Tree ID Kozhikode : Attachments (3). 9 posts by 6 authors. Photographed at IIM Kozhikode. Is this Amherstia nobilis? Looks like Brownea Grandiceps Looks like Brownea to me too, is a Brownea arriza Looks more like Brownea coccinea. However, one has to wait for the flowers to confirm. There are varieties in this bush. I had this plant in our garden in Chennai As per my belief Brownea coccinea It may be possible to differentiate Cultivated Indian Brownea species based on the details in following link: Tropical Planting and Gardening with Sepcial Reference to Ceylon By H. F. Macmillan (1935- Description with differences– Cultivated in Sri Lanka- Brownea ariza Benth., Brownea coccinea, Brownea × crawfordii S.Watson, Brownea grandiceps Jacq., Brownea macrophylla) Pl. check. Thank you so much for this link, … I am still intrigued by what looks like a red flower bud (is it a flower bud?) which I have not seen in any of the pictures I have found for this species. |
Brownea species- IIM Kozhikode
Updated on December 24, 2024