Commelina diffusa Burm.f., Fl. Indica 18 1768.;
कानपेट Kanpet (Marathi), Day flower;
Perennial with diffusely spreading shoots rooting at the nodes, lacking a definite base; roots thin, fibrous. Leaves distichous, sheaths to 2 cm long, ciliate at the apex, lamina linear-lanceolate to lanceolate-elliptic, 1.5-9.5 x 0.4-1.8 cm, glabrous. Spathes on peduncles (0.7-) 1.3-2.4 cm long, solitary, 1.1-3.5 cm long, 0.4-0.8 cm high, apex acuminate, base cordate, not at all to slightly falcate, margins free, smooth to scabrous or ciliolate, surfaces glabrous; upper cincinnus usually 1-several-flowered; lower cincinnus several-flowered. Flowers bisexual (lower and occasionally upper cincinnus) and male (upper cincinnus), (9-)11.5-17 (-20) mm wide, sepals free; paired petals c. 8 mm wide, blue; medial petal smaller, concolorous; staminodes 2-3, anthrodes cruciform, yellow; anther of medial stamen with a violet connective. Capsules oblong-elliptic to quadrate, trilocular, 4.5-7 x 3-4 (-4.5) mm, dorsal locule 1-seeded, ventral locules (1-)2-seeded. Ventral locule seeds broadly ovate to transversely elliptic in outline, 1.7-2.8 x 1.3-1.8 mm , testa dark brown, doubly reticulate, usually white-farinose.
Flowering and fruiting: October to July.
Distribution: Pantropical and warm temperate.
Ecology: Margins of pools, streams, rivers, ponds and marshes, sometimes growing in water; roadsides, open scrub, evergreen forest, forest edge, and weed in rice.


Commelinales & Zingiberales Week: Day Flower:
Commelina DiffusaDay Flower

Commelina diffusa Burm. f., Fl. Ind. 13, t. 7, f. 2. 1768; Rolla Rao in Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 25: 179. 1964; Panigrahi & Kammathy in J. Ind. Bot. Soc. 43: 299. 1964; Lakshminarsimhan in Sharma et al., Fl. Maharashtra (Monocot.) 151, 1996; Faden In: Dassanayake (ed.), Rev. Handb. Fl. Ceylon 14: 184. 2000. Commelina nudiflora sensu Hook. f., Fl. Brit. India 6: 369. 1892 non L. 1753; Cooke, Fl. Pres. Bombay 3: 290. 1906.
Perennial with diffusely spreading shoots rooting at the nodes, lacking a definite base; roots thin, fibrous. Leaves distichous, sheaths to 2 cm long, ciliate at the apex, lamina linear-lanceolate to lanceolate-elliptic, 1.5-9.5 x 0.4-1.8 cm, glabrous. Spathes on peduncles (0.7-) 1.3-2.4 cm long, solitary, 1.1-3.5 cm long, 0.4-0.8 cm high, apex acuminate, base cordate, not at all to slightly falcate, margins free, smooth to scabrous or ciliolate, surfaces glabrous; upper cincinnus usually 1-several-flowered; lower cincinnus several-flowered. Flowers bisexual (lower and occasionally upper cincinnus) and male (upper cincinnus), (9-)11.5-17 (-20) mm wide, sepals free; paired petals c. 8 mm wide, blue; medial petal smaller, concolorous; staminodes 2-3, anthrodes cruciform, yellow; anther of medial stamen with a violet connective. Capsules oblong-elliptic to quadrate, trilocular, 4.5-7 x 3-4 (-4.5) mm, dorsal locule 1-seeded, ventral locules (1-)2-seeded. Ventral locule seeds broadly ovate to transversely elliptic in outline, 1.7-2.8 x 1.3-1.8 mm , testa dark brown, doubly reticulate, usually white-farinose.
   Flowering and fruiting: October to July.
   Distribution: Pantropical and warm temperate.
   Ecology: Margins of pools, streams, rivers, ponds and marshes, sometimes growing in water; roadsides, open scrub, evergreen forest, forest edge, and weed in rice.

– Am  not sure but I could see some pubescence upon the spathe in the picture. Do Commelina diffusa have such hairs on spathe ?
in your description, it has a glabrous surface.

Oct 2011
Height 4cms
leaves green 5-6cms
flower blue


commelina forsskalaei:

commelina forsskalaei, please confirm
two weeks ago at my place in alibaug

This may be Commelina diffusa

Commelina sp for ID- -29092012-PKA3:  Seen this Commelina sp. at Mankhurd (Mumbai) near the creek.
Family: Commelinaceae
Date/Time: 29-09-2012 / 09:00AM

Commelina diffusa for sure…


Herb ID request – RK4 – 11-Oct-2012: This herb with beautiful blue flowers frequently encountered along the ground in Karjat area … not very tall, about 1 – 2 feet max.

More probably Commelina diffusa………

Thank you … I forgot to mention that I recd. a private reply from … who ided it as Commelina paludosa.
I hope some experts could throw more light on the species level id.

Commelina paludosa, C. kurzii, and C. maculata are usually produces spathes in cluster……and spathes are always fused. While it is opposite in C. diffusa….

Thanks a lot … I suppose it is C. diffusa then.

Plz id this herb: pa20 – 1nov2012: Plz id this small herb from Yeoor. I had seen similar plant identified as Commelina recently but not sure of how to id the species.

This could be a Commelina diffusa.

Thank you … for the precise id.

Sharing pics of Commelina sp from Gagsina Karnal Haryana (230 mts)
My guess Commelina paludosa
Pls validate

So many of them on one branch! as if Gladioli. Very nice and clear. If you go on increasing your photography skills it will be very difficult to find words to express.

Could this be Commelina communis ?

… you may be right i was not thinking about C communis as it is not reported from Haryana

Commelina communis is an annual herb with numerous branched, creeping stems, which are minutely pubescent distally, 1 m long. Leaves are lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, 3–9 cm long and 1.5–2 cm wide. Involucral bracts grow opposite the leaves. Bracts are1.2–2.5 cm long, folded and cordate when unfolded, with 1.5–4 cm long stalk, often hirsute-ciliate marginally,and acute apically. Cyme inflorescence has one flower near the top, with dark blue petals and membranous sepals mm long. Capsules are elliptic, 5–7mm, and two-valved. The two seeds in each valve are brown-yellow, 2–3 mm long, irregularly pitted, flat-sided,and truncate at one end.

It seems Commelina diffusa only……….

Thanks …


Commelina for ID : Sri Lanka : 081112 : AK-1:
A small herb seen in Sri Lanka on 16/11/2010.
It is Commelina.
Species id please.

It seems Commelina diffusa 

identification no170112sn1: Help Id this Commelinaceae.

date/:time sept11
plant habit:herb
height:tiny,about 6” above the ground

Commelina forskaolii?

This is Commelina diffusa ……………..(90% sure : about this plant)


Requesting for id:  Requesting for id taken at yeoor 28/11/2012 was spread over ground, near stream. very small flower

May be Commelina coelestis

I think it is Commelina diffusa …..

Commelina for ID : 290112 : Sri Lanka : AK-1:
A very small garden herb found growing wild in the grass in Sri Lanka during my visit in Nov,2010.
Can someone kindly id the species of this Commelina?

This is Commelina diffusa Burm. f. for sure. Pantropical and warm temperate one of the common species.


Herb for Id 240310JM1:

Date/Time- on 21/3/10 at around 9 a.m.

Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- in Joka Marshes, Kolkata

Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Wild

Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Herb

Height/Length- around 25 cm

May be a Commelinaceae member, May be from the genera Commelina

This plant is Commelina sp but the spathes are not visible in the photo and I think the leaves and stem seen in the photo can be of the grasses growing around. But I guess it as C diffusa.

Is there only single Individual or population? Because such type of petal shape I never seen before in Commelina. If it is with only individual then might be an Commelina maculata. C. maculata is having marshy habit and lvs are lanceolate just lke in u r photographs.

Thanks, …, for the feedback.
I saw many such plants in the area.

According to the eFlora of China Commelina maculata Edgeworth, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Bot. 20: 89. 1851.[Syn: Commelina obliqua Buchanan-Hamilton ex D. Don var. viscida C. B. Clarke; C. paludosa Blume var. viscida (C. B. Clarke) R. S. Rao & Kammathy.] has blue petals, 2 anterior ones is 10 mm, posterior one ca. 4 mm. Which mean the posterior petal will be nearly less than half the size of anterior ones, this character is completely missing from the plant photo provided by …, where all the petals are of nearly equal sizes. In the link below you will find lot of pictures of C maculata uploaded by … in WIKIMEDIA COMMONS the leaf structure also doesn’t match with this plant.

After a bit of search I came to known that there is a species of Commelina which has similar leaf, floral & stem morphology to that of your photo and also prefers to grown in the marshy condition.
Commelina cyanea has been called “scurvy weed” as it was used by early European settlers to avoid or alleviate scurvy. It is a weak trailing perennial herb, generally prostrate or nearly so, with fleshy stems growing up to 1-2 metres in length. It superficially resembles the common introduced weed, wandering jew (Trandescantia fluminensis; syn T.albiflora), but differs in that the lance-shaped (lanceolate) leaves are narrower and it has bright blue (rather than white) flowers occurring over the summer and early autumn period. Scurvy weed tends
to grow rapidly in warm and/or wet weather and die back in the cooler, dryer months. This plant has been recorded from wetlands of India and specialy you will be happy to know that West Bengal is considered as
one of it’s favourable regions.
In the link you will find a complete disertation thesis submitted by a forestry student of Bangladesh which was later published supports by thinking,

I think it matches as per the links:

Thank You … for you positive responses….. I never came across this plant in Kolkata hence it was quite hard for me to identify it but ultimately happy because the identification was completed successfully without any ambiguities.

Interesting find :-

Something really interesting …,

Actually my earlier feedback was too rough. But now I feel this could be a something interesting one. First I thought it may be a Commelina coelestis Willd. [=C. tuberosa] but in coelestis spathe is on long peduncle and ciliate at margins, more rounded in shape, leaves are also ovate, it is also in India but its ornamental one and I have collection of It from Ooty, it is planted for its beautiful flowers. In result, posted plant is not C. coelestis. One more possibility is there, of C. dianthifolia Deille, but it is Mexican plant never documented before in India. And if it is true then it could be a new addition to Indian flora.
But for that you have to observe the capsule and seed along with the roots (either they are tuberous or not).
But I strongly feel this could be a C. dianthifolia.
If possible will you please check above mentioned characters.
Thank you. Your efforts is always crucial for Indian flora and I am obliged that I am a part of this eFlora family.

It was previously identified as Commelina cyanea by … Here is the complete link
Pl. have a look at the earlier feedback.

I feel that i should not stop merely by leaving a comment in this thread. I think one should avoid remarks like “this cannot be such and such” without explaining reason behind his/her thought.
I think taxonomy is a dynamic process, and in no way should be taken for granted, or should be shelved permanently once the id has been suggested/established. I am sorry for my big talk.
I was searching Commelina (for my new post) last night and came across your post.
In this thread you pasted three links in support of the supposed id of C. cyanea R. Br. One of those three links,, clearly states, “Leaves with lamina ovate to narrow-ovate…”. The pictures in the other two links support this. …must have missed this view. This species can not be C. cyanea,
I attach pages from Bengal Plants and F. B. I. and i think you species might be C. salicifolia Roxb. Please note the Bengali name of the plant, PANI KANCHIRA, seemingly denoting to the habitat of the plant.

I finally visited the place with … on date. The species seems to be Commelina diffusa Burm.f. as per details at /species/a—l/cl/commelinaceae/commelina/commelina-diffusa
The whole plant has prostrate habit, while the flowering branches appears to be erect.

Thank you …, this might help me understand my species in – efi thread.


Flora Picture of the year- 2012- J.M.Garg:

This plant posted in March, 2010, was initially identified as Commelina cyanea after a lot of discussions. Later on it was thought that it may be C. dianthifolia Deille or C. salicifolia Roxb. recently
I finally visited the place (Joka, Kolkata) with … on 12.1.13. The species finally seems to be Commelina diffusa Burm.f. after we saw hundreds of such plants in a large area. The whole plant has prostrate habit, while the flowering branches appears to be erect.
The full discussion can be seen at efi thread
All this confusion has happened because I didn’t take multiple pictures from multiple angles of different plants & particularly missed the full habit picture. This was a great lesson to me as it resulted in lot of confusion & wastage of energies of lot of our experts. Had I taken photographs as per posted guidelines, possibly all this could have been avoided.

A long story and an important Take home message.
… I have added your write-up with the pictures to Flora picture 2012.

Long story means the duration involved till the end of the story.

Commelina sp. from Kamrup district, Assam : Attachments (8). 4 posts by 3 authors.

Attached images may be Commelina benghalensis L or C. paludosa Blume collected from Kamrup distric (Metro). Please ID for it.
Date :15. 04. 2013
Location: Kamrup district, Assam
Family : Commelinaceae
Genus & species : Commelina benghalensis L or C. paludosa Blume (?)
Habitat: Grows wild on wet places
Habit : Herb
Flower : Blue in colour

It seems to be Commelina diffusa

This could be Commelina diffusa
Not Commelina benghalensis nor Commelina paludosa …coz both of these r havin fused spathes margin, surface covered with hairs


Fwd: Commelina sp. ID-01 24-02-2012 Hooghly (WB) SK : Attachments (2).  5 posts by 3 authors.

This is a wild herb found on the edge of a village drainage. It is a Commelina sp. but don’t know which one.
Species : Commelina sp.
Type : wild herb, found in a moist place with other wild herbs
Plant size : 8 inches
Leaf blade : NA
Date : 19/02/2012, 11.40 A.M.
Place : Nalikul (Hooghly), West Bengal

Thank you for posting, one of the beautiful Commelina. This is Commelina diffusa for sure.

Yes Commelina diffusa

Again this is not C. diffusa Burm f., but C. hasskarlii C. B. Clarke.

Please also check another thread


ARJUL06 Commelina sp. for ID 2 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2).
Found in Lalbagh (Banglore) 6th July

Commelina sp.

Most possibly Commelina diffusa


Commelina diffusa Burm.f.SN Nov 29 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2). Commelina diffusa Burm.f, a wild diffuse herb from Virajpet area of Coorg, Please validate the ID

Seems to be Commelina diffusa var diffusa


Commelina Species For ID : MNP,Mumbai : 27AUG15 : AK-52 : 52/52 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)

Commelina plant seen growing wild at the park.

Commelina species so far in efi 

Probably Commelina diffusa


Commelina sp for ID from Uttarakhand: DSR_Sept. 2016_3/3 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5)
This Commelina species is common in Pantnagar (215 m a.s.l.) and grows along the drainage channels. Plants are diffused spreading on the ground with short erect branches bearing flowers.
The ID is requested based on the attached images. 

It looks like Commelina diffusa Burm.f.

Agree with …, it is Commelina diffusa.

Commelina Species for ID : Nasik : 06OCT18 : AK – 6 : 10 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Commelina Species seen at a farm in Nasik on 31st August,18.
I have only one picture.

Appears close to images at Cyanotis cristata (L.) D.Don as per comparative images at Cyanotis

i wonder what does … think?

This was … reply to me as I had seen it near the Nature India Nursery….
“After examining plant on field, spathe pedunculate, capsule 3-celled, flowers blue, leaves undulate and cleistogamous flowers present.
This should be Commelina forskaolii Vahl “

It is Commelina diffusa, usually grows in wet places. Sometimes due to the paucity of water, it shows abnormality in characters.

Yes I am agree with … about his observations (Sometimes due to the paucity of water, it shows abnormality in characters).
I was waiting for seeds, so here please find attached image of seeds (reticulate and tuberculate) of the same plant which confirms this is Commelina diffusa.
Attachments (1)

SK1633 08 Dec 2018 : 9 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)- 5 mb
Location Gyaneswor, Kathmandu, Nepal
Elevation :  4500 ft.
Date 2 October 2012
Habit : Wild
Which Commelina ?

Attachments (1)- 2 mb 

Attachments (1)- 7 mb

Attachments (1)- 2 mb

Attachments (1)- 7 mb

Not sure, but it may be Commelina diffusa or C. caroliniana. Need more details to point out correct ID.  

If we keeping mind the flowering season it could be Commelina diffusa Burm.f.


sk2015sept08/08 – Commelina sp. on the bank of the pond : 12 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (10)
These photographs were recorded on 02-Sept-2015 and today. This species is thriving on the bank of ponds, village drainage, even on sides of railway tracks, possibly in damp soil.
Branching and rooting at nodes.
Flowers are the size of C. benghalensis as can be seen in the last pic (flowers in right is C. benghalensis) where two species growing side by side. Leaves are upto 7.5 cm long and 2 cm wide. Only a very few leaves are narrower than this. This species doesn’t flower much, only a very few shoots bear flower.

Please help.

Commelina species so far in efi     

Isn’t it Commelina forsskalii ?

Thank you very much … for the suggestion. But, I simply do not know how to identify a Commelina. The problem is BSI restricts the distribution of C. forsskalaei Vahl. in the Peninsular and NW India.

Many many thanks … If BSI checklist didn’t prevent me I would have very much identified it with the same taxon you have suggested.

There is very much confusion between C. diffusa Burm f. and C. caroliniana Walter (in US). C. caroliniana is conspecific with C. hasskarlii of India – jstor.
This species is C. hasskarlii C. B. Clarke.
Attached here relevant docs (downloaded from the net) for your perusal and further opinion.

Attachments (2)- 116_IJAR-5827.pdf & 2907-11801-1-PB.pdf

This species is very close to Commelina diffusa Burm f. 

I can rule out the possibility of Comelina caroliniana Walter (or Commelina hasskarli C.B.Clarke) because of two reasons
1. It is very clear that, this species has an upper cincinnus
2. Spathe is glabrous as opposed to serrulate to pubescent spathe.
Also, Comelina caroliniana Walter (Fl. Carol. 68. 1788) is the correct name since the name has priority over Commelina hasskarli C.B.Clarke (Commelyn. Cyrtandr. Bengal 13, t.3. 1874). A careful reading of the abstract of the paper would have helped 😊
NB: There is one more species of Commelina in this post.

Image number P1160722 has Commelina benghalensis (right side) in addition to the species in quiry.

Thanks to …  BSI checklist for this region can be viewed at efi thread.
As per per the checklist above C. diffusa Burm. f. not to be found in this region –

Even if we assume that the BSI checklist is outdated, and C. diffusa later finds its way to south Bengal also, I doubt if such an introduced (in this region) species can be so pervasive. In fact this is the most common Commelina thriving everywhere in SINGUR, HARIPAL, DANKUNI, CHANDITALA blocks of Hooghly districts. Presently the species is not in flowering state. Only one or two can be seen in one or two population. All my previous uploads of this species in this group and in facebook group (4 years ago) had been identified as diffusa!
Now, something about … points (ruling out caroliniana Walter) –
  1. no where it was/is mentioned that caroliniana cannot have an upper cincinnus. Instead what author noted in his paper is “upper cyme usually vestigial (rarely well developed and 1-flowered).” The same has been copied in FoNA. Against this FBI, Bengal Plants, of-course outdated, noted “upper cymes 2-4 flowered.”. The author’s view in the paper (page 45) I referred can also be taken account in this regard.
  2. no where I could find mention of spathe in caroliniana is serrulate!
  3. spathe of caroliniana “margins distinct, usually cilliate, apex acuminate, glabrous or very sparsely pilose.”
If, based on the above 3 points, we want to negate the probability of this species being hasskarlii (carolinianayet accepting the probability of diffusa as Manudev Ji has indicated we need to see/read the author’s view in the paper I referred – “… Although a detailed comparision between C. caroliniana and C. diffusa and the variation exhibited by these species in the United States will be the subject of another paper, specimens of the two species can be separated by the following key :
  • Spathes not all to slightly falcate; upper cyme usually vestigial (rarely…..)…. capsules….   …. C. caroliniana
  • Spathes usually distinctly falcate; upper cyme in larger spathes usually well developed and 1-several-flowered; capsules... C. diffusa
Interesting ….. until we examine a number of spathes and cymes at different locations of several populations!!!
(as for naming convention I followed BSI checklist which doesn’t mention caroliniana)

(as for benghalensis I mentioned it in the initiating post itself !!!)

Since we are discussing upper cyme, three more pics of this specimen of same population. Attachments (3)

I fail to find any reason to rule out possibility of C. caroliniana Walter (C. hasskarlii C. B. Clarke).

Few more days required to conclude its identity. For time being keep it in Commlelina diffusa.

I think it is Commelina diffusa as Mayur ji and others suggested earlier. it’s perhaps the commonest Commelina here, growing everywhere.


Commelina sp. … FOR ID :: Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Oct 18, 2009 · 10:56 AM IST: 2 images.
Commelina sp. … FOR ID … perhaps, Commelina diffusa Burm.f.
Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Oct 18, 2009 · 10:56 AM IST :: about 3 m (10 ft) asl

Yes, possible as per images at
But I am not sure.

Okay, …, thanks.
I will label it as Commelina diffusa Burm.f.- tentative ID.


Commelinaceae: Commelina diffusa Burm.f.:  1 high res. image.
location/date: Mayaguez, Puerto Rico (USA), March 2004
