Dioscorea pentaphylla L., Sp. Pl. 1032 1753. (Syn. Botryosicyos pentaphyllus (L.) Hochst.; Dioscorea changjiangensis F.W.Xing & Z.X.Li; Dioscorea codonopsidifolia Kamik.;Dioscorea digitata Mill.; Dioscorea globifera R.Knuth; Dioscorea jacquemontii Hook.f.; Dioscorea kleiniana Kunth; Dioscorea spinosa Burm.;Dioscorea triphylla L. ; Hamatris triphylla (L.) Salisb.; Ubium quadrifarium J.F.Gmel.; Ubium scandens J.St.-Hil.); Dioscoreaceae (yam family) » Dioscorea pentaphylla Synonym: Dioscorea triphylla dy-oh-SKOR-ee-uh — named for Pedanios Dioscorides, 1st century Greek pharmacologist pen-tuh-FIL-uh — from the Greek penta (five) and phyllum (leaf) Native to: s China, Japan, Indian subcontinent, Indo-China, Malesia, n Australia Edible use (WILD): … tubers (as VEGETABLE) eaten by … Paniya tribe in Kerala … ESEAP<http://tinyurl.com/2vmwro5>; > … tribal folks of Melghat Forest … ethnoleaflets<ethnoleaflets> some facts about wild edibles: … there are at least 3,000 edible plant species known to man, with merely 30 crops contributing to more than 90% of the world’s calorie intake and only 120 crops are economically important on a national scale … there are 1,532 edible wild food species in India, mostly from the Western Ghats and Himalayan regions ESEAP <http://tinyurl.com/2vmwro5>
identification no221111sn1: location: mulshi, pune 3000ft. above msl habitat: wild plant habit: shrub? height: may be 8-9 ft. … my belief too: Dioscorea pentaphylla Yes Dioscorea pentaphylla. yes it look like D. pentaphylla, but also should be checked with D. bellophylla
Kas Week :: DV :: 28 SEP 08 – 0234 :: Dioscorea pentaphylla: 28 SEP 08 Dioscorea pentaphylla L. … (family: Dioscoreaceae) dy-oh-SKOR-ee-uh — named for Pedanios Dioscorides, Greek pharmacologist … Dave’s Botanary pen-tuh-FIL-uh — from the Greek penta (five) and phyllum (leaf) … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: Fiji yam, five-leaved yam, mountain yam, mouse root, prickly yam, wild yam • Bengali: কাঁটা আলু kanta alu • Hindi: कांटा आलू kanta alu • Kannada: ಕಾಡು ಗುಮ್ಬಳ kaadu gumbala • Konkani: तीळ करंडी til karandi • Malayalam: noora, neynoora • Manipuri: হা ha • Marathi: babra, शेंडवेल shendvel • Nepalese: मिठे तरुल mithe tarul • Oriya: kontaalu • Sanskrit: कण्टकालुकः kantakaluka • Tamil: காட்டுவள்ளி kaattuvalli, நூறை nuurai • Telugu: అడవి గెనుసు తీగ adavi genasu tiga Native to: s China, Japan, Indian subcontinent, Indo-China, Malesia, n Australia References: Flowers of India • ENVIS – FRLHT • NPGS / GRIN • eFlora • DDSA what a lot of flower buds Another fantastic upload. Though the name is D. pentaphylla ; the leaves are often trifoliate rather than with five foliate. … – agree with you on the number of leaflets but I have seen several plants with 5 leaflets as well. The variation is indeed considerable. KAS Week DS_081012_05 For Id: Check for Dioscorea pentaphylla. It is a climber Dioscorea pentaphylla growing on another tree.
Dioscorea pentaphylla L. from Hooghly: Attaching pictures of Dioscorea pentaphylla L. Species : Dioscorea pentaphylla L. Bengali name : KAANTAA AALU Habit & Habitat : wild twiner with spiny stem Date : 11/7/12 & 19/9/12 Place : Hooghly
Request for flower id (X-21) : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 3 authors. … Dioscorea pentaphylla (Dioscoreaceae). Yes, agree with … Found this climber with this vegetative growth……… with a very slight touch the fruit came off the branch……… some of the leaves were trifoliate and some has four leaflets…… it was in the dense forest so could not get clear pictures…….. the picture was taken yesterday (2.10.13) in SGNP, Mumbai. Dioscorea pentaphylla L. SN May 15 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2). Dioscorea pentaphylla L. Twining climber over bushes in the dry deciduous forests of southern states. I am thankful to my colleague Mr. Silambarasan R (Botanist) who took this photograph. Please help in identification. date/time:nov13 location:ambyvalley rd.,lonavala,pune habitat:wild plant habit:climber? height:going upto 6-7 ft. These look like the fruit of Dioscorea pentaphylla. Dioscoria pentaphylla ANSEPT05 Please identify this climber with thorns : 3 posts by 3 authors. Is it Dioscorea sp.? Not sure with the species. Yes, most probably Dioscorea pentaphylla. Makalidurga Is it Dioscorea sp.? Not sure with the species Yes, most probably Dioscorea pentaphylla. Supporting … Are its flower buds used as a vegetable? It is said that they are useful as a remedy to alleviate stomachache. Satara, Oct 2014 :: Requesting ID validation – Dioscorea :: ARKOCT-16: 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3). Climber For ID : MNP,Mumbai : 27FEB15 : AK-24 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) A climber seen in MNP, Mumbai on 2nd Sept,12. Id please. Though it is difficult to identify from vegetative stage of the plant and only one image, yet I tried my best to get close to this plant. Based on its habit and leaves (5-foliate with entire margins) it might be: Dioscorea pentaphylla L. Family: Dioscoreaceae. With almost 25 documented (internationally) synonyms. Fwd: [efloraofindia:222656] Re: I’d please GK 1 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1). It is very near to Dioscorea pentaphylla Dioscorea pentaphylla L. But leaf shape and number of leaflets vary…… Dioscorea pentaphylla L. to me too, 3-7 leaflets and panicled male inflorescence are the identifying characters. Leaflet shape may vary from ovate to obovate to lanceolate. Id pls (mixed thread): 8 posts by 4 authors. 1 correct image as above. Id pls Location :- purchsed from market of Dombivli, maharashtra. 2.9.2015 Inflorescence of Dioscorea sp. … and it must be Dioscorea pentaphylla. KHWS 13 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2) Collection site: Kalsubai-Harishchandragarh Wildlife Sanctuary Date: 13 September 2015 Collected by: … What about the habit of the plant? Celastrus paniculatus? These are the flowers of Dioscorea pentaphylla. Please check the archives of this group for my photographs of this. To be specific, these are male flowers of Dioscorea pentaphylla. These are cooked and consumed and are available in local market.
Creeper for ID : 12 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) – 1 MB For ID please. Creeper from Wayanad, Kerala. Please check D. kalakapershadii Prain & Burkill…. most probably… I think you mean Dioscorea kalakapershadii Please check for Dioscorea tomentosa J.Koenig ex Spreng. Thank you. The leaves seem to be different. Looks more like Dioscorea pentaphylla from the pictures I found on the net. Another picture of the leaf. Attachments (1) – 1 MB I also feel closer to images of Dioscorea pentaphylla L. Yes, to me also appear close to images at Dioscorea pentaphylla Thank you …! . Fruit for Id- ID19012018SH3 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Fruit for Id pl. Location – Kas Plateau, Maharashtra Date – September 2009 Pl. check Thanks … But still confused about the species. The leaves look much different than in T.cordifolia and T.sinensis. Dioscorea pentaphylla L. [Dioscoreaceae] in bud. Fruit for Id- ID19012018SH3 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Fruit for Id pl. Location – Kas Plateau, Maharashtra Date – September 2009 Pl. check /species/m—z/m/menispermaceae/tinospora Thanks … But still confused about the species. The leaves look much different than in T.cordifolia and T.sinensis. Dioscorea pentaphylla L. [Dioscoreaceae] in bud. To me also appear close to images at Dioscorea pentaphylla L. . Id of Fruit from Kaas Plateau -ID22072020SH2 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) – 889 kb. Going through some old, unidentified photos in this Lockdown period. Fruit for Id pl. Is this Dioscorea pentaphylla ? But leaves look different. Maybe the mixup of adjacent plants. Location -Kaas Plateau ( Maharashtra) Date – September 2009 Confused between Dioscorea pentaphylla and Dioscorea kamoonensis ! Thanks, …, for the id. Dioscorea kamoonensis does not have distribution in the area. It is Dioscorea pentaphylla only as earlier identified at Fruit for Id- ID19012018SH3 Dioscorea pentaphylla FOR VALIDATION :: Lodwick Point, Mahabaleshwar :: 25 SEP 15 : 5 posts by 2 authors. 6 images. Mahabaleshwar Maharashtra Date: September 25, 2015 … Altitude: about 4000 ft asl Dioscorea ¿ pentaphylla ? … (family: Dioscoreaceae) I have been believing the posted plant to be Dioscorea pentaphylla; but on a relook, the inflorescences are not hanging in typical bunch at every node. Appears close as per first glance at After going through descriptions in various sites including FoI and eFI, I am convinced that the plant is indeed Dioscorea pentaphylla. . Gujarati names of Dioscorea pentaphylla : 7 posts by 4 authors. Please validate following names for Dioscorea pentaphylla: વાજ નો કંદ vaj no kand … The Famine Foods Database નાનો જંગલી કંદ nano jungli kand … Biological Diversity of Gujarat … current version of PDF seems to have shortened content – we no longer find the names’ list which was found earlier. Found few more names, I am sure these are not common, may be limited to certain regions of Gujarat … હુરો huro … વનસ્પતીઓ ના ગુજરાતી તથા બોટનીકલ નામ ની યાદી. (વૈધ કે.જે.ઝાલા) વેણી વેલ veni vel … thanks to Jalamsinh Vala for help with this name in facebook From what I gather, the name ‘Vaj no kand‘ was documented by George Alexander Gammie in his paper “A note on the plants used during famines and seasons of scarcity in the Bombay Presidency” published in the Records of the Botanical Survey of India, vol. II, Calcutta, 1903. Have attached the relevant pages herewith. This name appears to be used for other Dioscorea species as well, not only in Surat district (Gujarat) but also in the former Khandesh district (Maharashtra). It would be spelt in Gujarati as વજનું કંદ or વજ કંદ. Also known as નાનો જંગલી કંદ. I am not acquainted with the other names but વેણી વેલ is an evocative epithet since it is descriptive of the inflorescences (likened to braided hair). Most vernacular names of Dioscorea spp. refer to the tubers. Attachments (1) very apt and appropriate information, …, thank you. Thank you very much … for the information and clarity. …, this species of Dioscorea, has either 3 or 5 leaflets; one of its synonym is Dioscorea triphylla. that’s the confusion. does plant list say their molecular //genetic analysis shows same genes? the genes that produce three leaf pattern with its unique venation. must be different from genes that produce five leaf pattern with a very different venation. and the kand of the two type must be of different nutritonal or medicinal value. i just hope plant list and so kew, mobot, nybg et al will resolve such issues across the board . Assamese name of Dioscorea pentaphylla : 4 posts by 2 authors. Please help me with the name punch patia alu in Assamese script. I got the name in native script in facebook group … পাচ পতীয়া আলু for punch patia alu – meaning five-leaved yam. Names of Plants in India :: Dioscorea pentaphylla L. : 8 posts by 5 authors. 1 image. via Species > D > Dioscorea pentaphylla L. … family: Dioscoreaceae dy-oh-SKOR-ee-uh — named for Pedanios Dioscorides, Greek pharmacologist … Dave’s Botanary pen-tuh-FIL-uh — Greek: penta (five) and phyllum (leaf) … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: Cowan yam, Fiji yam, five-leaf yam, mouse root, prickly yam • Assamese: আদা আলু ada alu, পাচ পতীয়া আলু punch patia alu • Bengali: কাঁটা আলু kanta alu • Gujarati: નાનો જંગલી કંદ nano jungli kand, વજનું કંદ vajnu kand, વેણી વેલ veni vel • Hindi: कांटा आलू kanta alu, फल आलू phal alu • Kannada: ಕಾಡು ಗುಂಬಳ kaadu gumbala • Khasi: phan kyrsiew • Konkani: तीळ करंदी til karandi • Malayalam: കാട്ടുകിഴങ്ങ് kattukizhangu, മരക്കിഴങ്ങ് marakkizhangu, നല്ലനൂറ nallanura, നൂറകിഴങ്ങ് noorakizhangu • Manipuri: হা ha • Marathi: गाबोळी gaaboli, मुंडावळया mundavalya, शॆंडवेल shendvel • Nepali: मिठे तरुल mithe tarul • Odia: କଣ୍ଟାଆଳୁ kontaalu • Sanskrit: कण्टकालुक kantakaluka • Tamil: காட்டுவள்ளி kattu-valli, நூறை nurai • Telugu: అడవి గినుసు తీగ adavi ginusu tiga, అడవి గుమ్మడి తీగ adavi gummadi tiga, చెంచు గడ్డ chenchu gadda, దుక్క పెండలము dukka pendalamu, కారుచెంబ kaaruchemba, మొయ్యాక్కు పెండలము moyyakku pendalamu, ముళ్ల పెండలము mullu pendalamu, నూలు దుంప nulu dumpa, పంది గడ్డ pandi gadda, పంది ముక్కు దుంప pandi mukku dumpa • Tulu: ಕಾಟ್ಟು ಕುಂಬುಡ kattu kumbuda botanical names: Dioscorea pentaphylla L. … synonyms: Botryosicyos pentaphyllus (L.) Hochst. • Dioscorea changjiangensis F.W.Xing & Z.X.Li • Dioscorea codonopsidifolia Kamik. • Dioscorea digitata Mill. • Dioscorea globifera R.Knuth • Dioscorea jacquemontii Hook.f. • Dioscorea kleiniana Kunth • Dioscorea spinosa Burm. • Dioscorea triphylla L. • Hamatris triphylla (L.) Salisb. • Ubium quadrifarium J.F.Gmel. • Ubium scandens J.St.-Hil. … status at The Plants List (2013). Version 1.1. September 25, 2015 … Mahabaleshwar thanks. you have patience. great database forms from this Excellent compilation of local names.. Yes, I agree with … … has lot of patience. Thanks … for sharing.. dy-oh-SKOR-ee-uh — named for Pedanios Dioscorides, Greek pharmacologist … Dave’s Botanary pen-tuh-FIL-uh — Greek: penta (five) and phyllum (leaf) … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: buck yam, Cowan yam, Fiji yam, five-leaf yam, mouse root, prickly yam • Assamese: আদা আলু ada alu,পাঁচপতীয়া আলু panch patia alu • Bengali: কাঁটা আলু kanta alu • Dogri: सेयादूँ seyadun • Gujarati: નાનો જંગલી કંદ nano jungli kand, વજનું કંદ vajnu kand, વેણી વેલ veni vel • Hindi: कांटा आलू kanta alu, फल आलू phal alu • Kannada: ಕಾಡು ಗುಂಬಳ kaadu gumbala • Khasi: phan kyrsiew • Konkani: धोवी करंदी dhovi karamdi, कोनेती koneti, तीळ करंदी til karamdi • Malayalam: കാട്ടുകിഴങ്ങ് kattukizhangu, മരക്കിഴങ്ങ് marakkizhangu, നല്ലനൂറ nallanoora, നൂറകിഴങ്ങ് noorakizhangu • Manipuri: ꯍꯥ ꯑꯉꯧꯕꯥ ha angouba • Marathi: गाबोळी gaaboli, मुंडावळया mundavalya, शेंडवेल shendvel • Mizo: vawkpui bahra • Nepali: चुइयाँ chuiyaan, जगते भ्याकुर jagate bhyaakur, काँटा आलू kaantaa aaloo, मिठे तरुल mithe tarul, मिठो गिठ्ठा mitho giththaa, त्यागुनो tyaaguno • Odia: ବଣ ଆଳୁ banaalu, କରବା karaba, କଣ୍ଟାଆଳୁ kontaalu • Sanskrit: कण्टकालुक kantakaluka • Tamil: காட்டுவள்ளி kattu-valli, நூறை nurai, வள்ளிக்கொடி valli-k-koti • Telugu: అడవి గినుసు తీగ adavi ginusu tiga, అడవి గుమ్మడి తీగ adavi gummadi tiga, చెంచు గడ్డ chenchu gadda, దుక్క పెండలము dukka pendalamu, కారుచెంబ kaaruchemba, మొయ్యాక్కు పెండలము moyyakku pendalamu, ముళ్ల పెండలము mullu pendalamu, నూలు దుంప nulu dumpa, పంది గడ్డ pandi gadda, పంది ముక్కు దుంప pandi mukku dumpa • Tulu: ಕಾಟ್ಟು ಕುಂಬುಡ kattu kumbuda botanical names: Dioscorea pentaphylla L. … synonyms: Dioscorea triphylla L. … and many more listed at POWO Bibliography / etymology ~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~ buck yam Cowan yam, Fiji yam five-leaf yam
mouse root, prickly yam
~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~ আদা আলু ada alu,পাঁচপতীয়া আলু panch patia alu
~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~ কাঁটা আলু kanta alu
~~~~~ DOGRI ~~~~~ सेयादूँ seyadun
~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~ નાનો જંગલી કંદ nano jungli kand, વજનું કંદ vajnu kand, વેણી વેલ veni vel
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~ दरेघल dareghal
कांटा आलू kanta alu, फल आलू phal alu ~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~ ಕಾಡು ಗುಂಬಳ kaadu gumbala
~~~~~ KHASI ~~~~~ phan kyrsiew
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~ धोवी करंदी dhovi karamdi, कोनेती koneti
तीळ करंदी til karamdi
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~ കാട്ടുകിഴങ്ങ് kattukizhangu, മരക്കിഴങ്ങ് marakkizhangu, നൂറകിഴങ്ങ് noorakizhangu നല്ലനൂറ nallanoora ~~~~~ MANIPURI ~~~~~ ꯍꯥ ꯑꯉꯧꯕꯥ ha angouba ~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~ गाबोळी gaaboli
मुंडावळया mundavalya
शेंडवेल shendvel
~~~~~ MIZO ~~~~~ vawkpui bahra
~~~~~ NEPALI ~~~~~ चुइयाँ chuiyaan, जगते भ्याकुर jagate bhyaakur, काँटा आलू kaantaa aaloo, मिठे तरुल mithe tarul, मिठो गिठ्ठा mitho giththaa, त्यागुनो tyaaguno
~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~ ବଣ ଆଳୁ banaalu, କରବା karaba
ବଣ ଆଳୁ banaalu, କରବା karaba, କଣ୍ଟାଆଳୁ kontaalu ~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~ कण्टकालुक kantakaluka ~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~ காட்டுவள்ளி kattu-valli, வள்ளிக்கொடி valli-k-koti
நூறை nurai
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~ అడవి గినుసు తీగ adavi ginusu tiga, అడవి గుమ్మడి తీగ adavi gummadi tiga, చెంచు గడ్డ chenchu gadda, దుక్క పెండలము dukka pendulamu, కారుచెంబ kaaruchemba, మొయ్యాక్కు పెండలము moyyakku pendalamu, ముళ్ల పెండలము mullu pendalamu, నూలు దుంప nulu dumpa, పంది గడ్డ pandi gadda, పంది ముక్కు దుంప pandi mukku dumpa
~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~ ಕಾಟ್ಟು ಕುಂಬುಡ kattu kumbuda
~~~~~ x ~~~~~ Names compiled / updated at https://dineshvalke.blogspot.com/2022/08/dioscorea-pentaphylla-l.html removed one incorrect Assamese name … commonly known as: buck yam, Cowan yam, Fiji yam, five-leaf yam, mouse root, prickly yam • Assamese: পাঁচপতীয়া আলু panch patia alu • Bengali: কাঁটা আলু kanta alu • Dogri: सेयादूँ seyadun • Gujarati: નાનો જંગલી કંદ nano jungli kand, વજનું કંદ vajnu kand, વેણી વેલ veni vel • Hindi: कांटा आलू kanta alu, फल आलू phal alu • Kannada: ಕಾಡು ಗುಂಬಳ kaadu gumbala • Khasi: phan kyrsiew • Konkani: धोवी करंदी dhovi karamdi, कोनेती koneti, तीळ करंदी til karamdi • Malayalam: കാട്ടുകിഴങ്ങ് kattukizhangu, മരക്കിഴങ്ങ് marakkizhangu, നല്ലനൂറ nallanoora, നൂറകിഴങ്ങ് noorakizhangu • Manipuri: ꯍꯥ ꯑꯉꯧꯕꯥ ha angouba • Marathi: गाबोळी gaaboli, मुंडावळया mundavalya, शेंडवेल shendvel • Mizo: vawkpui bahra • Nepali: चुइयाँ chuiyaan, जगते भ्याकुर jagate bhyaakur, काँटा आलू kaantaa aaloo, मिठे तरुल mithe tarul, मिठो गिठ्ठा mitho giththaa, त्यागुनो tyaaguno • Odia: ବଣ ଆଳୁ banaalu, କରବା karaba, କଣ୍ଟାଆଳୁ kontaalu • Sanskrit: कण्टकालुक kantakaluka • Tamil: காட்டுவள்ளி kattu-valli, நூறை nurai, வள்ளிக்கொடி valli-k-koti • Telugu: అడవి గినుసు తీగ adavi ginusu tiga, అడవి గుమ్మడి తీగ adavi gummadi tiga, చెంచు గడ్డ chenchu gadda, దుక్క పెండలము dukka pendalamu, కారుచెంబ kaaruchemba, మొయ్యాక్కు పెండలము moyyakku pendalamu, ముళ్ల పెండలము mullu pendalamu, నూలు దుంప nulu dumpa, పంది గడ్డ pandi gadda, పంది ముక్కు దుంప pandi mukku dumpa • Tulu: ಕಾಟ್ಟು ಕುಂಬುಡ kattu kumbuda Tamhini ghat near Pune, MH :: Dioscorea hispida :: ARK2019-97 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3) This climber was seen by the roadside near Tamhini ghat near Pune, MH in Aug 2019. I guess this is Dioscorea hispida. Dioscorea kamoonensis Kunth ?? Very similar to D. pentaphylla because plant has 3-5 foliate leaves, …, agreeing with …; your posted plant is Dioscorea pentaphylla. The pendant fruits are tell-tale. Thanks so much … for correcting the ID. I had seen a similar plant at Rajgad which also had similar fruits, would like to get the same verified. I will re-open that thread. Rajgad, Sep 2014 :: Requesting ID of this climber :: ARKSEP-27 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7). Check with Dioscorea hispida (three foliolate) or pentaphyla (five foliolate) Thank you … for the ID. I think it is D. hispida.. In view of the concluded ID in this post, I think this plant, too, is D. pentaphylla. Could you please validate. Yes …, Dioscorea pentaphylla. Some may want to reach the original post of this thread, to view pictures. Dioscorea pentaphylla L. : 2 posts by 1 author. Attachments (6)- around 900 kb each. Location: Naikap, Indra Daha, Kathmandu Altitude: 1570 m. Date: 18 August 2019 Habit : Wild Young plant! Attachments (2)- 3 mb each.
Dioscorea pentaphylla_Kas_Sept 09_SSN – indiantreepix | Google Groups Dioscorea pentaphylla L. : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4) Location: Chalnakhel, kathmandu, Nepal Altitude: 1570 m. Date: 14 September 2019 Habit : Wild Fwd: ID No. 31102020_1 RD : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Please help me to identify this species. My wild guess is Dioscorea tomentosa. Please validate the Id. ID No. 1112020_4 RD : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Is it Dioscorea pentaphylla? Please validate the ID For me yes. Please help me to identify this species. Though it looks like D. pentaphylla, but without thorn or spine on stem; and Inflorescence is also different from other species I am posting here. Place: Assam Date: 10/10/20 Climber For ID : SGNP,Mumbai : 030713 : AK-1 : Attachments (2). 5 posts by 3 authors. A climber seen at SGNP, Mumbai on 29/7/2012. The fruits in the picture belong to a different climber of the Wild Grape. Id please. Looks like Dioscorea pentaphylla, Should be some Vitaceae member. Diocorea do not produce rounded fruits. The fruits belong to Ampelocissus latifolia, the climber is different. Initially, it confused me too. Please identify this climber – NS 141013 : Attachments (4). 5 posts by 3 authors. Photographed on my property at Shahapur yesterday (13.10.13). Please identify this climber. Could be Cyphostemma trilobata of Vitaceae. A reply from …: ‘It is young plant of diocorea juvenile plant, diocorea species cannot be determined’. Looks both guesses incorrect ! Dioscorea pentaphylla . SK 2953 08 September 2021: 4 very high res. images. Location: Surkhet, West Nepal Altitude: 1057m. Date: 12 August 2021 Habit : Wild Seems Dioscorea pentaphylla …, Looks you are right. No growth yet! . Requesting a climber id: 1 high res. image. 11/10/2021 IISER campus adjoining Agasthyamalai biosphere reserve, Thiruvananthapuram. A handsome climber with pendulous racemes. Dioscorea pentaphylla L. Yes … .
This was clicked in SGNP, Mumbai in Sep 2013. Was just starting then and thought this to be Dioscorea bulbifera. But now I think this is Dioscorea pentaphylla. Requested to please validate. Please check Dioscorea pentaphylla L. Yes it’s Dioscorea pentaphylla
I think it is close to the images at Dioscorea pentaphylla L. I am not sure about the ID ! Can you send the location, elevation, date etc.? Location is Thrissur May not be Dioscorea ?? Why not Dioscorea pentaphylla L.? Yes … ! Initially I was not sure about the shape of bubil. . SK 3868 02 October 2023: 2 high res. images. Location: Okharpauwa, Nuwakot, Nepal Date: 15 September 2023 Elevation: 1700 m. Habit : Wild ID ?? Pl. check Dioscorea. Pl. check I guess you are right . Dioscoreaceae: Dioscorea pentaphylla L.: 2 images. location/date: (1: with flowers) Hirebailu, Chikamagalur Distr., Karnataka, July 1997; (2: in fruit) between Semadoh and Chikaldara, Melghat Wildlife Sanctuary, Amravati Distr., Maharashtra, November 1994 . References: |
Dioscorea pentaphylla
Updated on December 24, 2024