Entada rheedii

Entada rheedii Spreng. (syn. Adenanthera gogo Blanco; Entada gigalobium “sensu auct., p.p.” (misapplied); Entada gigas G.C.C.Gilbert & Boutique (misapplied); Entada gogo (Blanco) I.M.Johnst.; Entada phaseoloides sensu auct. (misapplied); Entada pursaetha DC.; Entada pursaetha var. sinohimalensis (Grierson & D.G. Long) C. Chen & H. Sun; Entada pusaetha DC. [Spelling variant]; Entada rheedei Spreng. [Spelling variant]; Entada rheedei subsp. sinohimalensis (Grierson & D.G. Long) ined.; Entada scandens sensu auct. (misapplied); Entada schefferi Ridl.);
en-TAH-duh — a Malabar name used by van Rheede for the genus of giant seeds that float across the Atlantic Ocean to wash up on the shores of northwest Europe
REED-ee-eye — named for Hendrik Adriaan van Rheede, Dutch naturalist, governor of Cochin in India
commonly known as: African dream herb, nicker bean, sea bean, St.Thomas bean • Hindi: barabi, chian, घीला ghila, गीला gila • Kannada: ganape kaayi • Malayalam: perim-kaku-valli • Marathi: गारभी garabhi, गारबी garabi, गारंबी garambi, गरूडवेल garudwel • Tamil: இரிக்கி irikki • Telugu: gilla teega, tikka tivva
Native to: tropical and subtropical regions bordering the Indian Ocean
Description: Woody climber. Bark brown. Leaves usually ending in a point or bifid tendril. Leaflets 2-4 pairs, even-pinnate, obovate. Fls. creamish. Pods 60cm. long., chestnut coloured.


[EfloraIndia_161211PD01_Entada rheedii Flora of Odisha]:
sharing the images of one of the rare medicinal liana from Ranpur, Nayagarh. total individuals 48 only in the whole range of Maal RF and 11 in all the 10 transacts that i laid in the study area.
Name of the species: Entada rheedi Sy. Entada pursaetha; Entada scandens
Family: Mimosaceae
Place of Collection: Ranpur, Nayagarh, Odisha
Habit: Liana
Habitat: Wild, Odisha semi-evergreen to moist deciduous forests, Near perennial hill streams
Altitude: Up to 400 m above msl
Description: Woody climber. Bark brown. Leaves usually ending in a point or bifid tendril. Leaflets 2-4 pairs, even-pinnate, obovate. Fls. creamish. Pods 60cm. long., chestnut coloured.

so thata s where my ” gile kora jamar bij ” comes from… ps i thought it only grows in the western ghat… nice to know its close to home!!!

Nice set of picture … This the plant which we call “gill’e” ki bengali
used to cress the arms of kurta

This is also called BADAGILO in Odiya and have got many medicinal properties. Especieally the seeds ate used to treat stomach disorder among childrens in tribal areas.

This Liana is called ‘Chappekai ‘ in Kannada.
Grows in moist deciduous valleys.
Crosses about 5 to 6 tree canopies.

Thanks … for comments and additional information on the habitat of this species. I had also observed the same in its locality during collection as the liana was spread over 4 trees.


Fabaceae-Mimosoideae (Mimosaceae) Week: Entada rheedii: Entada rheedii
Huge liana. Phansad.
Flowers 1 cm

Thanks for completing the series. I was waiting for the flowers to share by some one.

en-TAH-duh — a Malabar name used by van Rheede for the genus of giant seeds that float across the Atlantic Ocean to wash up on the shores of northwest Europe
REED-ee-eye — named for Hendrik Adriaan van Rheede, Dutch naturalist, governor of Cochin in India
Mar 20, 2011 … at Phansad Wildlife Sanctuary, Maharashtra
commonly known as: African dream herb, nicker bean, sea bean, St.Thomas bean • Hindi: barabi, chian, घीला ghila, गीला gila • Kannada: ganape kaayi • Malayalam: perim-kaku-valli • Marathi: गारभी garabhi, गारबी garabi, गारंबी garambi, गरूडवेल garudwel • Tamil: இரிக்கி irikki • Telugu: gilla teega, tikka tivva
Native to: tropical and subtropical regions bordering the Indian Ocean
References: Flowers of IndiaDDSA
more views: Mar 20, 2011 … at Phansad Wildlife Sanctuary, Maharashtra
Oct 25, 2008 … at Karnala Bird Sanctuary, Maharashtra
Feb 9, 2008 … at Karnala Bird Sanctuary, Maharashtra
Dec 9, 2006 … at Karnala Bird Sanctuary, Maharashtra 

Very very detailed catch and great photography


Fabaceae-Mimosoideae (Mimosaceae) Week :: Entada rheedei at Phansad:

Sharing few photographs of the flowers and fruits of a huge woody climber.
Bot. name: Entada rheedei  
Local name: Garambi
Family: Mimosaceae
Date/Time: 05-05-2008 / 12:10PM & 20-03-2011 / 11:00AM
Location: Phansad, near Murud (Maharashtra)
Habitat: Wild
Plant Habit: Climber.


A plant from Anshi ID please. : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5)
the picture is from Anshi Wildlife Century. Please identify the plant.

Could be immature flowers of Entada rheedii,

Agree with …


climber Id from Bangladesh SM 998 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Flowering: April
nature: Wild
Location: Mymensing, 2016

It looks like Entada rheedii Spreng

Thanks, … You have a keen eye.


*Entada rheedii Spreng. (fr. Tungareshwar) – Habit : VG-MAY-08 : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5)
The lofty Entada rheedii is an immense kinetic force in the riverine valley of Tungareshwar. The undulating limbs of this woody climber traverse an enormous expanse of the forest, coiling past a multitude of trees and shrubs, ascending, descending, and transcending, inward and outward, all at the same time, sculpting space with the possibilities of exuberance.
Observed in Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary on the 15th of May, 2016 (courtesy of …).

Wow really giant.
Reminds me of my visit to Phansad where I have taken the flower pictures shared long back on the group.

Thanks, …, for your comments. Enjoyed seeing your pictures from Phansad.

Great images …! saw earlier with pods in Phansad wls few years back, I think it was somewhere near Chikhalgan.
But never saw this in Tungareshwar wls thanks for sharing. Will love to see its flowering ! Thanks for sharing!

Thanks, …, for your kind comments. I’m also eager to see it in peak flower next year.

very nice, … Thanks for the older link, … got to see your pictures. Such a tiny flower gives rise to such huge bean!!!
these vines makes me believe in what Rudyard kipling may be describing in that the man-cub and the black panthere were swinging from…
may be even Tarzan’s feats can be credulously imagined… not just a fantasy.


Entada rheedii Spreng. (fr. Tungareshwar) – Flowers, Fruit, Seed : VG-MAY-09 : 9 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5)
The climbing Entada rheedii has been past its peak florescence with a profusion of withered flower spikes pervading the forest floor. Only a few springtime sprigs lingered in the blazing summer sun. The fresh flowers bear white stamens that turn yellow. The fruit was elusive except for a solitary pod high up in the ramifications of the forest.
Observed in Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary on the 15th of May, 2016 (courtesy of …).

Thank you … for wonderfully presenting Entada rheedi.
Appreciate your pictures as well as the apt description.. This liana always fascinated me.
I still have a seed of entada which I had picked up from the forest floor years ago. 

Many thanks, …, for your kind comments. It is a fascinating plant indeed.

these seeds are sold in puja samgri stores here some times
used to iron the thin mulmul (addy cotton) kurta sleeves here in bengal. nothing else works.

That is interesting. Curious to know the name under which it is sold in Bengal.

The process of wrinkling is called GILE  and the fruit is called Gilephal (in Bangali script it is … গীলেফল and in Hindi script you read it as गीलेफल).but next time i go to that bazaar i will definitely ask and write it down if there is any colloquial botanical name.  lI’ll et you know unless … knows it. just added him in the address.
Bapalal Vaidya in his Nighantu Adarsh book mentions an elephant creeeper and describes what seems to be this vine. he says its name in bengal is GILA and in Assam: GIla-leva. But spells it as Entada phaseoloides Merrill syn. of E. Scandens. (page 355, in its Purvardha volume). He says it grows in Assam, Himalayas and Andaman islands.
I found these two last names listed as synonyms in this site.


Entada Rheedii : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)

I got the seeds sold asPaparan kottaiin Kolli hills when I visited recently that can be used for leg pain. (Entada.Jpg attached -Photo taken by me).
If you know Tamil:
else read the attachment in English.
Another article in net:

Very nice presentation, …

It was bit over detailed. I will try to summarize it and publish ASAP as I was bit exhausted converting Tamil to English.

entada? : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)
Found in Javadhu hills of Easern ghats.
The anticlockwise coil is matching with the recent post attached
Ref:  [efloraofindia:273907] Entada Rheedii

Wild Mimosaceae climber SN 241117 : 7 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Wild tendril climber from Doddamane area of SIddapura Karnataka

Entada sp.

yes it is Entada rheedii, because the Main rachis is ending in bifid tendril, tendril strongly hooked to support.

Thanks, … But to me leaves look different from image at

leaf is variable, it is a young leaf


I’d plz this seed : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)


wow it sprouted. never seen such a sight. this seed is used in bengal to make creases in malmal muslin kurta that old fashioned jamindar babu’s wore still practiced in parts of Kolkata. its called Gile kora. panjabi.
…, where did you get this seed. it would need to be quite fresh i imagine to be sprouting. did you get it right near where it grew?

Yes, I did.

A rich haul (#3) from Unchalli:
Wild fruits and nuts collected from the forest floor during Unchalli falls

1. Jack fruit – Bikke – -Malnad kind
2.  To be identified
3. Ficus auriculata – Elephant ear fig tree
4. fallen Coconut fruit
5. Kasaraka – Strychnos nux-vomica (Poisonous)
7. Matti (?)
8. Pilli Hannu (fruit) (Edible)
11. Rampatre- Myristica malabarica
12. Uppage – Gamboge tree, Garcinia gummi-gutta
13.  Syzigium caryophyllatum, Dwarf black plum tree  / Indian blackberry
14. To be identified
Unchalli & hegde katta, Uttara Kannada
Western ghats, Karnataka

Photo date: 24 Jun 2009

– Number 6 seems to be the seeds of Entada scandens (Sword bean), a woody liana, Mimosoideae, a sub family of Leguminosae.

– 1. Looks more like Pandanus
2. Olea dioica? or Cassine glauca?
6. … is right, its most likely Entada
7. Agree with Pankaj, Terminalia tomentosa
8. Syzigium philaroides i.e. Eugenia mooniana
9. Could be seeds of Garcinia morella or some sapotaceae such as
10. Looks like seed of Strychnos but its too large as compared to the fruit
11. Knema attenuata


Entada rheedei VS. Entada scandens:
Are both: Entada (rheedei and scandens) find distributed in our country ? Are they native ? Any easy key to differentiate them ?

– Entada scandens is a synonym of E.rheedei. It is fairly widely distributed all over the country and recently encountered it even in the Garo Hills, Meghalaya. Check for it in Khandala & Phansad.

– Let me add, E. scandens auct. non Bth. is a synonym of E. rheedeiSpreng. The distribution is C. and E. Himalayas, Nepal, W. ghats and Sri Lanka.

– Common name sea bean and African dream herb. I have seen this in Tamil Nadu (outskirts of Chennai on many locations) and of course in Karnataka also.  Sea Bean is native to South Asia, Africa and Australia. Its leaves are dried and smoked to induce vivid dreams. That is why the name African Dream Herb.

– Did not know about E. scandens auct. non Bth

My query arose because Entada scandens does not appear as a synonym at NPGS / GRIN …
AND Entada scandens (L.) Benth. is put as synonym of Entada phaseoloides (L.) Merr. …
http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/taxon.pl?411955 which is not distributed in Indian subcontinent.

– Forgot to mention – closer home, have also seen it on the Tulsi trail in the Borivali N.P. and an aggregation of huge climbers above the Kanheri caves on the trek from Mama Bhanja.

–  … me too have observed mighty lianes in inner hills of Yeoor and Kanheri. A bit far: Karnala … and possibly in some core parts of Tungar hills.

Lianas or huge climbers.
Western ghats are known for these.
Phansad has amazing collection of many of these.
The species which we all (….) observed in Phansad on 20th March2011 included
Entada rheedi
Combretum extensum
Caesalpinia cucullata
Diploclisia glaucescens
Gnetum scandens
Hiptage benghalensis
Sharing some of the views indicating their old age.

– Surely it is Entada rheedii, largest pod bearing Liana

– Here are the photographs of largest pods

Posting a photo for Id of pod. It is called गारंबी in Marathi and it seems to be known as the largest pod in the world?
Date / Time – 02.12.2011 / 04.00 pm.
Location – Place – Bondala Wildlife Sanctuary, Goa
Habitat – Garden/ Urban/ Wild / Type – Wild

Picture of Entada from roadside herb shop at Orissa for comparison.

Yes this is Entada rheedii.


A huge Entada Rheedii in Bangalore:
During my attendence at the Students Conference on Conservation Science (SCCS) in Bangalore I was shown a huge liana, Entada rheedei growing in the IISc Campus. I believe it was planted some 23 years ago and is thriving well outside its moist forest zone in the western ghats.

wonderful to see it thriving… thank you for sharing….
but lianas in jungle need sturdy trees around to anchor themselves and grow on…
what trees were there to support this liana that you photographed?


Fabaceae – Mimosoideae- week Entada from Coimbatore.:
Sharing the images of Woody climbing vine Entada pursaetha.
Unfortunately I dont have the habitat and other pictures. except the seed and seed pod.
This was taken by one of my friend Dr. NVK Ashraf (1995-1996).

Yes … I think this has been captured from a herbal shop. This is a very very important medicinal plant as far as my knowledge is concern. I have documented the same in Odisha.


[EfloraIndia_Fabaceae-Mimosoideae (Mimosaceae) Week_020112PD01_Entada rheedii Flora of Odisha]:
sharing the images of one of the rare medicinal liana from Ranpur, Nayagarh which has already been shared earlier. This is the only climber as already mention by … in his introductory write up on family Mimosaceae.

Name of the species: Entada rheedii/ E.scandens
Family: Mimosaceae
Place of Collection: Ranpur, Nayagarh, Odisha
Habit: Liana
Habitat: Wild, Odisha semi-evergreen to moist deciduous forests, Near perennial hill streams
Altitude: Up to 400 m above msl

Earlier thread of the same species is at : efi thread
in case this is a different location…

No mam this is the same species and the location is also same. I only added my field assistant photo and some others in different angle. Since this is Mimosaceae week , i shared the same again.

SK1319 25 JUL 2018 : 9 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)
Location: Osho, Balaju, Raniban’ Nepal
Altitude : 4600 ft.
Date: 7 June 2018
Habit : Wild 

entada sp???

It is not matching with any Entada since it is not climber rather a medium size tree. Any suggestion for matching flower ? Not matching to the following listed in Nepal.
Entada laotica
Entada pursaetha

On closer scrutiny, I feel it may be Entada rheedii Spreng. only climbing on this tree.
Entada phaseoloides (L.) Merr. given in Checklist of Nepal may be wrong as it does not have distribution as per latest databases like Flora of China and ILDIS;
Entada phaseoloides sensu auct. is our plant. In the past the name has been erroneously used to refer to Entada rheedii Spreng..

As per Catalogue of Life also, Entada phaseoloides sensu auct. is the misapplied name for Entada rheedii Spreng.

Entada rheedii subsp. sinohimalensis (Grierson & D.G.Long) Panigrahi  ??Syn : Entada pursaetha subsp. sinohimalensis Grierson & D.G.Long  ??

:referenced Entada pursaetha subsp. sinohimalensis Grierson & D.G.Long in in Fabaceae in Table 1 in following paper as item 298 in
Traditional use and management of NTFPs in Kangchenjunga Landscape: implications for conservation and livelihoods Yadav Uprety1*, Ram C. Poudel2, Janita Gurung3, Nakul Chettri3 and Ram P. Chaudhary1,4 in  Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (2016) 12:19 DOI 10.1186/s13002-016-0089-8

For that we have to find out the differences between Entada rheedii subsp. sinohimalensis and Entada rheedii ssp. rheedii
I could not find these on net. If any book is available with you, pointing these out, pl. let us know.
Both these subspecies have distribution in Nepal as per ILDIS:
However, Flora of China (where ILDIS gives distribution of both) gives E. pusaetha var. sino­himalensis (Grierson & D. G. Long) C. Chen & H. Sun as a syn. of Entada rheedii Sprengel. No other subspecies is mentioned except the type subspecies i.e. Entada rheedii ssp. rheedii.
One book reference, which I could find i.e. CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants: Common Names … By Umberto Quattrocchi (2016), also mentions Entada pursaetha subsp. sinohimalensis Grierson & D.G.Long  & Entada pursaetha subsp. sinohimalensis (Grierson & D. G. Long) C. Chen & H. Sun as a syn. of Entada rheedii Spreng. only.

yes … its a long search with almost the same results. I dont have any old books on the subject

13 September 2018. I guess the leaves are from different (Host) plant.
Hence the correct ID seems to be Entada rheedii Spreng.
Attachments (3) – 700 kb each.

ok. if you happen to be at the same location 6 , 8 or 9 months after you took pictures of the flowers you would see those tell tale long gigantic bean fruits and voila, that would be your own confirmation

I shall keep in mind.

Nepali Name :  लेक पाङ्ग्रा Lek Pangraa 

Entada rheedii :: Iruppu Falls, Coorg :: 12 NOV 19 : 7 posts by 3 authors. 2 images.
Iruppu Falls  Coorg
Date: November 12, 2019 … Altitude range: about 850 – 1,000 m (2,800 – 3,300 ft) asl
Entada rheedii  Spreng.  

since its climber, it must have climbed this very tall tree over years and then reproduced. what tenacity.
did you find any ripe fallen seeds?

Thank you, … No, this tree was quite far off. Pictures are taken at extreme zoom.

Wow! pictures !!!!!
I have seen seeds being sold at Triambakeshwar. In fact this, and Suran were the only two items I could recognise among plethora of “jadi-buti” being sold. 

Thanks … I am waiting to find a fallen seed !!
They are not sold in my vicinity, or may be I am not aware.

Viplav has shown the ripe, brown seed in his thread in May 20019
seeds are called GILA … in bagla language. they are sold in Kolkata in puja samagri stores, in reducing numbers. were used by ironing outfits that produced wrinkled sleeves of addy cloth for Bangalee Bhadrolok. it used to be my grandfather and uncles” favorite summer punjabi kurta, called Gila kora Kurta /panjabi.
on the internet i can not find even a single picture. not even Uttam Kumar wearing one, which i have seen him wear thousands of time, he was my mama’s neighbour and he wore it in may movies.
if i had found one, it would be an interesting ethnobotany picture

id please : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Please identify this climber/herb.
Only vegetative part is available. it is from Kannur district, Kerala

Some Senna species ?

Looks Senna but difficult to ID !

It is Entada woody climber, fruit is wood legume seeds 3 cm dia.


Entada rheedii: 3 images- 1 high res.

Seed germination and leaves.
Bought the seed near Talakona of Andhra Pradesh.


Fabaceae: Entada rheedei Spreng.: 1 high res. image.
location/date: University of Agricultural Sciences campus, Bangalore, July 1997

Updated on December 24, 2024