Cupressus sempervirens L., Sp. Pl. 1002 1753. (Syn: Cupressus conoidea Spadoni; Cupressus elongata Salisb. [Illegitimate]; Cupressus expansa Targ.Tozz. ex Steud.; Cupressus fastigiata DC.; Cupressus foemina Garsault; Cupressus globulifera Parl.; Cupressus horizontalis Mill.; Cupressus horizontalis (Mill.) Voss .; Cupressus lugubris Salisb.; Cupressus mas Garsault; Cupressus orientalis Beissn.; Cupressus patula Pers.; Cupressus pyramidalis O.Targ.Tozz.; Cupressus roylei Carrière; Cupressus sempervirens var. globulifera Parl. ……..; Cupressus sphaerocarpa Parl.; Cupressus stricta Mill. ex Gordon; Cupressus thujifolia Knight ex Gordon; Cupressus thujiformis Parker ex Gordon; Cupressus thujioides H.Low ex Gordon; Cupressus tournefortii Audib. ex Carrière; Cupressus umbilicata Parl.; Juniperus whitleyana Miq.); . Common name: Italian Cypress, Mediterranean cypress, Graveyard Cypress, Pencil Pine • Marathi: saru • Tamil: Churam • Malayalam: Churam, sooram • Telugu: Jeedakara, Jeekaka, Jeelakarra • Oriya: Surahba • Urdu: Tukhm saras safaid . Cupressus sempervirens, the Mediterranean Cypress (also known as Italian, Tuscan, or Graveyard Cypress, or Pencil Pine) is a species of cypress native to the eastern Mediterranean region, in northeast Libya, southern Albania, southeast Greece (Crete, Rhodes), southern Turkey, Cyprus, Northern Egypt, western Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Malta, Italy, western Jordan, and also a disjunct population in Iran. It is a medium-sized coniferous evergreen tree to 35 m (115 ft) tall, with a conic crown with level branches and variably loosely hanging branchlets.[1] It is very long-lived, with some trees reported to be over 1,000 years old. The foliage grows in dense sprays, dark green in colour. The leaves are scale-like, 2–5 mm long, and produced on rounded (not flattened) shoots. The seed cones are ovoid or oblong, 25–40 mm long, with 10-14 scales, green at first, maturing brown about 20–24 months after pollination. The male cones are 3–5 mm long, and release pollen in late winter. It is moderately susceptible to cypress canker, caused by the fungus Seiridium cardinale, and can suffer extensive dieback where this disease is common. The species name sempervirens comes from the Latin for ‘evergreen’. Mediterranean Cypress has been widely cultivated as an ornamental tree for millennia away from its native range, mainly throughout the whole Mediterranean region, and in other areas with similar hot, dry summers and mild, rainy winters, including California, southwest South Africa and southern Australia. It can also be grown successfully in areas with cooler, moister summers, such as the British Isles, New Zealand and the Pacific Northwest (coastal Oregon, Washington and British Columbia). (From Wikipedia on 10.12.13) . Gymnosperms Fortnight: Cupressaceae-Cupressus sempervirens from California-GS-13 : Attachments (2). 1 post by 1 author. Cupressus sempervirens L. and evergreen tree with dark green obtuse leaves and up to 4 cm across female cones. Photographed from Sunnyvale, California. Cupressus For ID : California : 01NOV14 : AK-1 : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3) A medium Cupressus tree seen at the Golden Gate Park in San Francisco on the 30th Sept,14 Experts kindly help in Species id. my usual bUT IMPORTANT QUESTIONS shape of the tree was it a bush type or conifer? tree trunk bark branching pattern ????? It was a bush and not a huge tree. Pl check it for Cupressus sempervirens. Just a suggestion! Thanks for the id. It does look like it. Waiting for validation. Tree For ID : Platycladus Species : California : 27OCT14 : AK-35 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) A huge, tall tree seen in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco on 30th Sept,2014. Could be Platycladus Species. This tree also looks similar to Cupressus sempervirens. Kindly have a look. Yes …, I think so too. Cupressus sempervirens : For Validation : California : 04NOV14 : AK-12 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3). Is this the Pencil Pine, variety ‘Glauca’ or ‘Stricta’ ? Cultivated, garden plant seen in Sacramento on the 7th Oct,14. upright conifers take a bit of on site study unless one is a horticulturist who deals with them everyday. one is never sure if its natural growth habit of that particular tree or is it a creation started by a skillful cutting and allowed to grow in that shape, not only in gardens but in public places. at least that’s what I have found to my utter dismay when some of my family and friends were very sure of id with a guidebook in their hands… efi page on Cupressus sempervirens (Cultivated) Net images indicate towards Cupressus sempervirens !
References: The Plant List Flowers of India Wikipedia India Biodiversity Portal |
Cupressus sempervirens (Cultivated)
Updated on December 24, 2024