Dictyospermum ovalifolium Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 6: t. 2070 1853. (Syn: Aneilema hallbergii Blatt.; Aneilema ovalifolium (Wight) Hook.f. ex C.B.Clarke; Dictyospermum wightii Hassk.; Phaeneilema hallbergii (Blatt.) Raizada); Dictyospermum Wight Thyrses mostly 5- 16 cm long …………………….Dictyospermum montanum Wight Thyrses mostly 4- 6 cm long……………………….Dictyopsermum ovalifolium Wight Commelinales and Zingiberales Week: Commelinaceae: Dictyospermum: Dictyospermum Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 6: 29. 1853. Four or five species in tropical Asia. Here is presenting D. ovalifolium Requesting id of a plant 3 seen at Iruppu, Kodagu, Karnataka: Please find attached photos of a herb with flower and fruit, but not of good quality picture, requesting id. This was seen at Iruppu, Kodagu, Karnataka on 30.07.2011 3-4 Plant was about a feet height amid strobilanthus ; all were at same height; besides a stream; i too searched in commelinanceae, but didn’t succeed. I remember them erect, straight from soil, not trailing. Let me try for this. I too have seen this plant at higher reaches of Brahmagiri hills that was also along the streams. But there were no flowers that time.
Dictyospermum ovalifolium has a synonym, Aneilema ovalifolium and is endemic to the Western Ghats. Few clarifications (please consider these clarifications for better understanding of the species). Whether the fruits are dehiscent or indehiscent and blue at maturity? whether the leaves (especially lower leaves) petioled or not? and the number of perfect stamens. Please check and share these information, if possible. First up all I wish to clear genus Aneilema is truly African genus and not a single species of Aneilema is found in India. However, all the earlier Indian Aneilema species are synonymous under few genera like Murdannia, Dictyospermum, Pollia and Rhopalephora. All these above mentioned genera are differentiate on the basis of capsule and stamen character. Stamens 6……….Tradescantieae (Cyanotis, Amischtolype, Callisia, Tradescantia, Belosynapsis, etc) Stamens 2-3 ……………………………… Commelina, Murdannia, Pollia, Rhopalephora, Dictyospermum) Stamens antesepalous…………………………Murdannia Stamens all anterior………………………. Fruits sticky with hook-hairs…………………..Rhopalephora Fruit indehiscent, berry like…………………….Pollia Fruit dehiscent ………………………………….Dictyospermum Dictyospermum Wight Thyrses mostly 5- 16 cm long …………………….Dictyospermum montanum Wight Thyrses mostly 4- 6 cm long……………………….Dictyopsermum ovalifolium Wight And I am sure (its my personal opinion) the above posted specimen is Dictyopsermum ovalifolium Wight Thank you very much for the wonderful and clear explanation on Dictyopsermum ovalifolium. Do any one has the following publications, If someone has these papers would you please share the same with me. The classification of Commelinaceae J. P. M. BRENAN Article first published online: 28 JUNE 2008 in Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society (pages 349–370) and A revision of the genus Aneilema R. Brown (Commelinaceae) with a cytotaxonomic account of the West African species J. K. MORTON Article first published online: 28 JUNE 2008 in Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society (pages 431–478) Valparai 080714 TBN 3 for id/? Commelinaceae/ TBN July 3 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2). Please identify this plant details of which are as follows: Date :20.06.14 Location :Valparai to Sholayar road Altitude :4000 ft Habitat :wet evergreen forest Habit 😕 under shrub Height :less than a feet Probably an Aneilema sp The posted specimen is Dictyospermum ovalifolium Wight. of Commelinaceae. This species with reduced thyrses while one more species called D. montanum with lax thyrses and more lanceolate leaves.
Please identify this herb from Kannur District of Kerala… It is Pollia secundiflora –Commellinaceae It is Dictyospermum ovalifolium (Commelinaceae). I think matches with images at Does not matches with other species suggested by …: References: |
Dictyospermum ovalifolium
Updated on December 24, 2024