Rhododendron lepidotum

Rhododendron lepidotum Wall. ex G. Don, Gen. Hist. 3: 845 845 1834. (Syn: Azalea lepidota (Wall.) Kuntze; Rhododendron elaeagnoides Hook.fil.; Rhododendron lepidotum var. album H.H.Davidian; Rhododendron lepidotum var. eleagnoides Franch.; Rhododendron lepidotum var. minutiforme H.H.Davidian; Rhododendron lepidotum subsp. obovatum (Hook.fil.) U.C.Pradhan
& S.T.Lachungpa; Rhododendron lepidotum subsp. salignum (Hook.fil.) U.C.Pradhan
& S.T.Lachungpa; Rhododendron obovatum Hook.fil.; Rhododendron salignum Hook.fil.; Rhododendron sinolepidotum I.B.Balf.);

China (W-Sichuan, NW-Yunnan), SE-Tibet, Bhutan, India, Darjeeling, Chumbi,
Sikkim, NE-Myanmar [Burma], Nepal, Pakistan (Hazara), Jammu & Kashmir
(Poonch, Kashmir)
as per Catalogue of Life;   
Pink Scaly Rhododendron • Hindi: Atarasu, Sumral, Simris, Talshi • Nepali: भाले सुनपाति Bhaale Sunpati;  


ID requested (VOF)3: Valley of flowers, Uttaranchal is at an altitude of around 3600 mtrs. and having an extremely cold snowy weather. The photo was taken in June 2007.
Normally the flowering season is August onwards.





VOF Trek: Rhododendron lepidotum at VOF: Seen this shrub at VOF.
Bot. name: Rhododendron lepidotum (Family: Ericaceae).
Date/Time: 08-08-2012 / 7:30AM.

Yes, we also did not see the flowers. Only some dried flowers.

Yes wonderful, I liked the middle picture the best, the ray of sun seems focussed only in the central flowered part superb composition too



VOF Week: Shrub for id from Valley: This shrub with withered flowers, glandular leaves, fruits still immature was shot from trekking path leading to VOF… we were late to see it flowering (I do not remember if anyone has uploaded its flowers).. and probably early to see full size fruit… looks like Rhododendron….. id is requested..

Rhododendron lepidotum i think

Azalea …. at the end of its flowering season…
its a rhododendron of course, with tiny leaves… binomial i am not sure of..
you are lucky you seem to have seen and photographed a tiny seed pod it seems…in figure 3 and 4.

Yes, Rhododendron lepidotum most probably.


Rhododendron lepidotum, with deep pink flowers and gland dotted leaves, forms low thickets at high altitudes.
The above photographs clicked in Great Himalayan National Park (3700 m asl), Kullu district.

… Thanks a lot for your nice photographs of Rhododendron lepidotum!

The pictures are very beautiful as always! Thank you sir for sharing.

Beautiful dwarf Rhodo. Here the flowers seems quite healthy and large. In second picture even the plants seems taller, otherwise in my sightings I found it hardly exceeding one feet.

In this population, the plants are about 75 cm tall.




Date: 25 JULY, 2014
Location: Kalinchok, Dolakha District, East Nepal  
Altitude : 12500 ft.

Yes, these belong to Rhododendron lepidotum (Ericaceae). Sometimes flowers are light pink, white to light purple.


Rhododendron lepidotum Wall. (accepted name) : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)
Sharing some pictures of Rhododendron lepidotum Wall. (accepted name) shot at Kalinchowk Nepal on 25 July 2014 at 12000 ft.

Enjoyed your images of Rhododendron lepidotum which I last photographed in Nepal near to Muktinath, a few years back. It certainly occurs over a wide altitudinal range, from some 2400 to 4500m and in both high rainfall districts and in drier, more exposed areas in the Tibetan borderlands such as upper Mustang. There is no record in the Kathmandu Valley, though a few of the ‘mountain’ tops are high enough – just.  Well worth, on future occasions photographing the undersides of the petals and leaves, showing the scales. This is a fairly typical colour variant but others occur incl. pale yellow (not that I have seen these). Known from Pakistan through to SW China, one of the 4 species found in the NW Himalaya (I am not including Uttarakhand within this region, which also has R.barbatum and a species described in recent years as new by one of this group’s leading members).
Back in N.Pakistan & Kashmir, Stewart described it as a plant of the birch zone in many places with a similar altitudinal range – though not recorded from Ladakh.
It is found on the Rohtang in HP, though usually at lower elevations that R.anthopogon var. hypenanthum (which does reach into Ladakh, just).


VoF Week : A herb for ID: I observed this , a singleherb, at Valley of Flowers National Park on
14th Aug’ 2012. Would appreciate if somenecan , please, identify this for me.

I think rhododendron

I think matches with images at Rhododendron lepidotum Wall. ex G. Don



Rhododendron lepidotum ABOCT2017/07 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)

Updated on December 24, 2024

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