • Malayalam: karthotti • Marathi: गोविंदी govindi, कडूवाघांटी kaduvaghanti, वाघांटी vaghanti • Nepalese: ban kera • Punjabi: ਗਰਨਾ garna, ਕਰਵੀਲਾ karwila, ਕਰਵੀਲੂੰ karwilun • Rajasthani: gitoranj • Sanskrit: करम्भ karambha, तपसप्रिय tapasapriya, व्याघ्रनखी vyaghra nakhi • Tamil: ஆதொண்டை atontai, காற்றோட்டி karrotti • Telugu: ఆరుదొండ arudonda; . KAP-ar-iss — from the Greek kápparis, originating in the Near or Middle East zey-LAN-ee-kuh — of or from Ceylon (Sri Lanka) . Native to: China, Indian sub-continent, Indochina . Scandent shrub with young parts clothed with reddish-brown tomentum, hairy soon falling off; leaves elliptic-oblong, 3-10 cm long on 10-15 mm long petiole; stipular spines curved, up to 5 mm long; flowers supra axillary, usually 2, sometimes 1 or 3, 2-4 cm across on up to 4 cm long pedicel; sepals subequal, tomentose; petals up to 18 mm long, white or slightly yellowish, hairy outside; stamens many, twice as long as petals, purple tinged in upper part; fruit globose 3-4 cm across. . … fruit (as VEGETABLE) used in curry by tribal folk in Andhra Pradesh; The locals tell me that the raw fruit are used as vegetable; . As per efi thread: Leaves and Flowers have alternate seasons each other……..Capparis zeylanica Above characters at the same time………Capparis moonii, When overlapping the above characters 👇 Stamens 20-50…..zeylanica Stamens 55-80….moonii, . As per efi thread: C. zeylanica: Flowers supra axillary 1-3; plants pubescent with Scarlet-brown branched hairs C. sepiaria: Flowers in terminal clusters of 10-20; plant more or less pube¬scent with ashy grey simple hairs. . Flora of Eastern Ghats: Hill Ranges of South East India, Volume 1 By T. Pullaiah, D. Muralidhara Rao, K. Sri Ramamurthy (2002- Description & Keys- Capparis grandis, Capparis nilgiriensis, Capparis decidua, Capparis sepiaria, Capparis olacifolia, Capparis divaricata, Capparis brevispina, Capparis zeylanica, Capparis floribunda (syn. of Capparis tomentosa Lam.) & Capparis roxburghii) . . Capparaceae and Cleomaceae Fortnight:: Capparis zeylanica from Panipat, Way to Nainital and Maihar (MP): BS-4 : Attachments (13). 1 post by 1 author.
Capparaceae and Cleomaceae Fortnight:: Capparis zeylanica from Panipat: NS-3 : Attachments (7). 3 posts by 3 authors. Capparaceae and Cleomaceae fortnight :: Capparis zeylanica L. at Thane :: DV07 : 3 images. 5 posts by 4 authors. Capparis zeylanica L. KAP-ar-iss — Greek: kápparis, originating in the Near or Middle East … Dave’s Botanary zey-LAN-ee-kuh — of or from Ceylon (Sri Lanka) … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: Ceylon caper • Bengali: kalokera • Gujarati: ગોવિંદકળ govindakal, kakhbilado, karrallura •Hindi: ardanda, jhiris • Kannada: ಮುಳ್ಳುಕತ್ತರಿ mullukattari, totulla • Konkani: वाघांटी vaghamti • Malayalam: karthotti • Marathi: गोविंदी govindi, कडूवाघांटी kaduvaghanti, वाघांटी vaghanti • Nepalese: ban kera • Punjabi: ਗਰਨਾ garna, ਕਰਵੀਲਾ karwila, ਕਰਵੀਲੂੰ karwilun • Rajasthani: gitoranj • Sanskrit: करम्भ karambha, तपसप्रिय tapasapriya, व्याघ्रनखी vyaghra nakhi • Tamil: ஆதொண்டை atontai, காற்றோட்டி karrotti • Telugu: ఆరుదొండ arudonda Native to: China, Indian sub-continent, Indochina References: Flowers of India • NPGS / GRIN • Flora of Pakistan • Flowers of Sahyadri by Shrikant Ingalhalikar at Vaghbil, Thane on 15 NOV 08 at Kamshet on 02 MAY 08 Capparaceae and Cleomaceae Fortnight : Capparis zeylanica Fruits : Nasik : 030913 : AK-2 : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors. Fruits of Capparis zeylanica seen in Nasik on 24/9/2010. Have yet to come across the flowers. Posted on our group earlier and identified. Capparaceae and Cleomaceae Fortnight:: Capparis zeylanica Pune SMP 3 : 2 images. 4 posts by 4 authors. Capparaceae and Cleomaceae Fortnight : Capparis zeylanica (NSJ-01 06/09/2013) : Attachments (3). 2 posts by 1 author. Ceylon Caper – Capparis zeylanica from Satara Capparaceae and Cleomaceae Fortnight: Capparis zeylanica from Kathgodam-GS-3 : Attachments (3). 2 posts by 2 authors. Capparis zeylanica L., Sp. Pl. ed. 2 720, 1762 Syn: C. horrida L.f. Densely armed straggling or climbing shrub with long recurved stipular spines; Leaves ovate or elliptic to obovate, up to 8 cm long, with mucro at tip; flowers showy, white fading to pink or purple, fragrant4-5 cm across in supraaxillary rows of 2-6 flowers; filaments up to 5 cm long, white turning pink to purple; fruit globose to ellipsoid, 4-5 cm long, reddish-orange. Photographed from near Kathgodam in Uttarakhand. Capparaceae and Cleomaceae Fortnight : 06092013 ARK-03 : Capparis zeylanica from Mumbai – November 2012 : Attachments (3). 4 posts by 2 authors. Attached are pictures of Capparis zeylanica captured in Mumbai in November 2012. Requested to please confirm ID. Attached another pic of Capparis zeylanica from Vasai fort in January 2013. Capparaceae and Cleomaceae Fortnight: Capparis zeylanica from Navi Mumbai ::: PKA17:: : Attachments (3). 5 posts by 5 authors. Capparis zeylanica from CBD Belapur Hills, navi Mumbai. Nice set of Pics with good closeup of Flower. Capparaceae and Cleomaceae Fortnight: Fruits of Capparis zeylanica from Nagpur :: PKA20:: : Fwd: [efloraofindia:177523] For Identification 161213 KB2 : Attachments (2). 3 posts by 3 authors. Place-Challakarae, Chitradurga, Karnataka Habitat-Semi arid region Habit- A spiny Shrub or Climber Fwd: [efloraofindia:185374] Fwd: Plants Id from Bangladesh SM4: 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1). All Please id the attached plant picture. 256: Spiny Climber, Flowering: March, Homestead Capparis zeylanica L. ARJUL63 Thorny climber for ID : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2). Capparis zeylanica Kath jamun? : 18 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2) Date: 04/04/2015 Place: Asansol (West Bengal) Description: Thick bush of height around 2 mtrs, thorny, flowers white but pink when mature. Could it be Kath jamun? Capparis zeylanica (Capparaceae). I do not know the common name, please wait for further comments. Its Bangla name is KaalKera … as in Kaal then care —- aaa to pronounce it… (care as in childcare) then add an AAAA… In drier parts of Bengal it started flowering in March will continue for April and if fertile will set fruits by may or june… I found it in mid march near Burdwan in deep rural areas , soil was sandy around there… was it sandy where you were? Please let me know … please look at this PS … diagnosis is correct Yes Didi, I learned it from … I remember once I argued about C. horrida L.f. and C. zeylanica L. of Bengal Plants. Following FBI Sir Prain divided those two taxa according to axillary and supra-axillary inflorescence. Presently both are synonymous. Sorry Didi, I meant to say … identified my post and I learned the id from him. I didn’t have any discussion with … There was no argument. relax It was meant to have an argument, but nobody took care, please do not ask me why, you know my history in this group! Yes, discussion is what we are here for. Most of the id related problems get solved through discussion only. But, not always. Only arguments gave me correct id in my several threads. If you like I may paste here those threads. Today this group is mature enough to pay heed to cry of a newcomer. It was not so three years ago. At least my experience wasn’t sweet all the time! past is just that and let the discussion follow without hitting the people on the net or the group with all your knowledge then people (even me) would have some room to maneuver and talk / discuss. as the group matures, so should you too you can no longer be the angry argumentative young man who did not know about plant classification now we all know you do so relax you are senior to most folks take the high road that’s my advice Perhaps you didn’t get my point regarding the id of this capparis under discussion. As per “Bengal Plants”- (i) flowers supra-axillary = Capparis horrida L.f. = Capparis zeylanica F.I. ii. 567 (not of Linn.) (ii) flowers axillary = Capparis zeylanica L. When I posted my 2nd thread TPL regarded C. horrida L.f. and C. zeylanica L. are two different taxa. Today they think they are synonymous. In my 2nd thread as well as in 1st thread the flower was supra-axillary, so I meant to say that it was not C. zeylanica L., but C. horrida L.f. As per FBI C. acuminata Willd. has flowers white, 2-4 in a series, white, axillary. The posted plate in this thread has this feature of C. acuminata Willd. Today the TPL thinks C. acuminata Willd. is synonym of C. pyrifolia Lam. synonymous… is the key word but for this discussion, ok i stand corrected Well Didi, unless we have latest literature on any genus it is often difficult to reach correct id. Presently, I think it is C. zeylanica L., for this plant in this thread, combined with my record, has characters of both, C. horrida L.f. and C. zeylanica L. so when and if i send in my case we will pick this up there It’s a low area, submerged in water from August to January. The bush is on the periphery of a small seasonal pond you can say. Black clay type of soil. thanks, … lets see if my sandy soil plants sets fruits? must, because seems to spread on its own Plant for ID-PC-42-26.09.2015 : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (7) I think Capparis zeylanica. did you find any fruits No …, I could not see any fruit on it. so.. this is the same case on two plants in west bengal i followed last march, april and june in west bengal.. Support … identification… I too think it is Capparis zeylanica… TSP-DEC2015-42-215: Images of Capparis zeylanica (Capparaceae) : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (8) It is my pleasure to share few images of Capparis zeylanica (Capparaceae) Ref: Habit: Climbing shrub Habitat: Dry deciduous and scrub forests. Sighting: Chikmagalur and Tumkur, Karnataka, about 1000 and 800 msl respectively. Date: 12-08-2014, 09-02-2014,1 6-02-2015, 20-02-2015, 22-02-2015 and 25-02-2015 Identification of plant : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3) I have photographed this plant at Mandapeshwar Caves, Borivali. I believe this belongs to Capparis family. I want to know the name of the species. Same plant is having flowers in two colours, namely white and purple. Is it a hybrid variety? check Capparis zeylanica Capparis zeylanica flowers open white and become redder/pinker as the day goes and second day is the darker color. did you find any fruits??/ i have never been able to see any in the southern westbengal… no fruits on the few vines i have followed … erratically but followed nonetheless. … has shown a pic with red fruits, but here i dont see it. we have had some threads here Flower for ID : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Seen this Capparis by the roadside near Saputara in Feb 2017. Thanks, …, Pl. Check comparative images in efi at capparis page. Thanks, … Closest match I find as per comparative images in efi at Capparis is Capparis zeylanica L. 200717BHAR2 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Found in Vandalur -Perungalathur Hills. (Its a reserved forest.) Taken in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Pl. Check comparative images at capperis is page in efi site. Pl. Also check the spelling of botanical name. seems like capparis zeylanica Thanks, …, for the initial id. I also feel closer to images at Capparis zeylanica Capparis zeylanica from Pitchandikulam, Auroville. Attachments (2) here suggested name of the said plant photo is not a Capparis sepiaria. this name is refered by my collouges …, who have also very much interets in plant taxonomy Nice flowers, … BNHS publication Illustrated Flora of Keoladeo National Park mentioned about Capparis sepiaria, “…..Flowers white, arranged in terminal umbel…” Can someone please explain? I am eager to know what the fact is. This is what I understand: You and your two colleagues are certain that this is not C. sepiaria. Please put what it might be … or at least some reasoning … that will help ease the suspense 🙂 Looking at the photographs, I feel it is Capparis zeylanica. …, Can you write more about this plant? Thanks, …, It’s not Capparis zeylanica as the leaves are not glabruos & spines are hooked. Attaching one more picture for clarity. Saw the same again on 11/4/09 Samirpet near Hyderabad climbing on a smallish tree- attaching a picture. It appears to be Capparis horrida as per (Forest Flora of Hyderabad State – by M Sharfuddin Khan) & as per link: & (Desc.) Pl. confirm. Capparaceae (caper family) » Capparis zeylanica KAP-ar-iss — from the Greek kápparis, originating in the Near or Middle East zey-LAN-ee-kuh — of or from Ceylon (Sri Lanka) Native to: China, Indian sub-continent, Indochina Edible use (WILD): Capparis zeylanica-Ceylon caper: – Let me share some doubts on the plant posted here. The plant disagrees with the description in the floras in following respects. 1. Stipular spines are hooked instead of straight. According to Fl. of Maharashtra-Almeida sir the citation is as follows Capparis zeylanica L. Sp. Pl. ed. 2: 720, 1792, Cooke, Fl. Pres. Bombay 1: 47; Almeida, Fl. Mah. 1: 50, 1996; Singh et al. Fl. Mah. St. 1: 215, 2000; Pradhan et al, Fl. SGNP 98, 2005. Synonyms: C. hastigera Hans, Seem. Bot. 6. 296, 1868. C. xanthophylla coll. & Hemsl., J. L. Soc. Lord. Bot. 28: 20, 1980. C. horrida L.f. Suppl. 264, 1781. Common name: Tarati, Wagoti, Wag, Govindi, Govindphal. C. zeylanica and C. horrida are one and the same plant. also the fruit are commonly used during Ganpati festival and kept near the ganpati Idol along with Fruits of Celastrsu paniculatus. – FBI treats both the species separate and only includes Capparis zeylanica Roxb. as synonym under C. horrida L.f., and NOT C. zeylanica L., which is a different species. – Capparis zeylonica L. and C. horrida L.f had originally been described as distinct species, C. horrida being also the plant which Roxb. called as C. zeylonica (C. zeylonica Roxb. (non L.). – Now I got to know this is C.zeylanica L. Yes this shrub have recurved thorns and strongly mucronate. The fruits are edible and are called as Athondai in Tamil. – I hope … we can lock this as C. zeylanica L. Attaching the type of this plant from Kew herbarium. Capparis zeylanica fruiting: Capparis zeylanica from Yamunanagar Paonta sahib Road: – Capparis zeylanica has very much variable leaves… which ended up with so many synonyms… anyways species of Maharshtra look very much different from the foto uploaded here.. i think it is capparis…..: Affirmative. This is Capparis zeylanica. Have posted photographs of this recently. climber for id 20 07 2011 mm2: climber for id was growing on a sea facing cliff in goa the fruits were about an inch to an inch and a half hanging from the branch like lanterns on opening the fruit, it was whitish from inside with a disagreeable smell the seeds are about quarter of an inch long and eighth of an inch across Yes, it is Capparis zeylanica, a scandent shrub. C zeylanica: Beautiful Catch of Capparis zeylanica…………. Found this wild woody undershrub (?) with prickle, bearing beautiful flowers. Species : UNKNOWN Habit & Habitat : wild, prostrate shrub with prickle, roadside Date : 26-03-12, 9.50 a.m. Place : Gobra (Hooghly), WB I hope capparis sepiaria … also please consider chances of Capparis zeylanica (family: Capparaceae OR Capparidaceae) Thanks a lot. You prevented me from labelling my plant from Nainital wrongly. Thank you very much for the ID of this beautyful plant. After obtaining the ID from you i was going through my copy of “Plant Groups” and found that the Bengali name given to this one is ASHAREYLATA. But, i think, it is not that common as have been claimed in the said book. You have everything, …, in your chest : !!! I am a bit confused… I will try to revisit the plant. But the hair in 1st and 2nd images seems to be of another creeper. I will upload mine to clarify both features. Capparis zeylanica indeed. I am very sorry that i fail to show you the features you have asked me to. I visited the plant once again on 28-04-2012, but there was no flower this time. Attaching two images of this plant recorded on that day. Hope i didn’t fail to identify the plant without its flower. That’s an incredible information on incredible phenomenon of a beautiful flower. I also noticed this colour variation of the flowers on this plant but didn’t know why. Capparis zeylanica from Kathgodam in Uttaranchal Pradesh: Capparis zeylanica L., Sp. Pl. ed. 2. 720. 1762. syn: Capparis horrida L.f. Scandent shrub with young parts clothed with reddish-brown tomentum, hairy soon falling off; leaves elliptic-oblong, 3-10 cm long on 10-15 mm long petiole; stipular spines curved, up to 5 mm long; flowers supra axillary, usually 2, sometimes 1 or 3, 2-4 cm across on up to 4 cm long pedicel; sepals subequal, tomentose; petals up to 18 mm long, white or slightly yellowish, hairy outside; stamens many, twice as long as petals, purple tinged in upper part; fruit globose 3-4 cm across. Photographed from near Kathgodam in Uttaranchal Pradesh on April 13, 2012. so the hair ( Branched) mentioned in the earlier thread is that tiny dot like things i see in the fig 2 here? I imagine with a magnifying lens one would find the branching hairs? Incredibly beautiful Sir, learned what supra axillary means. . re: “What are the climbers or creepers (that produce bird attracting berries) in Central India?”: Greetings from Madurai. Same questions went thro my mind when I was planting in my garden. I had planted 1 Zizyphus oenoplia 2 Tinospora cordifolia 3 Capparis zeylanica 4 Coccinea indica 1 and 2 have not borne fruit. 4 died out I do not know why. May be I am not a good gardener. 3 has started flowering. Please pardon if the botanical names are not correct. capparis zeylanica, capparaceae family, alibaug and goa: capparis zeylanica, capparaceae family flowers are from a couple of weeks ago in alibaug and the fruits are from july of this year in goa Yes Capparis zeylanica. The flowers are beautiful. As the day passes the colour changes to more reddish in the evening. Flora of Madhya Pradesh: Capparis zeylanica L. from Alha-Udal Akhara Maihar MP: Good set of pictures. Climber ID request – RK74 – 28-Dec-2012: … this is Capparis zeylanica, climbing shrub … family: Capparaceae. Capparis zeylanica The flowers turn red brown in the evening. Hooghly : Capparis zeylanica L.? or C. horrida L. f. (C. zeylanica Roxb.)? : Attachments (4). 1 post by 1 author. Capparis acuminata Willd. Capparis acuminata Roxb.
Capparis horrida L.f.. The attached pics were recorded on 1/4/13. If left undisturbed it can grow 5 ft. to 6 ft. tall spreading shrub (what i have seen in other places). . For ID 181109PKA-1 : Attachments (2). 12 posts by 8 authors. ID request for Climber from Gorewada, Nagpur. (31-08-2009). Look similar to Capparis grandis fruits C. Grandis is a tree, this can be C. Zeylanica yes it is Capparis zeylanica fruit. Capparis zeylanica from me too. I have collected the fruits (ripen) from Chandaka sactuary, 8 km from Bhubaneswar. Yes … sir, this is a woody climber. Photos of Capparis zeylanica from Morni hills taken on April 2018…!! : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5) Capparis zeylanica : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Found in Maagaaniam RF Kanchipuram district.
All, Found in Maagaanium RF, Kanchipuram dt. TamilNadu.
UNID fruit – indiantreepix | Google Groups Date: October 14, 2019 … Altitude range: about 32 m (105 ft) asl Capparis zeylanica L. Many thanks to … for help with ID at facebook. Konkan, May 2014 :: Requesting ID of this tree/climber :: 01JUN014 :: ARK-02 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5). Requesting to please ID this tree/climber captured near Devgad, Maharashtra in May 2014. I was told the fruits are called ‘shengati’ or ‘shengti’ in Marathi. This is a species of Capparis possibly C.moonii. Agree with … Capparis moonii Wight Acuminate, (also a short tailed) tipped, shining leaves, and long gynophore are significant in this species. My photographs of the flowers of Capparis moonii are available at this link: Google Groups Attaching the flowers of this plant. Saw it flowering in the last week of December 2020. This was earlier identified as Capparis moonii. Looking at the flowers, am a bit confused between Capparis moonii and C. zeylanica. How do we differentiate between them? 4 images. Capparis zeylanica L. Leaves and Flowers have alternate seasons each other……..Capparis zeylanica When overlapping the above characters 👇 Stamens 20-50…..zeylanica Stamens 55-80….moonii, Based on the above, I will go for Capparis zeylanica L. Even I was leaning towards C. zeylanica. . ID REQUEST- 170421AS02: 7 images. I came across this climber and would be grateful if I could get an ID for it. Description below with pictures. Date/Time- 17/04/21 Location- Bhopal, 570 m Habitat- Wild. Found in a rocky area, was found along with 3 other climbers, in part shade on a west facing slope. Plant Habit- Climber. The stem is coated with a dusty residue, which clears on rubbing. It was mostly green in colour, where there was young stem. Older stems were yellowish. There were backward facing spines at each node for the leaf as well as the stem. Slightly reddish and white at the point. Height/Length- About 4 m tall. Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- Young leaf has a dusty texture, revealing a clean shiny leaf underneath on rubbing. Mature leaf did not have such a texture. The leaves had branching veins and a pointy apex. Thorns as stipules are present. The leaves were alternately arranged. Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds- The unripe fruit was green and on cutting open had a white fleshy inside, much like a guava surrounding the seeds. This appears to be Capparis zeylanica L. [Capparaceae]. I too agree with … Yes i too agree Capparaceae and Cleomaceae Fortnight : seems to be Capparis horrida L. f. : sk01 : Attachments (5). 3 posts by 2 authors. efi page on Capparis zeylanica (Syn: Capparis horrida L.f.) This is Capparis zeylanica L., I think. . Capparis zeylanica L. :: Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Dec 1, 2009 · 8:35 AM IST: 2 images. . Capparis zeylanica L. :: Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Nov 27, 2009 · 5:39 PM IST: . Capparis zeylanica L. :: Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Nov 15, 2008 · JUN23 DV73: 2 images. . Capparis zeylanica L. :: Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Nov 15, 2008 · JUN23 DV77: 3 images. . Capparis zeylanica L. :: Waghbil, Thane :: Dec 29, 2007 · JUN23 DV291: 1 image. . Capparis zeylanica: any reference for plant being dioecious: 1 image. I have had this plant at home for 5+ years and flowering since two years but no fruits. I had read somewhere that some plants could be male only. Is there any reference for this being dioecious? Capparis zeylanica: any reference for plant being dioecious I do not think it is dioecious. Pl. see
. References: |
Capparis zeylanica
Updated on December 24, 2024