Rhododendron dalhousiae Hook.fil., Rhododendron Sikkim Himalaya 1: , pl. 1 & 2 1849. (Syn: Azalea macrocarpa (Griff.) Kuntze; hododendron dalhousiae var. lindleyanum Lavallee; Rhododendron lindleyanum hort. ex Lavallee (ambiguous synonym); Rhododendron macrocarpos Griff.); Tibet, Bhutan, E-Nepal, Sikkim, Darjeeling, Bangladesh, NE-India as per Catalogue of Life; Collected in 1915 from Bhutan and subsequently from Kameng District in Arunachal Pradesh and China. An epiphytic shrub or small tree. (From IUCN Red List (VU) ) Rhododendrons for ID : Attachments (2). 3 posts by 3 authors. Attached herewith flowers of white rhododendrons taken at Darjeeling. The small shrub was found on a rocky hill slope. Pl confirm ID. these are a variety of lilies not rhododendrons – rhododendrons grow on trees Could be Rhododendron wightii http://www.flowersofindia.net/catalog/slides/Wight%27s%20Rhododendron.html however, can’t be sure at all. Some of the other white Rhododendrons are here: http://www.flowersofindia.net/catalog/slides/Maddenia%20Rhododendron.html http://www.flowersofindia.net/catalog/slides/Fringed%20Leaf%20Rhododendron.html Its Rhododendron dalhousieae Id for Rhododendron sp poss R.lindleyi, Eaglenest, Arunanchal Pradesh: I have this magnificent Rhododendron very tenatively as Rhododendron lindleyi? Any confirmation please will be much appreciated? near Eaglenest pass (c.2200m), West Kameng, Arunachal Pradesh, 21 April 2012 also maybe seen at Any possibility of R. lindlevi ? Was getting a little confused with the calyx and leaf details. (Can be due to the plasticity in morphology.) Looks like R. lindleyi. I have seen another species Rhododendron megacalyx. I am now wondering if this is a better match as you mention about the calyx and the leaf. Difficult to check crucial details from this photo, but it would appear to be R. megacalyx. Looks closer to images at Rhododendron dalhousieae Ericaceae (inc. Vacciniaceae) Fortnight : Rhododendron for ID from Arunachal Pradesh, India: 100414: SCAPR-02 : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1). Please help for this ID. Date of collection: April, 2006 Place: Eagle Nest Bird Sanctuary, Arunachal Pradesh …, it is Rhododendron griffithianum Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 4: 6, t. 1203. 1848. Looks different from other images at Rhododendron griffithianum Wight To me appears close to images at Rhododendron megacalyx Balf. f. & Kingdon-Ward Pl. confirm. Thanks a lot, … Are the images at Rhododendron megacalyx Balf. f. & Kingdon-Ward are also incorrect and are of Rhododendron dalhousiae var. Dalhousie only? It is not R. megacalyx. It is R. dalhousiae var. dalhousiae Himalayan Flora: Rhododendron wightii: Scientific Name: Rhododendron wightii Family: Ericaceae Obliquely bell-shaped, pale yellow flowers with oblong to elliptic leaves. It is a shrub or small tree to 4m. Kindly review this image again. I am afraid this seems R. dalhousiae subsp. tashii to me. I am not sure whether we can review this only with the help of available picture in which the inflorescence is not completely visible. As we can see in the picture the glabrous branches and leaves agree the characters of R. wightii described in flora of China http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=2&taxon_id=200016611 May be the … (who uploaded the picture) has to review it with the help of key in any relevant flora with specimen in hand. Flora of China says distribution of R. wightii in Bhutan, Nepal, Sikkim. Hence we have to consider that the distibution of R. wightii in Darjeling could have been ignored or wrongly identified so far. Considering the adaxial leaf features is ambiguous in the case of Rhododendron identification. I guess it is Rhododendron dalhousiae Hook. fil.
SK1164 01 JUNE 2018 : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)- around 800 kb each. Location : Lava, Kalimpong, India Date : 11 May 2018 Elevation : 7000 ft. Habit : Wild Which Rhododendron is this ? Pl. check Yes I did check but could not conclude. Rhododendron dalhousiae Hook. fil. ?? Yes it is Rhododendron dalhousiae Hook. fil. Nepali Name : लहरे चिमल Lahare Chimal It is R. dalhousiae SK1189 10 JUNE 2018 : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)- around 700 kb each. Location : Sukhiapokahari, Darjeeling, India Date : 12 May 2018 Elevation : 6900 ft. Habit : Wild Which Rhododendron please ? Pl. check at I could not match. Pl. check Rhododendron dalhousieae Hook. f. To me appears close. Rhododendron lindleyi T. Moore ?? Pl. check at I am not sure. It’s R. dalhousie. From where did you collected? Thank you … for the ID. It was from Sukhiapokari. I have given data above.
Rhododendron dalhousiae
Updated on December 24, 2024