Cleome rutidosperma var. burmannii

Cleome rutidosperma var. burmannii (Wight & Arn.) Siddiqui & S.N.Dixit, Pl. Sci. (Lucknow) 6: 68 1974. (Syn: Cleome burmanni Wight & Arn.);
India as per Catalogue of life (Sieruela rutidosperma var. burmannii (Wight & Arn.) Roalson
& J. C. Hall);

Decumbent herbs. Leaves trifoliolate, leaflets 3-4 x 2 cm, obovate, acute at both ends, petiole 2.5-3.5 cm. Flowers ca 7 mm across, solitary, axillary, pedicel 1.5-2.5 cm; sepals 4 mm, oblong, acuminate; petals 6 mm long, obovate stamens 6; gynophore to 7 mm long, ovary ca 6 mm. Capsule to 4 cm linear.

Flowering and fruiting: February-August
Degraded forest areas, also in the plains



Herb ID request – RK97 – 14-Jan-2013:  Requesting identification of this short herb seen in Tungareshwer. Flowers not seen but the leaves are beautiful trifoliate.

Buds seen in third picture. Pls follow up for flowers.

Thanks Shrikant ji, will definitely keep a watch on my next visit.
Meanwhile, … has suggested that it could be a Cleome species.

Is it a kind of Cleome?

Yes, this should be Cleome burmanni. The flowers should be white to pale pink.

Cleome burmannii Wight & Arn from Kappad Beach Calicut

… many thanks for sharing this plant. C. burmanni is confusing to me. Hardly any images on internet nor in our database

Here is a link showing a photo of it at BSI – Southern circle … and it looks totally different.
Hope we get clarity.

Thanks … Yes it looks different. My plant was identified in our group itself some time before. Now we have to look again.

The link showing a photo of it at BSI – Southern circle … appears to be that of Cleome chelidonii as per thread Cleome chelidonii – indiantreepix | Google Groups.



Cleome burmannii Wight & Arn from a Lawn Near Kappad Beach
Growing Wild. Shot in December

Not Cleome rutidosperma var. burmannii (Syn. Cleome burmannii ) as per another thread.

The link showing a photo of it at BSI – Southern circle … appears to be that of Cleome chelidonii as per thread Cleome chelidonii – indiantreepix | Google Groups.

Agreed …, the photo of Cleome chelidonii at BSI is mistaken for Cleome burmanni



hi friends:   Botanical name: Cleome rutidosperma (Capparaceae) caper family

taken at Bhopar, maharashtra on Friday, November 02, 2012, 6:54:08 PM  

Attached images are Cleome rutidosperma DC from Kamrup district, Assam.   








SK557 11 JUN-2017:ID : 7 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7) 

Location: Siliguri, India
Date: 25 May  2017
Altitude: 400 ft.

Pl. Check comparative images at Cleome in efi site. 

Cleome rutidosperma DC.  ??

I think Cleome rutidosperma var. burmannii as per images herein.

Do we need to wait for further validation ??

I do not think so. 






Cleome spermatozoa DC. ??? : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7)

Location: Kolkata, India
Date: 8 September 2017
Elevation : 25 ft.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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