Albizia julibrissin

Albizia julibrissin Durazz. (syn. Acacia julibrissin (Durazz.) Willd.; Acacia nemu Willd.; Albizia nemu (Willd.) Benth.; Albizzia julibrissin Durazz. [Spelling variant]; Feuilleea julibrissin (Durazz.) Kuntze; Mimosa julibrissin (Durazz.) Scop.; Mimosa speciosa Thunb.; Sericandra julibrissin (Durazz.) Raf.);
pink mimosa, pink silk tree, silk mimisa tree, silk tree, silky acacia,  Silktree Mimosa, Persian acacia, Silk tree, Mimosa, Pink Siris;
Albizia julibrissin Durazz (ornamental in India) has stamen colour pink as per keys at Flora of China, while it is green-white or yellow in Albizia chinensis (wild in India).
Deciduous tree with anguar branchlets; leaves bipinnate with gland near base of petiole and between uppermost pinnae; latter 4-20 pairs; leaflets 12-30 pairs, 7-12 mm long, obliquely linear to oblong, apex apiculate; flowers pink, in terminal panicles; calyx tubular, 3 mm long; corolla 6-8 mm long; filaments pink 25-30 mm long; pod up to 15 cm long, flat, strap-shaped, 15-24 mm broad.


Fabaceae-Mimosoideae (Mimosaceae) Week: Albizia julibrissin Mountainview California:
Albizia julibrissin
First 3 pictures from Mountainview California and last one Kudremukh Karnataka India.
Please validate whether the last picture is A.julibrissin or A. chinensis?

Nice pics …, but it is considered horrible weed in usa
we discussed it at some length at this thread

I think all should be A. julibrissin. However, close up showing stipules would be decisive.


Fabaceae-Mimosoideae (Mimosaceae) Week: Albizia julibrissin from Kashmir and California:
Albizia julibrissin Durazzini, Mag. Tosc. 3(4): 11. 1772.
Common names: mimosa-tree, pink siris, silktree albizia, varay-cotton
Deciduous tree with anguar branchlets; leaves bipinnate with gland near base of petiole and between uppermost pinnae; latter 4-20 pairs; leaflets 12-30 pairs, 7-12 mm long, obliquely linear to oblong, apex apiculate; flowers pink, in terminal panicles; calyx tubular, 3 mm long; corolla 6-8 mm long; filaments pink 25-30 mm long; pod up to 15 cm long, flat, strap-shaped, 15-24 mm broad.
Photographed from Kashmir Gardens and from California roadsides

yes great work,, i guess first photo is of A. amara and its also cites in A. amara..

Yes …Thanks for pointing out. It got uploaded accidentally. Friends Please ignore first photograph, any wat it has correct label


Raintree ? – 101113 – RK -2 :  Attachments (3). 4 posts by 3 authors.
23/06/13 – early evening – Los Altos, California. Need ID confirmation.

Some Acacia species.

Albizia julibrissin

Thank you, …
Common name – Persian Silk Tree


Tree For ID : Albizia Species : California : 19OCT14 : AK-12 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2).
A small tree seen in the premises of a school in Fremont on 28/9/14.
Seems to be Albizia Species, with smaller leaves.
Albizia julibrissin?

Yes Albizia julibrissin.

Clicked in May 2014 Sunnyvale.  Attachments (3).

Thank you for the beautiful pictures. I missed the flowering.


Albizia julibrissin Durazz. : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6) – around 800 kb each.

Location:  Godawari, Nepal  
Date: 18 April 2018
Altitude: 5000 ft.
Habit: Wild
Nepali Namesसेतो शिरिष Seto Shirish / पहाडे शिरिषPahaade Shirish  / रातो शिरिष Raato Shirish / लाखे Laakhe 


Albizia chinensis——for validation : 12 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (5)
Your help in Id. please.

date/time: may 15
location: aambyvalley rd., lonavala, pune
height:huge tree more than 30-40 ft.
other info: at this high elevation i guess it is A. chinensis.

May be A. chinensis but I do not see the conspicuous foliaceous stipules. A close-up of leaves and leaflets would have helped.

Thanks … but this is all the photos I have.

To me it looks closer to Albizia julibrissin per comparative images at Albizia

… has identified it as Albizia chinense

I can see foliaceous stipules in one of the pics. I feel it is A.chinensis.

to me it is Albizia chinensis.

I think Albizia julibrissin Durazz as stamen colour is pink as per keys at Flora of China.

It is Albizia chinensis. In this part of India at least, stamens are always pink at the ends. I can see the large charactersitic stipules in two of the images. The bark is typical. This species is common in the location mentioned.

What are the keys in Flora of Maharashtra ?
I can not see the stipules with these images.
Hi, …, May I request you to pl. post high resolution images of the 1st and 2nd image.

the stipules can be seen in the first and second images posted. … has also mentioned that he saw the stipules.
The stipules of this tree are deciduous and not so often seen on the old growth.

It is not enough to go on flower colour in final identification of a species.

Flora of China can not be ignored easily. I have found that colour of stamens is a very important character, particularly in Albizia.


please id the tree:
it is tree. it ornamental tree in dapoli maharashtra. please help in id

Is it Albizzia odoratissima just a wild guess !

I think it is Calliandra surinamensis

this seems to be mimosa I saw everyday in summer in the midwest… often considered a nuisance, though a beautiful nuisance… since its seeds anywhere from its profusely produced seeds…. I knew this  was not my beloved Siris tree from back home in Calcutta since the leaf pattern is different…. This tree, as in your  picture and in the USA midwest, very small leaflets,(tiny tiny)  almost as small as the delonix regia leaflets….  THIS TREE is called the silk tree from the silky flowers, and botanically Albizia julibrissin
AND the reason its neither Albizzia odoratissima nor Calliandra surinamensis, is  superficially the same:  both of these have larger leaflets… almost as big as distal end of a lady’s pinky finger…. I am sure there is a botanical key ….. BUT this my non-botanists quick observation…
AND PLEASE TELL ME: IS DAPOLI  a different name for DAPURI?   where there used to be a botanical garden established in about 1837-1838 by Alexander Gibson???  So are DAPOLI and DAPURI SAME or different….

Although flower colour does resemble Albizia julibrissin, but the number of pinnae and pinnules is much greater than this or any other species of Albizia.
It can also not be any species of Mimosa, where never such numerous pinnae and pinnules are found.
It can’t be calliandra surinamensis in which there is only one pair of pinnae and 8-12 pairs of pinnules
This plant approaches c. calothryrsus and C. houstoniana, nearer to C. houstoniana (Mill.) Standl., which is characterised by leaves with 7-12 pairs of pinnae and 30-40 pairs of oblong linear pinnules, but the flower heads here are borne on much longer peduncles. Perhaps a better match is needed.

you may be right….
Mimosa I was refering to is a chalti bhasha name in the USA…ie what people called it day to day… I did not base my “diagnosis ‘on flower color…. it was a combination.. of flower shape, color, and the leaves size and arrangement..
Exactly the same flower arrangement and color occurs in siris gach in Bengal, which I understand is a S. SAMAN ………….
In final analysis it would be of great help if we were to have an id key of sorts for this type of flower… be it pink or white…. it would reduce the confusion in my mind a lot…

Can it would be A. julibrissin var. rosea. Just guess

Yes … My first reaction was A. julibrissin only as I have seen several trees in Kashmir and California, the flowers being distinctive  but was dissuaded by the description in Hortus Third. Now after going through  eFlora of Pakistan
according to which pinnae number could varry from 4-15 pairs and pinnules 20-30 pairs.
I think we can settle with Albizia julibrissin var. rosea

So this is the weed that  nature lovers are trying to eradicate out of USA terrains… its on a list of most wanted… to remove…. such beautiful flowers though…. on this mimosa … Albizzia julibrisson var. rosea…. I wonder if it has medicineal properties… may be … can tell us…

now I remember when I was photographing this plant in California, a person came out and asked me why I am taking photograph of this useless tree. I was surprised to find an American speaking like that, because otherwise they are so courteous that when they see a stranger on the road they would never miss smiling or saying hello. Many a times they would stop and ask me about the plants I was taking photographs of, and very happy when I would tell them about my profession and love for photography. I have been wondering why that person spoke like that.  Now that you have told me I can connect.
And yes, Albizia julibrissin is generally grown in parks but not in or outside the compounds of people. There lies the secret.

Yes …, I fully agree with you for Albizia julibrissin var. rosea.

Any chance of Albizia chinensis? Wild guess…….

A gland at 2-3 cm above the base of petiole and smaller glands at the base of upper pinnae, pinnae 6-20 pairs, leaflets not wider than 6 mm, heads panicled, stamens 4 times longer than corolla, is A. chinensis (Osb.) Merr. syn A. stipulata (Roxb.) Boiv. Locally Udal, a tree of evergreen forests of western ghats.

I fear Colour of stamens may not come in way of A. chinensis

Here is the key from eFlora of China
Stipules smaller than leaflets, linear; rachis of inflorescence short  and zigzag; stamens pink.  15. A. julibrissin
+ Stipules larger than leaflets, half-cordate; rachis of inflorescence long and straight; stamens green-white or yellow.  16. A. chinensis

this dapoli is there in konkan region of maharashtra & dapuri (now  dapodi ) is near pune city.

I kept asking because DAPURI used to have one of the oldest botanical gardens established in this country…

My guess is for A. julibrissin, as … suggested.

I think Albizia julibrissin Durazz as stamen colour is pink as per keys at Flora of China.

Albizia procera – ?????? ????? – indiantreepix | Google Groups


VoF Week: 19092012 BS 5 fabaceae tree for id from Govindghat:
Pls id this fabaceae tree shot on the way to Ghangriya near Govindghat
Flowers were not seen

May be Albizia odoratissima

Albizia julibrissin


Albizia julibrissin Durazz.: 5 very high res. images.

Location: Bhalkot, Baglung, West Nepal 
Date: 30 May 2023
Elevation 800m.
Habit : Wild


Albizia julibrissin Durazz.: 6 very high res. images.

Location: Godawari, Lalitpur
Date: 04 May 2024
Altitude: 1600m.
Habitat : Wild

Correct Nepali Names : पड्के शिरीष Padke Shirish / रातो शिरीष Raato Shirish  / लाखे Laakhe



Updated on December 24, 2024

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