Murdannia brownii Nandikar & Gurav;
Plant for ID: I have confusion with this Plant Murdannia ??? (Commelinaceae) Some of the Morphological charachters shows smillarities with Murdannia pauciflora Wight. But there is an confusion with bearded fertile filaments and habit. On the other hand the same species cosidered by Rolla Rao and Kammathy as a Murdannia wightii having glbrous filaments and blue coloured flowers. I also search original citation of Robert Wight but it couldn’t match with that. So anyone can having information about above plant then please reply. If it is possible then help me out by providing the original citation M. pauciflora (Wt.) G. Brukner in Engl. & Prantl. Pflanzwenfam. ed. 2. 15a: 173. 1930. M. wightii Rao & Kammathy, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburg 25 (2): 184. 1964. Murdannia brownii a picture for ID : Attachments (1). 6 posts by 3 authors. Please Help Me out For its Identification Its seem to Murdannia versicolor but i m confused with an Murdannia pauciflora Photograph taken at Morjai platue Gaganbawada along with same Coloured Vegetation of M. lanuginosa Murdannia lanuginosa : 6 posts by 3 authors. Murdannia lanuginosa family Commelinaceae kaas plateau third week of october 2016 Attachments (3) For me its Murdannia brownii. Thank you … I shall surely read up on this
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Murdannia brownii
Updated on December 24, 2024