Crotalaria laburnifolia

Bird flower; 








efloraindia: 071111 BRS138 Fabaceae-week:

Pl. find the attached file contain photos of Crotalaria sp. for sp. id confirmation.
Location: CODISIA Raod, Near Coimbatore Air Port
Date: Sep.2011
Habitat: Urban
Habit: Shrub.

Crotalaria for sure.
Can’t comment on the ID though
A clear view of pictures of leaves might be helpful

It is Crotalaria laburnifolia, I think.


24122011 BRS 284:

Pl. find the attached file contain photo for id. request.
Location: Anaikatti Road
Date: 22.12.2011
Habitat: Wild
Habit: Medium szie tree/Shrub.






Crotalaria for identification :: 190314MK :: March 008 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5).

Please help me in identifying this Crotalaria sp., found in a dry land with a height of a metre.
Flower: 2.5cm across
Habitat: near agricultural fallow land
Date: 06 March 2014
Place: Vettangudi Bird Sanctuary, Sivagangai dist., TN
Alt.: 110 m asl

A quick guess: Crotalaria laburnifolia.

It is Crotalaria laburnifolia only, it is an undershrub grows up to 1.5m tall, leaves trifoliate with long petiole, flowers relatively larger and less in number when compare with C. albida


“efloraofi​ndia id. 290811 BRS11:

Id. of the attached photos 
Date: 27.08.2011
Place Coimbatore (Near Airport)
Road Side plant
Medium size tree

I think Crotalaria spectabilis has simple leaves. Here it is tri-foliated. This may not be Crotalaria spectabilis

Updated on December 24, 2024

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