Commelina benghalensis

kom-uh-LEE-nuh — named for Dutch botanists: Johan and his nephew Caspar Commelin … Dave’s Botanary
ben-gal-EN-sis — of or from Bengal (India); sometimes spelled bengalensisDave’s Botanary

commonly known as: Bengal dayflower, fire leaf, tropical spiderwort, wandering JewAssamese: কনাশিমলু konaximoluBengali: ঢোলপাতা dholapataGujarati: મોટું શીશમૂળિયું motun shishmuliyunHindi: जल भू jal-bhu, कनकउआ kanakaua, केना kena, कृष्ण घास krishna ghasKannada: ಗುಬ್ಬಚ್ಚಿ ಬಾಳೆ gubbachchi bale, ಗುಬ್ಬಚ್ಚಿ ಬಸಳೆ gubbachchi basale, ಕನ್ನೆ ಸೊಪ್ಪು kanne soppuKonkani: कंचट kamchatMalayalam: കാനവാഴ kanavazhai, വാഴപ്പടത്തി vuzhaipadathiManipuri: ৱাঙদেন খোইবী wangden khoibiMarathi: कंचट kanchat, केना kenaNepali: काने घाँस kaane ghaansOdia: କଞ୍ଚଡ଼ କାଙ୍କୁ kanchara kankuSanskrit: कञ्चट kanchataTamil: கானாங்கோழை kan-an-kolai, கனவாழை kanavalaiTelugu: అమృత కాడ amruta kaada, నీరు కసువు neerukaassuvu, వెన్నదేవి కూర venna devikura, వెన్నవెదురు venna veduru, యాండ్రఆకు yanadra aakuTulu: ಕನ್ನೆಚಪ್ಪು kannechappu
Rhizomes are cooked and eaten, leaves also eaten at the time of scarcity. Herb is also medicinal;


Commelina benghalensis L.,  Sp. pl. 1:41. 1753, nom. cons.
A common rainy season plant in Delhi, with luxuriant growth in shaded areas, along roadsides and wastelands.
Common names
English: Benghal dayflower, Indian dayflower
Sans: Kanchata
Hindi & Beng: Kanchara
Mar: Kena
Tam: Kanavazhai, kanangakarai
Tel: Vennadevikura
Rhizomes are  cooked and eaten, leaves also eaten at the time of scarcity. Herb is also medicinal

– some lovely capture of the Bengal Dayflower

Commelinales & Zingiberales Week:Another Commelina for id from Panipat Distt-10022011-3:
One more Commelina sp for id
Collected from Refinery Road panipat

Pl. see the following accepted names as per ‘The Plant List’:
Commelina benghalensis L. (Gives no syn.)
    Commelina benghalensis var. benghalensis : (Gives syn. like Commelina canescens, Commelina cucullata, Commelina delicatula, Commelina mollis, Commelina nervosa, Commelina procurrens, Commelina prostrata, Commelina turbinata etc.)
Pl. clarify what it actually means for a layman like me.

Both are same sir! This is called var. typica which is automatically established whenever a new species is described.
    Like Mangifera indica var. indica will automatically be established with the description of M. indica.
Hope I am able to convey my message to you.

But then why ‘The Plant List’ doesn’t give any syn. for Commelina benghalensis L., while giving so many for Commelina benghalensis var. benghalensis. Also why both are given as accepted names & not only Commelina
L. as accepted name?

This appears to be one of the several slips in Kew Plant List. I have often been telling my students: “A species will either have no infraspecific taxon (subspecies, variety, forma), or it will have a minimum of two”. If there is
no other variety within (at least I could not find) C. benghalensis, then there is no sense in writing C. benghalensis var. benghalensis. There is no need to write even var. typica, if no other variant exists.
It is like this. Supposing there is a type a (herbarium specimen) on the basis of an author names and describes a particular species, say Commelina benghalensis in this case, all specimens identified with this species (say a1, a2, a3, a4, etc) will get this name. Now supposing an author (same or some one else) discovers a specimen (say type b) which he thinks belongs to the same species but differs in certain characters from type a, and gives it a name say Commenlina benghalensis var. gargii, it will automatically establish the type variety (type a) which will be named as var. bengalensis (with no author citation, because it is automatically created; earlier authors used to call it var. typica).
Perhaps we will have to find if there is any other variety ever described within C. benghalensis, to automatically establish var. benghalensis. If there is none var. benghalensis is redundant.

I dug out some more information. One variety C. benghalensis var. hirsuta (Wight) Clarke was recognised by C. B. Clarke in 1881 (based on Heterocarpus hirsutus of Wight) and subsequently named Commelina hirsuta (Wight) clarke in FBI in 1892. Later is considered as illegitimate name (as the name has been used for other species) and considered as synonym of Commelina coelestis Willd. That leaves only one type within C. benghalensis, and again no justification for var. benghalensis.
Coincidently C. benghalensis subsp. hirsuta (Clarke) Morton has also been published, and although not listed in Kew List meets the same fate due to common basionym.

ID requested of DSC01280:
Picture taken in Asansol (West Bengal) dt. 28/05/2011, 8:53 AM. I’ve seen this species from my childhood. Sort of a creeper. Very common in open grassland. I like the flowers though.


efloraofindia:”For Id 26092011MR3’’ Wandering Jew Pune:
Request for validation
Is this Commelina ensifolia blue flowers *(Scurvy grass, Wandering Jew) of *Commelinaceae family
Marathi name if possible?

Commelina bengalensis common name kankauwa family Commelinaceae

Commelina ensifolia is called Wandering Jew


Commelina for ID : Nasik : 260612 : AK-2:
A wild weed growing in monsoon in Nasik on 15/9/11. Commelina species. Please id.

I think it is Commelina benghalensis

It is a pot herb in south Canara, Karnataka, called Gubbi bale (ಗುಬ್ಬಿಬಾಳೆ) Identified as Commelina benghalensis L. in Scientific names of plants published by Agricultural university Bangalore in 1979.

Yes it is Commelina benghalensis 

Commelina benghalensis from way to Ghangriya (1 Km away from Govindghat)
pls validate

Looks much different from one I know from Delhi, especially very long flower stalk.

Yes this is Commelina benghalensis only………….


Flora of Chakrata: Commelina for validation from Dakpathar:
This small herb was shot from near September this Commelina forskaolii?

It seems to be Commelina benghalensis rather than forskalaei

Yes….It is C. benghalensis


Hooghly : elusive Commelina benghalensis L.:
This seems to me the elusive (to me) Commelina benghalensis Linnaeus i was looking for. I am sorry i do not have leaf or other statistics or pics.

Yes to Commelina benghalensis.

Commelina benghalensis L. from Kamrup district(Metro), Assam. : Attachments (10).  2 posts by 2 authors.
Attached images are Commelina benghalensis Linnaeus collected from Kamrup district(Metro), Assam.  Date :28.05.2013
Location: Kamrup district(Metro)
Family : (Commelinaceae‎)
Genus & species : Commelina benghalensis Linnaeus
Vernacular Name : Kona-simolu (Assamese)
Habitat: Grows wild on road side
Habit : Herb
Flower : Blue in colour

ARJUL04 Commelina sp. for ID 1 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3).
Could this be Commelina maculata?
July 6th

Commelina bengalensis I think

… is right, this could be Commelina benghalensis.

Commelina Species For ID : Nasik : 27AUG15 : AK-53 : 53/53 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Another plant seen in Nasik.
Picture taken on 23/8/2012.

…, I am sure you have already thought about Commelina benghalensis 🙂
It looks like it.

Nice to hear from you after so long. And thanks a lot for the id.

sk2015sept03/03 – Commelina benghalensis L. : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (8)
These photographs were recorded last week (8.9.15).
A common wild herb, branching at base and rooting.
My earlier record seems to have been correctly identified by …- efi thread

sk2015sept04/04 – Commelina benghalensis L. (lilac colour) : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (8)
Not all community grows blue flower. These two communities are growing lilac flowers, photographed the day before yesterday (6.9.15).

This plate shows fruits of this species. I wanted to see the seeds also, but inside was filled with white fluid which felt as smooth as baby-powder when dry!
Attachments (1)

Good observations, yes it is Commelina benghalensis

Please identify GhagriSP001 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Need your help in identifying GhagriSP001. The details of this plant species has been given below as follows:

Date- 01/07/2017

Location- Ghagri village, Sundarpahari, Godda, Jharkhand

Habitat-  Wild

Plant Habit-  Herb

Local name- Berbayu, Kannark

This seems to be a Commelina sp.

Yes, …  Pl. Check comparative images at efloraofindia site.

Most likely to be Commelina benghalensis L. as per images herein. 


Please help me with the name motu sismuliu, of Commelina benghalensis in native script.
  1. Biological Diversity of Gujarat
  2. Research Article in International Journal of Pharmacy & Life Sciences, Vediya & Kharadi 2(7): July, 2011

It is known as મોટું શીશમૂળિયું in Gujarati

via Species‎ > ‎C‎ > Commelina benghalensis L. … family: Commelinaceae

Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
kom-uh-LEE-nuh — named for Dutch botanists: Johan and his nephew Caspar Commelin … Dave’s Botanary
ben-gal-EN-sis — of or from Bengal (India); sometimes spelled bengalensis … Dave’s Botanary 
commonly known asBengal dayflowerfire leaftropical spiderwortwandering Jew • Assameseকনাশিমলু konaximolu • Bengaliঢোলপাতা dholapata • Gujaratiમોટું શીશમૂળિયું motun shishmuliyun • Hindiजल भू jal-bhuकनकउआ kanakauaकेना kenaकृष्ण घास krishna ghas • Kannadaಗುಬ್ಬಚ್ಚಿ ಬಾಳೆ gubbachchi baleಗುಬ್ಬಚ್ಚಿ ಬಸಳೆ gubbachchi basaleಕನ್ನೆ ಸೊಪ್ಪು kanne soppu • Konkaniकंचट kamchat • Malayalamകാനവാഴ kanavazhaiവാഴപ്പടത്തി vuzhaipadathi • Manipuriৱাঙদেন খোইবী wangden khoibi • Marathiकंचट kanchatकेना kena • Nepaliकाने घाँस kaane ghaans • Sanskritकञ्चट kanchata • Tamilகானாங்கோழை kan-an-kolaiகனவாழை kanavalai • Teluguఅమృత కాడ amruta kaadaనీరు కసువు neerukaassuvuవెన్నదేవి కూర venna devikuraవెన్నవెదురు venna veduruయాండ్రఆకు yanadra aaku • Tuluಕನ್ನೆಚಪ್ಪು kannechappu 
botanical namesCommelina benghalensis L. … synonymsCommelina canescens Vahl • Commelina cucullata L. • Commelina hirsuta R.Br. … status at The Plants List(2013). Version 1.1. 
September 23, 2007 … Pirojshanagar, Mumbai 

Thanks, …, for your continuous efforts.

kom-uh-LEE-nuh — named for Dutch botanists: Johan and his nephew Caspar Commelin … Dave’s Botanary
ben-gal-EN-sis — of or from Bengal (India); sometimes spelled bengalensis … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: Bengal dayflower, fire leaf, tropical spiderwort, wandering Jew • Assamese: কনাশিমলু konaximolu • Bengali: ঢোলপাতা dholapata, কানশিরে kanshire, কানাইবাঁশি kanaibanshi • Dogri: छुरा chhura, काँचरा kanchra • Garo: samsi • Gujarati: મોટું શીશમૂળિયું motun shishmuliyun • Hindi: जल भू jal-bhu, कनकउआ kanakaua, कौआ केना भाजी kaua kena bhaji, केना kena, कृष्ण घास krishna ghas • Kannada: ಗುಬ್ಬಚ್ಚಿ ಬಾಳೆ gubbachchi bale, ಹಿಟ್ಟುಗನಿ hittugani, ಕಾನಸುರ kanasura, ಕನ್ನೆ ಸೊಪ್ಪು kanne soppu • Konkani: कंचट kamchat • Malayalam: കാനവാഴ kanavazhai, വാഴപ്പടത്തി vaazhappadaththi • Manipuri: ꯋꯥꯡꯗꯦꯟ ꯈꯣꯏꯕꯤ ৱাঙদেন খোইবী wangden khoibi • Marathi: कंचट kanchat, केना kena • Nepali: काने घाँस kaane ghaans • Odia: କଞ୍ଚାର କାଙ୍କୁ kanchara kanku • Sanskrit: कञ्चट kanchata, कोषपुष्पी koshapushpi, वत्सप्रिय vatsapriya • Tamil: கானாங்கோழை kan-an-kolai, கனவாழை kanavalai • Telugu: అమృత కాడ amruta kaada, నీరు కసువు neerukaassuvu, వెన్నదేవి కూర venna devikura, వెన్నవెదురు venna veduru, యాండ్రఆకు yanadra aaku • Tulu: ಕನ್ನೆಚಪ್ಪು kannechappu

botanical namesCommelina benghalensis L. … synonymsCommelina mollis Jacq. • Commelina obscura K.Schum. … and many more synonyms listed at POWO

Bibliography / etymology

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
Bengal dayflower
fire leaf, tropical spiderwort
wandering Jew
~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~
কনাশিমলু konaximolu
  • XOBDO – A descriptive multilingual dictionary by the people, for the people and of the people of north-east India … also কনাসিমলা konaximola
~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~
ঢোলপাতা dholapata, কানশিরে kanshire, কানাইবাঁশি kanaibanshi
~~~~~ DOGRI ~~~~~
छुरा chhura, काँचरा kanchra
  • Many thanks to OM Prakash Vidyarthi for help with this name … facebook
~~~~~ GARO ~~~~~
~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~
મોટું શીશમૂળિયું motun shishmuliyun
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~
जल भू jal-bhu
कनकउआ kanakaua, केना kena, कृष्ण घास krishna ghas
कौआ केना भाजी kaua kena bhaji
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
ಗುಬ್ಬಚ್ಚಿ ಬಾಳೆ gubbachchi bale
ಹಿಟ್ಟುಗನಿ hittugani, ಕಾನಸುರ kanasura, ಕನ್ನೆ ಸೊಪ್ಪು kanne soppu
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
कंचट kamchat
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
കാനവാഴ kanavazhai
വാഴപ്പടത്തി vaazhappadaththi
  • Many thanks to Vinaya Raj V R for help with this name … facebook
~~~~~ MANIPURI ~~~~~
ꯋꯥꯡꯗꯦꯟ ꯈꯣꯏꯕꯤ ৱাঙদেন খোইবী wangden khoibi
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
कंचट kanchat
केना kena
~~~~~ NEPALI ~~~~~
काने घाँस kaane ghaans
~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~
କଞ୍ଚାର କାଙ୍କୁ kanchara kanku
~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~
कञ्चट kanchata
कोषपुष्पी koshapushpi, वत्सप्रिय vatsapriya
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
கானாங்கோழை kan-an-kolai
கனவாழை kanavalai
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
అమృత కాడ amruta kaada, నీరు కసువు neerukaassuvu, వెన్నదేవి కూర venna devikura, వెన్నవెదురు venna veduru, యాండ్రఆకు yanadra aaku
~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~
ಕನ್ನೆಚಪ್ಪು kannechappu
  • Shodhganga – Medicinal plants of Tulunadu … this plant usually develops flowers in underground branches and these fertile flowers are not seen above ground, hence the name ಕನ್ನೆಚಪ್ಪು kanne chappu, literal meaning: virgin leaf
~~~~~ x ~~~~~


Commelina benghalensis L. ?? : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)
Location: Kathmandu, Nepal
Altitude: 4400 ft.
Date: 14 June 2016

Commelina benghalensis 

Yes, Commelina benghalensis.

Thank you …
Nepali Names : बन काने Ban Kaane  / काने झार Kaane Jhaar / काने साग Kaane Saag / पटपटे Patapate 

Request for ID 6 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Place: Bombay Shola, Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu
Date: 21/01/18
Found close to road and in large numbers

Got them IDed as Commelina benghalensis from another source.

Commelina benghalensis for validation, mm3 10 11 2018 : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)
Is this Commelina benghalensis? any help in identifying this would be most welcome.
photographed in Chinnar WLS, Idukki district in Kerala
This falls in the rain shadow area of the Nilgiris

… yes, for sure, … The leaf is as wide as long.

To me also appear close to images at Commelina benghalensis L. 

Yes, it is Commelina benghalensis!!

Commelina benghalensis L. ?? : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)
Location: Kathmandu, Nepal
Altitude: 4400 ft.
Date: 14 June 2016

Commelina benghalensis

Yes, Commelina benghalensis.

Thank you …
Nepali Names : बन काने Ban Kaane  / काने झार Kaane Jhaar / काने साग Kaane Saag / पटपटे Patapate

Images by Gurcharan Singh



at Bhadreshwar, Hooghly, West Bengal on 19/10/2007; Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Mumbai- 30/6/08? in IIT Mumbai campus by the lake- 21/8/08?; at kanakeshwar, Alibag- 22/8/08; conservation Education Centre, Goregaon (E), Mumbai on 2nd Aug 2009; on 12/9/09 in Hyderabad; Gende Hosalli, Karnataka-11-11-09;

A flower for id pleas? – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Benghal dayflower: Commelina benghalensis (Commelinales: Commelinaceae)
PLANT FOR IDENTIFICATION – 17 – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Commelina benghalensis – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Commelina benghalensis ID 300809GS1 – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Fw: [indiantreepix:15522] Re: Commelina benghalensis ? – indiantreepix | Google Groups
a picture for you – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Wild Flower for ID-171109-RK-2 – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Commelina benghalensis – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Commelina benghalensis – Whiskered Commelina
Flowers at Kanakeshwar,Alibag – indiantreepix | Google Groups
What species of commelina? – indiantreepix | Google Groups
PLANT FOR IDENTIFICATION – 18 – indiantreepix | Google Groups

Request For ID Bilikere 06 :  6 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1) – 906 kb.
Location:-  Bilikere

I think difficult to id Commelina species with such images.

Could be Commelina benghalensis!

Leaf s/o C. benghalensis

yes. consistent with, … but the picture highlights leave a lot to be desired in the photography, esp. when done to look for id help


5 Identity weed plant Commelina Forsskalii : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)-991 kb.
Please identity this weed plant.
Name of plant:Commelina Forsskaii?

Location: near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District(far east), Kerala PIN:686671

Date:04.10.2020, 11.30am


Habitat:wild moisture

Plant habit: crawling


Leaves shape:oval long tip

Flower:2 petals, Diameter 13mm, deep sky blue, non fragrant

Pl. post habit image.

It’s Commelina benghalensis to me!

Please open the images.
Attachments (3)

Yes. Commelina benghalensis as already identified by …


Commelina benghalensis: 3 high res. image.
Habit: Shrub

Habit: Herb
Location: Rajouri jandk
Date: 15-06-2019


Commelina benghalensis L.: 2 very high res. images.

Location: Kalikot, West Nepal
Altitude: 1509 m.
Date: 16 August 2021
Habit : Wild


I’d requested for this herb??: 2 images.
Location: Rajouri, jandk
Date: 14-08-2022

It seems commelina bengalensis


Commelinaceae: Commelina benghalensis L.: 1 high res. image.

location/date: Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, October 1994

Updated on December 24, 2024

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