Bauhinia acuminata

Bauhinia acuminata L. (Syn: Bauhinia candida sensu auct. (Misapplied); Bauhinia grandiflora sensu auct. (Misapplied); Bauhinia linnaei Ali; Bauhinia tomentosa sensu auct. (Misapplied));
Images by Satish Phadke and Gurcharan Singh

Dwarf White Bauhinia, White Orchid-tree or Snowy Orchid-tree, Dwarf White orchid tree, Dwarf white bauhinia • Hindi: सफ़ेद कचनार Safed Kachnar • Manipuri: চিঙথ্ৰাও অঙৌবা Chingthrao angouba • Tamil: வெள்ளை மந்தாரை Vellai mandaarai • Malayalam: Mandaaram • Kannada: Kanchan • Assamese: Mati-katota • Sanskrit: शिवमल्ली Sivamalli • ‘Shwet Kachnar’ ‘श्‍वेत कचनार’ in Marathi;
baw-HIN-ee-uh — named for Gaspard and Jean Bauhin, physicians and botanists
ah-kew-min-AY-tuh — tapering to a long point
Native to: Malaysia; now widely cultivated in the Asian tropics
Shrub up to 4 m tall; leaves simple, ovate or subrotund, up to 20 cm long, lobed up to 1/3, lobes acute to acuminate; flowers white, 8-10 cm across, in short lateral racemes; bract 4-8 mm long; pedicel up to 2 cm long with 2 about 3 mm long bracteoles slightly below the middle; calyx spathaceous, 25-30 mm long; petals lanceolate to ovate, 4-6 cm long; stamens 10, fertile; pod 8-14 cm long.

for id of bauhinia: this is species of Bauhinia near to my house. (western ghat/ maharashtrea) it is use for worship. it is shrub. pods sre of 6 to 7 cm with beak like appearance at apex. locally it is called mandar. please send me name of plant.

… most probably is Bauhinia acuminata, native of s-e Asia, planted widely in tropics for its ornamental value.

It surely looks like Bauhinia acuminata

Prized beauty of the flower world – Dwarf White orchid tree:  Surely a prized beauty of the flower world awash with the November rains!

Dwarf White orchid tree, Bauhinia acuminata
Native plant
08 Nov 2010
Shot in Kukke Subramanya, foot hills,Kumara parvata, Western ghats, Karnataka,


Bauhinia acuminata from Hooghly:

Since last week noticing that these trees are now in full bloom, captured one today.
Species : Bauhinia acuminata L.
Habit & Habitat : small tree, private garden
Date : 05-05-12, 1.41 p.m.
Place : Garalgacha (Hooghly), WB

efloraindia: Bauhinia acuminata:

Sharing the images of Bauhinia acuminata from Coimbatore.
Location: Peelamedu, Coimbatore.
Habitat: Garden
Habit: Shrub.

baw-HIN-ee-uh — named for Gaspard and Jean Bauhin, physicians and botanists
ah-kew-min-AY-tuh — tapering to a long point

Apr 1, 2007 … residence garden, Vaghbil, Thane
commonly known as: white orchid tree • Bengali: kanchan • Hindi: कंचन kanchan • Kannada: kanchan • Malayalam: mandaaram • Tamil: கொக்குமந்தாரை kokkumantarai, வெள்ளை மந்தாரை vellai mandaarai
Native to: Malaysia; now widely cultivated in the Asian tropics
more views: Apr 1, 2007 … residence garden, Vaghbil, Thane

Important featiures : Non native. Planted in gardens.Stamens 10.
Leaves divided less than halfway down into usually 2 subacute lobes.
Often seen planted in private gardens.
Smriti Udyan Pune


Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae (Caesalpiniaceae) – Bangalore – Bauhinia acuminata – Dwarf White Orchid Tree:

I wonder who gave the apt name Dwarf orchid tree.


Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae (Caesalpiniaceae) Week: Bauhinia acuminata from Delhi:  Bauhinia acuminata L., Sp. pl. 1:375. 1753

Common name: dwarf white bauhinia
Shrub up to 4 m tall; leaves simple, ovate or subrotund, up to 20 cm long, lobed up to 1/3, lobes acute to acuminate; flowers white, 8-10 cm across, in short lateral racemes; bract 4-8 mm long; pedicel up to 2 cm long with 2 about 3 mm long bracteoles slightly below the middle; calyx spathaceous, 25-30 mm long; petals lanceolate to ovate, 4-6 cm long; stamens 10, fertile; pod 8-14 cm long.

Photographed from Herbal Garden, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi

Calyx spathaceous….is an important character which is lacking in most of our pictures. I will check from my photos whether I have it.

Here it is … Young flowers with spathaceous calyx

Bauhinia acuminata L. (accepted name) : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Location: AIT, Bangkok, Thailand
Date: 20 May 2016
Altitude:  40 ft.

Nice pics and rightly identified


TMC Biodiversity Park  Thane

Date: April 15, 2018 … Altitude: about 15 m (50 feet) asl
Bauhinia acuminata  L.

Kindly confirm

ID is correct.


on 14/7/07 at Joka, Kolkata- 7/8/08; Yamuna Bio Diversity park,Delhi on 9th May 2009; at Jadavpur, Kolkata- July’09?; Kolkata- July’09?; Gwalior- July’09?; Gwalior- Aug’09?; near Khapoli -lake Kalote Farm- (Mumbai?)- Sept’09; Muradi, Harnai,Tal. Dapoli, Ratnagiri; Shahpur, Mah. in March ’10; Kolkata- Aug’10?; at Sawanatwadi, Mah., in Sep.’10;


ID – 002: 1 image.

Struggling for ID’s, so please help !!
Location : Mumbai, Maharashtra
Date Taken : February / March 2021

You mentioned in all your postings that you are struggling for ID. It seems need as early as possible. But such cropped photographs are  difficult to ID correctly and often lead to mistakes. Please post the habit picture and foliage.

Bauhinia acuminata L. !

I too agree with …


Updated on December 24, 2024

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