Rhodiola wallichiana

Perennial herb with cylindrical rhizome with scale leaves; flowering stems in rosettes of up to 10, up to 30 cm long; cauline leaves up to 3 cm long, narrowly ovate, lower half entire, upper crenate; flowers usually 5-merous, pale yellow, bisexual on up to 5 mm long pedicels; calyx 5-8 mm long with connate lobes; petals boat-shaped, 6-12 mm long, obtuse; stamens 8-12; follicles 8-15 mm long with many seeds.

Kindly identify this Rhodiola species.
Date: 8th August 2011
Location: Paddar valley district Kishtwar J&K.
Altitude: 4340 meters asl
GPS: 33.31 N and 76.27 E
Plant habit/habitat: Wild herb
Plant height: 1-3 feets

Appears same Sedum asiaricum, Indian plant correctly named as Rhodiola wallichiana var. wallichiana

VoF Week :: DV :: 03 AUG 12 – 1246 :: Rhodiola wallichiana along Hemakund – Ghangaria trail:
Rhodiola wallichiana (Hook.) S.H. Fu … (family: Crassulaceae)

3 AUG 12
Hemakund – Ghangaria trail about 13500 ft

VOF Week: Rhodiola sp.?? from VOF:  Seen this Rhodiola sp (Family: Crassulaceae) at VOF.
Could this be Rhodiola wallichiana??

Rhodiola wallichiana

Yes it is Rhodiola wallichiana. It is abundant in my area at 3000m



VoF Week: Rhodiola wallichiana from valley:
Rhodiola wallichiana from valley
Pls Validate

Extremely good and clear photographs


VoF Week :: DV :: 02 AUG 12 – 0309 :: Rhodiola ¿ wallichiana ?:
2 AUG 12
Valley of Flowers about 10400 ft

Habitat: among rocks
Habit: gregarious small herb many branched from base, about 30 – 40 cm high; leaf about 2 – 3 cm long, flower size – not sure.
… reading through descriptions of Rhodiola in eFloras, Flowers of Himalaya and Keshava Murthy’s VoF book, have confused myself
… getting a feeling that plant posted as Rhodiola wallichiana along Hemakund – Ghangaria trail may be Rhodiola imbricata.

Yes Rhodiola wallichiana


Flora of Uttarakhand- Herb31 for Id- JM:
Wild Herb captured on 13/8/10 during the trek from Ghangaria (around 11,000 ft.) to Hemkunt Sahib (around 14000 ft.).

Its a Crassulaceae but which one? Rhodiola??

Flowers are greenish-yellow and leaves toothed in upper part. How about R. rosea L. subsp. rosea.

R. rosea is so variable. I need to check some more references for this.

May I take it as Rhodiola wallichiana as per the following threads ?:

It seems only the first link is confirmed R. wallichiana. Others perhaps we will have relook after the episode is finished. We will need relook for several others also.

VOF Week: Rhodiola wallichiana??— En-route Hemkund Sahib: I had seen this herb en-route Hemkund sahib. Looks like Rhodiola wallichiana??

I think yes. Nice photographs

VoF Week: Rhodiola sp from Way to Hemkund Sahib:
Rhodiola sp from Way to Hemkund Sahib
pls help in idfying species

I think R. wallichiana


VoF Week : Rhodiola species for ID : RDS : 050912:  Please confirm which species of Rhodiola is this herb of? Clicked at Hemkund Saheb on 15th Augusu 2012. In my opinion it appears to be
Rhodiola wallichiana.


Rhodiola species from Paddar valley J&K SRANA 02: Request for ID confirmation

Kindly confirm this ID or further inputs
Bot. name: Rhodiola wallichiana
Family: Crassulaceae
Location: Paddar valley J&K
Altitude: 4800 meters asl
Date: 7th August 2011

In my opinion, this seems to be R. wallichiana.


Seen this Rhodiola sp (Family: Crassulaceae) at VOF.
Bot. name: Rhodiola wallichiana,

Yes … Very good photographs


Rhodiola wallichiana (Hook.) S.H. Fu in Acta Phytotax. Sin. Addit. 1: 125. 1965

syn: Sedum asiaticum (D. Don.) DC.; Sedum crassipes Wall. ex Hook.f. & Thomson; Sedum wallichianum Hook.
Perennial herb with cylindrical rhizome with scale leaves; flowering stems in rosettes of up to 10, up to 30 cm long; cauline leaves up to 3 cm long, narrowly ovate, lower half entire, upper crenate; flowers usually 5-merous, pale yellow, bisexual on up to 5 mm long pedicels; calyx 5-8 mm long with connate lobes; petals boat-shaped, 6-12 mm long, obtuse; stamens 8-12; follicles 8-15 mm long with many seeds.
Photographed from Apharwat, Kashmir
Crassulaceae, Combretaceae and Myrtaceae Fortnight:: Crassulaceae:: Succulent for id from VOF- NS 34 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
This was recorded from VOF area.. flowering was over, I hope to get id clues..

Rhodiola wallichiana (Hook.) S.H. Fu I hope
syn: Sedum wallichianum

Thanks Sir for this help…

This one is a wild plant recorded from trek to Valley of Flowers, Uttrakhand..
Id was concluded as Rhodiola wallichiana..
Please revalidate/correct the same..

Yes … Very good photographs

yes. din’t we just see one in last few days?

Kindly identify this Rhadiola species
Location: Paddar Valley J&K
Altitude: 4500 meters
Date: 7th August 2011

Rhodiola wallichiana I hope.


Rhodiola species from Paddar valley J&K SRANA 06:  Request for Identification

Kindly identify this Rhadiola species
Location: Paddar Valley J&K
Altitude: 4500 meters
Date: 7th August 2011

Again Rhodiola wallichiana I hope.


VOF Week: Sedum oreades at VOF: Sedum oreades, a succulent plant (Family: Crassulaceae) from VOF.
Date/Time: 08-08-2012 / 09:30AM

…very nice shots..I hope this was found near the first bridge.. only little inside the entry gate….

I think yes.

This is definitely not Sedum oreades. It is a Rhodiola. I will work on which species in due course. For correct Sedum oreades see recent posts.

In that case it may be Rhodiola wallichiana as per images herein and as per images from Valley of Flowers in FOI at Wallich’s Rhodiola

I repeat that Rhodiola is an extremely difficult genus. I shall look into the genus in the Himalaya further in due course but at this point cannot meaningfully comment further. Much easier to say what a specimen
is not, rather than what definitely is. Will not help the situation of frequent misidentifications by prematurely confirming an identification. At present I am not certain how to distinguish Rhodiola wallichiana.
In some cases the characteristics visible in some photos are insufficient to be sure.

VOF Week: Sedum oreades from way to Main Valley:
This succulent was shot from near bridge on way to Valley of Flowers…identification credit to … I hope id is right…Sedum oreades

Again, this is not Sedum oreades. It is a Rhodiola which I shall try to name in due course.

In that case it may be Rhodiola wallichiana as per images herein and as per images from Valley of Flowers in FOI at Wallich’s Rhodiola

I repeat that Rhodiola is an extremely difficult genus. I shall look into the genus in the Himalaya further in due course but at this point cannot meaningfully comment further. Much easier to say what a specimen
is not, rather than what definitely is. Will not help the situation of frequent misidentifications by prematurely confirming an identification. At present I am not certain how to distinguish Rhodiola wallichiana.
In some cases the characteristics visible in some photos are insufficient to be sure.

Sedum oreades from Valley
Pls validate

I think so after seeing other similar uploads.

It may be Rhodiola wallichiana as per images herein and as per images from Valley of Flowers in FOI at Wallich’s Rhodiola

I repeat that Rhodiola is an extremely difficult genus. I shall look into the genus in the Himalaya further in due course but at this point cannot meaningfully comment further. Much easier to say what a specimen
is not, rather than what definitely is. Will not help the situation of frequent misidentifications by prematurely confirming an identification. At present I am not certain how to distinguish Rhodiola wallichiana.
In some cases the characteristics visible in some photos are insufficient to be sure.


Sedum oreades, a succulent plant (Family: Crassulaceae) from VOF.
Date/Time: 08-08-2012 / 09:30AM

Look the same images as before. Not Sedum oreades. A Rhodiola which I shall attempt to name in due course.

In that case it may be Rhodiola wallichiana as per images herein and as per images from Valley of Flowers in FOI at Wallich’s Rhodiola

I repeat that Rhodiola is an extremely difficult genus. I shall look into the genus in the Himalaya further in due course but at this point cannot meaningfully comment further. Much easier to say what a specimen
is not, rather than what definitely is. Will not help the situation of frequent misidentifications by prematurely confirming an identification. At present I am not certain how to distinguish Rhodiola wallichiana.
In some cases the characteristics visible in some photos are insufficient to be sure.

Crassulaceae, Combretaceae and Myrtaceae Fortnight:: Crassulaceae:: Sedum oreades from VOF- NS 32 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3).
This malacohyllous herb was recorded from way to VOF in Uttrakhand…
I hope this is Sedum oreades

Repeat of images. Not Sedum oreadesRhodiola– will attempt to name in due course.

In that case it may be Rhodiola wallichiana as per images herein and as per images from Valley of Flowers in FOI at Wallich’s Rhodiola

I repeat that Rhodiola is an extremely difficult genus. I shall look into the genus in the Himalaya further in due course but at this point cannot meaningfully comment further. Much easier to say what a specimen
is not, rather than what definitely is. Will not help the situation of frequent misidentifications by prematurely confirming an identification. At present I am not certain how to distinguish Rhodiola wallichiana.
In some cases the characteristics visible in some photos are insufficient to be sure.

Sedum SP:: Crassulaceae, Combretaceae and Myrtaceae Fortnight (NSJ-06) : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Looks like Sedum Sp. Photo taken from Kalimpong (Apr-09)

Close to Sedum oreades (Decne.) Raym.-Hamet but can not say anything further in view of lack of other details.

This is not Sedum oreadesS.oreades is recorded from bordering Sikkim on stony ground, screes & rock cervices @ 3650-4300m – whereas Kalimpong is around 1250m..
Cannot suggest anything at present.

In that case, It may be closer to Rhodiola wallichiana as per images herein and as per images from Valley of Flowers in FOI at Wallich’s Rhodiola

Given the challenges naming Rhodiolas presents, it is wisest if I do not rush into making statements I cannot substantiate/support.  Makes no sense adding to the confusion.  I am working on Himalayan Rhodiolas but shall take time and concentration……


Rhodiola wallichiana? ABAUG2017/36 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
Rhodiola is difficult and I was waiting to learn more about this genus but finding it difficult. My specimen which I photographed on my Indrahar trek above 3600m could be R. wallichiana but I am not sure. Please advise.
Rhodiola wallichiana?
Above Lahaish Cave enroute Indrahar Pass, Dharamshala, HP
3600m and above
28-29 July 2017


Help me to identify this plant- 110921SA2: 2 images.
Segregating posts clubbed due to same subject from …:

Location:Rashan pora Kupwara jammu and Kashmir.

I guess it is close to Rhodiola himalensis (D.Don) S.H.Fu

Yes sir matched with Rhodiola himalensis

kindly check with Rhodiola wallichiana (Hook.) S.H.Fu . Leaves resemble to some extent.

Looks different !

Stem is creamy white coloured

I guess http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=110&taxon_id=200009887 is correct ID !

Yes, appears close to images at Rhodiola wallichiana (Hook.) S.H. Fu as per comparative images at Rhodiola


Updated on December 24, 2024

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