Commelina forsskalii

Commelina forsskalii Vahl, Enum. Pl. 2: 172 1805. (Syn: Commelina falcata Hassk.);
कानपेट Kanpet (Marathi), Day flower;
Procumbent, sparsely branched annual herb. Root fibrous. Basal nodes with sub-terranian cleistogamous flowers. C. forskalaei resembles C. benghalensis in having sub-terranian cleistogamous flowers, undulate leaf margin and cucullate spatathe. But differs from C. benghalensis in its elliptic leaves absence of red rufus hairs on the sheath and smooth seeds with ridges and depressions in the testa as against ovate undulate leaves, red rufus hairs in the sheath and reticulate seeds in C. benghalensis
Distribution: C. forskalaei distributed from sea level to medium altitudes. It is found in wayside, grassy places near agricultural fields and prefers fully exposed habitats
May be this key will be helpful to identify few common Commelina’s in field …………….. 
1. Spathes with margin free to base ……… C. diffusa
1. Spathes with margins fused at least basally …… 2
2. Inflorescence (Spathe) solitary, axiallary or terminal …… 3
2. Inflorescence composed of several aggregate, axillary or terminal spathe ……….. 4
3. Flowers white ……. C. suffruticosa
3. Flowers blue …… 5
5. Spathe funnel shaped……. C. benghalensis
5. Spathe broadly ovate ……. C. forskalaei
4. Sheath with rusty hairs at the summit …… C. paludosa
4. Sheath lacking rusty hairs …… C. ensifolia 


Commelinales & Zingiberales Week: Commelinaceae, Commelina forsskalii Vahl. from Delhi (needs confirmation):
Commelinales & Zingiberales Week: Commelinaceae, Commelina forsskalii Vahl.  Enum. Pl. 2: 172 1805.
Syn: C. falcata Hassk.

    The plant is common in the Old Delhi Ridge forest in rainy season. The plant is reported and looks like C. forsskalii Vahl but I am not able to ignore the distinct auricles at the base of leaf sheath, a character distinctive of C. erecta (according to Flora of North America) and absent in C. forsskalii. The experts are requested to examine this aspect critically.
The spellings of this binomial is also worth consideration. The species is often reported in Indian publications as C. forskalaei, whereas GRIN, Flora North America take up C. forskaolii Vahl.

I think this is the only member (with cleistogamous flowers) apart from C. benghalensis i. e Commelina forskalaei Vahl Enum. Pl. [Vahl] ii. 172. 1805; Clarke In DC. Mon. Phan. 3;168.1881. Type: Arabia forsskal (C, Holotype)

    Procumbent, sparsely branched annual herb. Root fibrous. Basal nodes with sub-terranian cleistogamous flowers.
    C. forskalaei resembles C. benghalensis in having sub-terranian cleistogamous flowers, undulate leaf margin and cucullate spatathe. But differs from C. benghalensis in its elliptic leaves absence of red rufus hairs on the sheath and smooth seeds with ridges and depressions in the testa as against ovate undulate leaves, red rufus hairs in the sheath and reticulate seeds in C. benghalensis
    Distribution: C. forskalaei distributed from sea level to medium altitudes. It is found in wayside, grassy places near agricultural fields and prefers fully exposed habitats

Commelinales & Zingiberales Week:Commelina sp for id 10022011-2:
Collected from Village Bhalsi Panipat District

Dayflower For ID 201011 NS1:
This dayflower I clicked today ( 20 th Oct 11) in Pune.

This should be Commelina forslalii Hochst. ex C. B. Clarke.

And one thing I have forgot to mention apart from Commelina benghalensis only this species having Cleistogamous flowers 🙂

Nice caption … and thnx for sharing such a beautiful Spiderwort.

It is Commelina forskalii, perhaps a typo error by …

…Previously we had a lot of discussions on Commelina species.
The key of differentiation is based on the cells of ovary which is difficult in the field.
Many taxonomists objected about the guesses made from morphological characters.
I do not know about any key based on morphological characters.
According to my knowledge and belief two species are common at least in Maharashtra (Common areas around cities Not high elevations and biodiversity rich areas)
Commelina benghalensis : Leaves more ovate, elliptic than long
Commelina forsskalii : Prostrate herb. Leaves more linear oblong than elliptic. Margins wavy.
Please share your observations or otherwise.
Confusion about the spelling is also there
According to The plant List
Commelina forsskalaei Vahl : Unresolved
Commelina forsskalii Vahl : Accepted

I am a little confused after reading the key provided by

… Attaching 2 pictures from my 2 earlier posts both of which were identified as Commelina benghalensis
1)Post1 of 26th sep
efloraofindia:”For Id 26092011MR3’’ Wandering Jew Pune
The said plant was >7 cms in length with small(as compared to my next post) lilac flowers leaves more elliptic than long and wavy
picture labeled Commelina bengalensis1
2)Post 2
efloraofindia:”For Id 06102011MR2’’ ?Commelina bengalensis Pune
This plant was 2-3 cms , leaves more long than broad,not wavy bigger flowers, blue in color
picture labelled Commelina bengalensis2
Can this plant show these variations?or are they different

To me, the first pic looks more like – Commelina benghalensis ( Ovate leaves )

and the second seems more near to- Commelina forsskalii ( lanceolate leaves).
But as … said – ” The key of differentiation is based on the cells of ovary which is difficult in the field.
Many taxonomists objected about the guesses made from morphological characters “”, May b I m completely wrong here.

I am very happy to read all the discussion and finally I would like to conclude something
… your posted pictures First Commelina bengalensis 1.jpg is absolutely no doubt Commelina benghalensis
But Commelina bengalensis 2.jpg may be Commelina diffusa (most probably)
May be this key will be helpful to identify few common Commelina’s in field ……………..
1. Spathes with margin free to base …………….. C. diffusa
1. Spathes with margins fused at least basally …………………..2
2. Inflorescence (Spathe) solitary, axiallary or terminal……………..3
2. Inflorescence composed of several aggregate, axillary or terminal spathe………..4
3. Flowers white……………C. suffruticosa
3. Flowers blue……………..5
5. Spathe funnel shaped…….C. benghalensis
5. Spathe broadly ovate………C. forskalaei
4. Sheath with rusty hairs at the summit……..C. paludosa
4. Sheath lacking rusty hairs ……..C. ensifolia


20102011GS1 Comelina from Delhi for ID:
This plant has been lying in my folders for now more than two years. Under normal circumstances I would have identified it as C. forskaolii Vahl, a species which has been commonly reported from the area (Old Delhi Ridge) and lot of cytotaxonomic work done by workers as Delhi University. However, I could not ignore three clear differences that I noted in this plant: plants are erect; there seem to be auricles at the base of the leaf blade and the leaves are almost linear-lanceolate. These features take me to C. erecta L., although not reported from the area. The only feature that is preventing me to call it C. erecta is proximal petal which appears bluish. Incidentally both the species are described and keyed in Flora of North America with the differences:

Leaf-sheath with auricles at summit; Proximal petal minute, white; locules all one seeded; plants erect; leaves linear to lanceolate………C. erecta
Leaf-sheath not auricled; proximal petal blue, lilac or lavender; some locules 2-seeded; plants decumbent to ascending;
leaves oblong to lanceolate-oblong to elliptic- oblong……C. forskaolii
I am uploading different parts of plant including fruits. Kindly give your opinion.

For me it looks like Commelina forskaolii though keeping in mind the difference …. I am really confused
Is it a hybrid (natural hybrid)?

Sir this is very confusing Genus. you seems to be right in C forskaolii

This is Commelina forskailii Hochst. ex C. B. Clarke.. for sure.


efloraindia: 281011 BRS89:

Pl. confirm the id. of the attached photos. (Commelina sp. ?)
Date/Time-Location- 25.10.2011, Peelamedu
Place, Altitude, GPS- Coimbatore Dist.,
Habitat- Urban (road side)
Habit- Herb.
After rainy season mass flowering was noticed.

pls ID this commelina sp
Shot from PIET Campus Samalkha Panipat on 29-6-11.
Prostrate herb, Long slender stems branching and rooting at nodes,
Leaves are 4-6 cm in length,
My guess is C forsskalii
Pls validate

Yes, this could be Commelina forsskalii Vahl

Yes, this is Commelina forsskalii Vahl. for sure.


efloraindia: 200911 BRS 34:

Pl. find the attached file contain a photo for id. confirmation.
Is it Swamp Dayflower sp. (Commelina sp.)?
Date and time: June 2011
Place GRD College Road, Near Air Port Coimbatore
Habitat: Urban, Along the road side.
Habit: Shrub
Mass flowering after rainy season.
Flower Colour: Blue.

Looks like Commelina sp.
I think this flower lost its 3rd petal. Please look for more flowers and kindly up load if you get one.

Could this be Commelina clavata C.B.Clarke of Commelinaceae family? 

This is Commelina forsskalii Vahl.

Do you have any images showing the details of spathe?
Seems to be Commelina kurzii, but not sure..!

… is right this is Commelina forsskalii Vahl.

Commelina ID: ID please

Date/Time- 11.08.12
Location- Palghar tehsil, Thane district , Maharashtra
Habitat-Wild, growing near railway tracks
Plant Habit-A prostate herb rooting at nodes.
Is this Commelina diffusa/ Commelina maculata

This is Commelina forskalaei Vahl for sure, u may observe the underground flowers in it like C. benghalensis

Is there any time relationship between aerial flowering and underground flowering? Or any other relation?


Commelina forsskalaei underground flowers:
I wanted to see the underground flowers of Commelina. On Sunday I could uproot one of the very widely growing weed to locate these. I think the species is
Commelina forsskalaei

With underground flowers.
Please validate.

what use is an underground flower in the scheme of things
what fertilizes it? etc

Perhaps the second paragraph of column 2, page 1 of this article on another species throws light on your question.

I learned that at least Commelina benghalensis makes seeds underground in closed sefl contained system… self pollinated flowering… may be same system operates in the specimen above.. thank you
I knew I would learn something new here thanks to … for showing the ? flower underground… the process/flowers is/are called cleistogamous (closed, self pollinated) flowers... in that same paragraph…
I think perhaps its not just the drought in case of that paper, they spray mercilessly roundup type of insecticide … may that has something to with it… and or some natural selection/ mutation …. they have not been able to kill the weed in cotton fields.. contrary to the belief that the weedkiller would do the job!!!! which it did not , apparently….


efloraofindia:”For Id 30102012MR1’’ which Commelina spp is this at Pune:
07/10/2012 Pune
Requesting identification of this plant growing wild on the stony wall of a well in a private society. ht about 2 feet, leaves slender approx 8 cm x1.5 cm , appeared alternate. which Commelina spp is this?

This plant was Id’d as Commelina forskalei Vahl on Indian Flora Id credit … Thank you … for the Id


[efloraofindia:07012013] Flora picture of the Year- 2012- Bhagyashri Ranade:
My Flora picture of the year 2012 are these flowers of Commelina forskalei Vahl. It was fascinating for me to see and learn that the same plant has flowers above the ground as well as underground and that the underground flowers apparently form a drought-survival development.

Thank you … for the beautiful picture. Its way of surviving drought is indeed amazing. 

Nice story associated with a tiny plant with beautiful flowers. I have added this to Flora Picture 2012

Fine close-up shots! I know Commelina spp. produce small flowers. This phenomenon of production of underground or un-opening flowers (which still produce seeds) is known as “cleistogamy“. The disadvantage of cleistogamy is that the plants produced by such seeds are genetically same to parents. But the survival of a species in long run requires variations which can be brought by normal flowers; that is why this species produced normal flowers. Plants are probably wiser than we usually assume!


Requesting ID of this Commelina – Mumbai :: 10092013 :: ARK-03 :: September 2013 :  Attachments (4). 4 posts by 3 authors.
Requesting to please ID this Commelina captured at SGNP, Mumbai in September 2013.

Commelina forskalei to me..


ARJUL05 Commelina sp. for ID : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2).
Lalbagh (Banglore) 6th July

Commelina sp.

This is most probably Commelina forskalei

Identification : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)
Kindly identify this plant.
Date/Time- 30 SEP 2018
Location-Place, Altitude, GPS- Nagarjuna Resort’s Compound, Vijayapuri South 522439
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- wild
Plant Habit-Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- herb
Height/Length- about 30 to 40 cm tall
My guess — Commelina forsskalii

I guess the ID is correct !


Sharing some photos of a Tiny blue flower
Location : Delhi, Dwarka Park
Month : October 2018

Naturally grow,
Size of flowers about 1 to 2 cm
Colour : Blue

To me appears close to images at Commelina forsskalii Vahl as per comparative images at Commelina

Yes, … It is Commelina forskaolii!! 

Re: Commelina spp. ??: I’d confirm pls : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)
Location : Rana Kandorana, Porbandar, Gujarat
Date : 31-10-2018
Habit : Herb
Habitat : Wild

Please check efi link Commelina

It’s Commelina forskaolii!!

at Alibag- 9/7/08; On 14/9/08 in Hyderabad, AP; On 27/9/08 in Hyderabad, AP; Sagargad, Alibag- 30 Jul, 2009; Goregaon (E), Mumbai on 2nd Aug 2009; On 30/8/09 in Narsapur forest in Medak district near Hyderabad, A.P.; at Kanakeshwar, Alibag- 11/8/10; Kachchh, Gujarat- Sept’10?; SGNP, Mumbai;

Please help to identify the species of Commelina of Kachchh, Gujarat – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Today’s Kanakeshwar flora – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Commelina forskaolii or C. erecta-pl. confirm – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Commelina forsskalaei- JM? – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Commelina forskalaei – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Is it Commelina forskalaei ? – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Commelina – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Commelina forsskalaei (Kanpet) – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Commelina forsskalaei (Kanpet)? – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Flowers at Alibag Today – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Commelina forsskalaei @ SGNP – efloraofindia | Google Groups

18.9.2009-  Smiriti Van, Jaipur;Commelina paludosa – efloraofindia | Google Groups


Plant Species (Commelina forskaolii):
Plant Species: Commelina forskaolii

Family: Commelinaceae
Habitat: Terrestrial
Place: Gadag, Karnataka India
Date: 28/05/2021
Timing: 11:42am


Identification request 12: 2 high res. images.
Habitat: Outer road side weed

Habit: Herb
Loc: kota rajasthan
Date: 16/10/1/2022

Commelina erecta L. ??

This is albino form of Commelina forskailii!


Commelina sp.: 2 images.

Please help me in ID the species of commelina.
Location- kothrud
Habit- in my pot

Looks like benghalensis but images are not sufficient to confirm the ID..Please post images of habitat, full plant, full leaf, stem , frontal flower. However, you can check Commelina at efi.

Yes, habit image is required

habit as mentioned in my pot., in Kothrud, Pune.
Please see attached photo. Now (06/12/22) seeds can be seen. No flowers left.

Can it be

This is Commelina forskaolii. Please confirm, it must be having underground cleistogamous flowers.



Updated on December 24, 2024

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