Cleome monophylla

Cleome monophylla L., Sp. Pl. 672 1753. (Syn: Cleome cordata Burch. ex DC.; Cleome epilobioides Baker [Illegitimate]; Cleome massae Chiov.; Cleome subcordata Steud. ex Oliv.; Sieruela viscosa Raf. (Unresolved));
In addition to clawed petals, C. monophylla has 6 stamens as against 10-12 with filiform filaments in C. simplicifolia.
Flora of Eastern Ghats: Hill Ranges of South East India, Volume 1 By T. Pullaiah, D. Muralidhara Rao, K. Sri Ramamurthy (2002- Description & Keys- Cleome monophylla, Cleome gynandra, Cleome viscosa, Cleome rutidosperma, Cleome angustifolia, Cleome aspera, Cleome chelidonii & Cleome felina)

Flora of Eastern Karnataka, Volume 1 By N. P. Singh (1988- Keys- Cleome monophylla, Cleome gynandra, Cleome viscosa, Cleome angustifolia, Cleome aspera, Cleome simplicifolia & Cleome felina)


Cleome…..?:   I have attached the picture of the Flower, you wanted to see and categorise. It resembles the Cleome a lot, but much smaller.The shrub is about 9 to 10 inches tall and was seen growing under the shade of other bigger trees in dry scrub jungles of Mysore.
This picture, with the Foliage & buds also seen might help pin-pointing the ID.

May be Cleome but not fitting close to any species known to me.
Leaves are simple and not trifoliate here. If some picture with different angle is there it might help.

It looks like Cleome monophylla

I agree with … id, Cleome monophylla.



Cleome for identification 060913MK01 :  Attachments (4). 4 posts by 3 authors.
Please help me to identify this Cleome species. Height is one feet.
Date: March 2012
Place: Sathyamaangalam RF (Eastern Ghats), TN
Alt.: 250 m asl

Cleome species so far in efi. 

Cleome monophylla.



Please verify/ rectify the identification of herb recorded from Jabalpur/ Amarkantak, M.P.
Based on FOI, I think this should be Cleome monophylla..

I think matches with images at Cleome monophyla

Images by T. Badri Narayanan


Sidharkal Natham 180313 TBN 1 for id : 5 images. 5 posts by 3 authors.

Please identify this plant details of which are as follows:
Date : 18.11.12                                                            
Location :Sidharkal Natham, Nagamalai hills , near Madurai
Altitude :500 to 700 ft
Habitat :wild rocky hillock
Habit :herb
Height :1 to 2 ft
Leaves :as shown
Flowers :infloresence
Fruits :,not seen

Cleome simplicifolia

Photo of Cleome simplicifolia depicted in Foi has petals which are not clawed whereas the petals in the photo that I had sent are clawed.
The photos that I had sent seem to be similar to that of Cleome monophylla as shown in Shrikantji’s Further Flowers of Sahyadri. This sp of Cleome is apparently called Spindle pod in Africa
Seems to have been discussed earlier in efloraofindia based on postings from … and …
Please help me in arriving at a possible diagnosis.

Yes … I hope you are right.

In addition to clawed petals, C. monophylla has 6 stamens as against 10-12 with filiform filaments in C. simplicifolia.



Sending photographs of the above plant which was identified by … in eflora mail posted on 18.03.13
Date : 18.11.12                                                         
Location :Sidharkal Natham, Nagamalai hills, near Madurai
Altitude :500 to 700 ft
Habitat :wild rocky hillock
Habit :herb
Height :1 to 2 ft
Leaves :as shown
Flowers :as shown
Fruits :not seen 



28082017BHAR1 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) – 1 MB or more.
Found across foothills of Yelagiri hills. Tamil Nadu.

Cleome monophylla, Cleomaceae   

Thank you very much.
Interestingly in Tamil‎ it is called Ellukku sakkalathi‎ (Ellu: Sesame, sakkalathi: second wife)
Meant to be wild relative or land race of sesamum indicum.
But both belong to different family.

For ID10072019RK-3-Please help in identification : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)

Kindly help in identification of this. It is a green leafy vegetable.
Local name- Charmani-arak
Date-1st july, 2019
Place-Khunti, Jharkhand

Wow so many Jharkhandis here, including me !!!

Yes this is Cleome, cant confirm the species.

Charmant ara is Cleome monophylla L.Fam. CleomaceaeMostly consumed by Munda and Santal tribes of Jharkhand. 

Updated on December 24, 2024

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