Cucurbita pepo L., Sp. Pl. 1010 1753 (Syn. Cucumis pepo (L.) Dumort. ….); . Pumpkin, Field pumpkin • Hindi: सफ़ेद कद्दू Safed kaddu, कुमढ़ा Kumrha • Manipuri: মাঈৰেন Mairen • Marathi: Kohala, Bhopli • Tamil: பரங்கி Parangi • Malayalam: Kumpalam, Kumpalanna • Telugu: budadegummadi, budide-gummadi, • Kannada: bude-kumbala-kayi, bileegumbala, boodugumbala • Bengali: Safed kaddu, Lanka • Sanskrit: karkaru, kurkaru, kurlaru, kushmanda; . Fruits & Vegetables Week: Cucurbita pepo cultivars part one: Cucurbita pepo is the most popular and largely grown species with numerous cultivars. These are being uploaded in three parts. Here is part one. Fruits & Vegetables Week: Cucurbita pepo cultivars part two: This is part two of Cucurbita cultivars found in stores here in California. Fruits & Vegetables Week: Cucurbita pepo cultivars part three: . Fruits & Vegetables Week: Another cultivar of Cucurbita pepo: The small somewhat flattened squashes belonging to Cucurbita pepo go under the name Patty Pan squashes or Scallop squashes. I think our Tinda substitute Chapan kadu may belong to this category. Here is one cultivar of this group known as Sunburst yellow squash. – This one is I think same, shot at a fruit and Veg store in Campbell Town, New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, carrying the price tag too. Fruits & Vegetable week – Brown cucumber? from Apulien: To me the third photo does not have Zichorie (the chicory; Cichorium intybus), nor yellow cucumber. It looks like we have two types of brinjal, Zucchini (C. pepo), Mediterranean squash (C. pepo) and some cucurbit but not cucumber. These are extraordinary creations and very beautiful pictures. Great pics. the top two are of those that are not generally eaten, we use them for Halloween decorations around the garden and steps and fireplaces… or wherever your heart desires… grouped together they make a nice week or two long home decor… Cucurbitaceae Week: Cucurbita pepo from California; cultivars Golden summer crookneck and Zucchini: wonderful to see this much maligned fuit… nobody esp kids like to eat it.. though its climed to be a good (sort of ) source of vitamins…. Yes … Such fattened mature fruits (perhaps left for seeds) were attached to the same plant, this one perhaps got detached.
Cucurbitaceae Week: Cucurbita pepo cultivars IV: Cucurbitaceae Week: Cucurbita pepo cultivars V: Sir third one is infected or natural…? Natural one, that is why it has a name and allowed to be sold in US markets. this is for sure “Chappan kaddu” and the interesting thing is absence of tendrils and non-climbing habit… Yes, Our thanks are due to …, but the series is yet to be completed, no one has uploaded a prominent, popular and common cucurbit known as “Kakri” which is usually eaten raw like cucumber. I was planning to execute the task today, but somehow could not, hope anyone has the pics of this. Cucurbita pepo, Golden zucchini from Delhi markets : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors. Green zucchini is becoming popular in Delhi markets in last few years. Yesterday I saw Golden zucchini for the first time in Delhi market. As usual seller had no clue about it. Oh, I saw this vegetable being sold in Kothagiri and Ooty markets in Nilgirs. Thanks for the information sir. Organic Acorn Squash : California : 29JAN15 : AK-24 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) These squashes were seen in a supermarket selling fruits and vegetables amongst other things in Sacramento. The label suggests ‘Organic Acorn Squash’. For the correct botanical name please. Cucurbita pepo : Cucurbitaceae : California : 14MAR15 : AK-10 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4) Going by your post giving differences in the Species, this would be Cucurbita pepo? Seen at a store in Sacramento on 6th Oct,14. Yes the typical Halloween pumpkin, C. pepo Cucurbita For ID : Cucurbitaceae : California : 14MAR15 : AK-11 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Another Cucurbita seen at the same store in Sacramento. Cucurbitaceae For ID : California : 20MAR15 : AK-14 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) These could be Lil’ Pump-Ke-Mon Pumpkin? Again, seen in Sacramento in a store. The fruits uploaded seems to be Cucurbita pepo Lilpump-ke-Mon Cucurbitaceae For ID : California : 20MAR15 : AK-12 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Small white pumpkins seen in a store in Sacramento. …, these would be Cucurbita pepo, Mini White Pumpkin? Cucurbitaceae For ID : California : 22DEC16 : AK-46 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Seen at a store in Fremont in Oct,14. Is it Cinderella Pumpkin? Experts kindly validate. Appears to be Cucurbita pepo L. as per comparative images at Cucurbita Cucurbitaceae For ID : California : 28DEC16 : AK-48 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Cultivated Pumpkin seen at a store in Sacramento in Oct, 2014. Kindly help in id. Cucurbitaceae For ID : California : 28DEC16 : AK-47 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Another Pumpkin seen in a store, during Oct, 2014, in Fremont. I think Cucurbita pepo L. as per comparative images in EFI at Cucurbita Cucurbitaceae For ID : California : 30DEC16 : AK-50 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Adding few missed out earlier. Seen in Fremont at a store during my visit in Oct,2014. These were the bigger ones, not Mini Pumpkins posted earlier. Cucurbitaceae For ID : California : 30DEC16 : AK-51 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Another pure white from a store in Fremont. Taken in Oct, 2014. I think may be Cucurbita pepo L. as per comparative images in EFI at Cucurbita Thanks for the id. Hope … goes through my post and gives me the correct Cultivar or Common name. You can check EFI page and … images therein Cucurbita pepo cultivars: . Cucurbita pepo Zucchini from California-GS31072024-3: 4 high res. images. Cucurbita pepo Zucchini, clicked from an Indian house in Dublin California. . References: |
Cucurbita pepo
Updated on December 24, 2024