Hodgsonia heteroclita (Roxb.) Hook.f. & Thomson, Proc. Linn. Soc. London 2: 257 1853. (syn: Trichosanthes heteroclita Roxb.); . Chinese lardfruit, Pork fat nut; . Identify this species from Manas – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 5 posts by 3 authors. Looking forward to see the name of this wild species from Manas……… yes my friend santanu identified it as Hodgsonia macrocarpa…… Only species of Hodgsonia found in India is Hodgsonia heteroclita, while Hodgsonia macrocarpa (Blume) Cogn. is a different species now & not found in India as per The Cucurbitaceae of India: Accepted names, synonyms, geographic distribution, and information on images and DNA sequences by Susanne S. Renner, Arun K. Pandey. (2013) . Help me to identify this climber from Assam. It blooms at night. Is it Hodgsonia macrocarpa of Cucurbitaceae? Fwd: Fwd: [efloraofindia:50420] Climber for ID – efloraofindia | Google Groups : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) Help me to identify this climber from Assam. It blooms at night. Is it Hodgsonia macrocarpa of Cucurbitaceae? I found photo not in very expressive. Petals lacks lacerate nature. I am enclosing two of my Hodgsonia macrocarpa Hook. f. collections in fruits for reference. Also inclosing the protologue reference from Himalayan Plants. Does look like Hodgsonia macrocarpa to me and matches well with the protologue… Hodgsonia macrocarpa (Bl.) Cogn. Monogr. Phan. [A.DC. & C.DC.] iii. 349. (1881) ISOTYPES: Java, Mt Salak, Blume (BR, L-fide Keraudren, 1975). Attachments (2) Only species of Hodgsonia found in India is Hodgsonia heteroclita, while Hodgsonia macrocarpa (Blume) Cogn. is a different species now & not found in India as per The Cucurbitaceae of India: Accepted names, synonyms, geographic distribution, and information on images and DNA sequences by Susanne S. Renner, Arun K. Pandey. (2013) . ID Request – SJ: 3May12: Would much appreciate ID confirmation of this creeper flower seen in abundance in Digboi Oil fields where I had gone bird-watching in mid-April. Possibly some species of Trichosanthes Seems to be Hodgsonia heteroclita a himalayan creeper / flower known to the west since Hooker’s time in a beautifull illustrations by Cathcart .. wish you also has shown us the leaves full face… Oh I forgot wiki has nice figures the ones I told you about by Cathcart …in the old book… lovely botanical drawings… Hodgsonia macrocarpa syn. Hodgsonia heteroclita Hook.f. Only species of Hodgsonia found in India is Hodgsonia heteroclita, while Hodgsonia macrocarpa (Blume) Cogn. is a different species now & not found in India as per The Cucurbitaceae of India: Accepted names, synonyms, geographic distribution, and information on images and DNA sequences by Susanne S. Renner, Arun K. Pandey. (2013) .
Location Rajnagar Kumarghat Unakoti district Tripura Only species of Hodgsonia found in India is Hodgsonia heteroclita, while Hodgsonia macrocarpa (Blume) Cogn. is a different species now & not found in India as per The Cucurbitaceae of India: Accepted names, synonyms, geographic distribution, and information on images and DNA sequences by Susanne S. Renner, Arun K. Pandey. (2013) Actually this was collected from Kalitila/Kalatila on Bangladesh Tripura border. Location : Dampui, Mizoram Altitude : ca. 850 m. Date : 04-12-2015 Habit : Large climber Habitat : Growing wild Genus : Hodgsonia sp. ? Family : Cucurbitaceae Seeds of Hodgisonia sp. Does not look like the images of only species of Hodgsonia found in India i.e. Hodgsonia heteroclita nice. seeds seem to be covered in some spores??? is it? Hodgsonia heteroclita Hook.f. & Thomson Does not match with images and references at Hodgsonia heteroclita Why is this not Hodgsonia? … suggested H. heteroclita. Thanks, …, To me fruit colours and seeds looked different than those avaialble on net. Thanks, for confirmation. I guess difference of fruit color is depends on maturity of fruit ! I agree. Seed and leaf morphology and the size and shape of the fruit all seems to match Hodgsonia heteroclita. . MS April, 2016/26 Cucurbitaceae for ID : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Location : Dampui, Mizoram Date : 04/12/2015 Habit : Large climber Habitat : It grows wild on the tree & fruiting at the top of tree Thanks …I am still working on this. I checked for all the available species of Trichosanthes and other related genera but this wasn’t matching well. It is an interesting plant. I am sure someone in our group will come up with its ID. Hodgsonia heteroclita as per discussions at MS Dec.2015/01 Hodgsonia for ID(Cucurbitaceae) . HODGSONIA MACROCARPA: 2 images. Attaching two images of Hodgsonia macrocarpa. This is Hodgsonia heteroclita (Roxb.) Hook.f. & Thomson, as per images and details herein. Hodgsonia macrocarpa (Bl.) Cogn. is not found in your area as per POWO. As per … (A taxonomist of repute), it is Hodgsonia macrocarpa only. Pl. reconfirm. Pl. check references at Hodgsonia heteroclita (Roxb.) Hook.f. & Thomson I stick to me id until and unless proven otherwise. As per latest revision by Renner and Pandey as per references at above link, this is the only species reported from India and matches with other images quite well. I will check with … I have checked. You are right. In fact it is Hodgsonia heteroclita. I will upload corrected images.
Earlier the images were uploaded as Hodgsonia macrocarpa. … corrected. . References: The Cucurbitaceae of India: Accepted names, synonyms, geographic distribution, and information on images and DNA sequences by Susanne S. Renner, Arun K. Pandey. (2013) GRIN The Plant List Ver.1.1 IPNI Flora of China India biodiversity portal Useful Tropical Plants GBIF Illustration Wikimedia Commons My species Ethobotany |
Hodgsonia heteroclita
Updated on December 24, 2024