Erythrina suberosa Roxb. (syn. Corallodendron suberosum (Roxb.) Kuntze; Erythrina alba Wight & Arn.; Erythrina glabrescens R. N. Parker; Erythrina glabrescens (Prain) R.Parker; Erythrina maxima Wight & Arn.; Erythrina stricta var. suberosa (Roxb.) Niyomdham; Erythrina suberosa var. glabrescens Haines; Erythrina suberosa var. glabrescens Prain; Erythrina suberosa var. sublobata Roxb. ex Haines; Erythrina sublobata Roxb.; Micropteryx suberosa (Roxb.) Walp.; Micropteryx sublobata (Roxb.) Walp.); .
er-ith-RY-nuh — meaning, red colored STRIK-tuh — meaning, erect, upright sub-er-OH-suh — meaning, cork bark . commonly known as: Indian coral tree, tiger claw • Bengali: palitmandar, রক্তমন্দার raktamandar • Hindi: dadap, dholdhak, farhad, mandara, pangri, panjira • Kannada: halivana, keechige, mandara • Malayalam: nimbataru, paribhadram • Marathi: पांगारा pangara • Sanskrit: मन्दार mandara, palitmandar, पारिभद्र paribhadra • Tamil: கிஞ்சுகம் kincukam, முண்முருக்கு munmurukku, முருக்கு murukku,முருக்கு மரம் murukku maram, velaikkaliyanamurukkam • Telugu: బలభద్రిక balabhadrika . Origin: India and South-East Asian countries . … deciduous tree … prickly stem … flowers in racemes, red and showy. Large tree, branches armed with sparse prickles; leaves trifoliate, often armed on petiole, terminal leaflet rhomboid-ovate, up to 15 cm long, lateral obliquely deltoid; racemes 5-10 cm long, flowers scarlet in fascicles of 1-3; calyx somewhat bilabiate; pod up to15 cm long, beaded. The characteristic of the tree is the fissured pale bark. The key differentiating character is the calyx which is not splitting down to the base and is more or less 2-lipped which is seen here. . The leaves of Erythrina stricta are glabrous and those of Erythrina suberosa are not. Likewise the pods. Calyx 2 lipped. not splitting down is E. suberosa, though the bark and spines may differ. . Erythrina suberosa called as Pangari or Booch pangara. Small tree. Bark light grey. corky, cracked, vertical fissures or grooves deep. Branches crooked. Flowers early Feb March; common around Pune. . Erythrina stricta. Also called Pangari. Large tree. Bark smooth (Not grooved) Branches prickly far more than the above. Flowering season comparatively late- May Observed more in large jungles in Mulshi and others in Konkan not near the city of Pune . As per efi thread: Of course the Key in BSI is very good and depends on calyx spathaceous, not 2 lipped, splitting down deep to base in E.variegata and E.stricta whereas not so in E suberosa where it is not spathaceous and it is more or less 2 lipped. . Erythrina stricta and E. suberosa has the keel petal white/ creamy where as E. indica and E. varigata has red colored keel. . Erythrina suberosa Pune: (6 pictures) A very nice depiction of Erythrina suberosa. Beautiful pictures. Have this tree on my property. Sending a photograph of the bark. Excellent presentation of the floral parts of the species by … Very useful for taxonomists as well as non taxonomists for understanding the floral parts arrangement. Fabulous … This can be used in books while describing floral parts at family level. Just amazing clarity again. Thank you … Sending a few more photographs as requested (9 pictures). My previous photographs & discussion on this are available at this link What a clearly labelled set of photos, at first I thought the last two of your set were paintings/botanical paintings cab be very exact yet detailed…. Wayanad flora #10 | Erythrina Sp -IdReq 22Mar2011AR02: Petals of the flower – appear like a birds beak Date/Time-9 Jan 2011 05:39 PM Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Meenmutty falls, Waynaad, Kerala Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-, Wild, Western ghats, Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Tree, Forest path Height/Length-approx – 35 feet Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- Shape – Elliptic, Margin -Smooth, Size-10-12 cms Trees of Lalbagh, Bangalore – RA – Erythrina stricta var. suberosa, (Roxb.) Niyomdham <=> Corky Coral Tree: Corky Coral Tree is a medium sized throny tree with distinctly orange, corky bark and an irregular crown. The tree is a captivating sight when in bloom, with clusters of bright, orange-scarlet up-facing flower clusters sitting at the end of branchlets like exotic waterlilies. Leaves are compound with three broad leaflets, the middle one the largest. Flowers have 5 petals of unequal length, and 10 stamens. Corky Coral Tree is native to the dry, mixed forests throughout India. Tree ID – 1 : 5 images. 3 posts by 2 authors. EPF, photos of Erythrina spp taken from mobile phone on 17th March 2013. Place : Badlapur, Thane dist. Elev : 200 ft Tree about 12 – 15 mt high. Main trunk is furrowed while branches are thorny. Tree is leafless, distant branches bearing flowers. Pls help to identify. This is Erythrina suberosa. Please help ID the erythrina species on right of the pictures. I have given the parts in comparison to Erythrina stricta var. suberosa on the left. The trees are growing in Ludhiana. The sp. on right blooms late (when suberosa is nearly over), trees are smaller in size. The only difference in flowers seems to be the size and red tinge on calyx tube of smaller sp. The most peculiar difference is in the spines which are comparatively very few and are stipular on the smaller species. Bark of the smaller species is light brown and more fissured than suberosa. They appear to be two different species. In photograph 5, the bark on the left is of E.variegata, the other is of E.suberosa. Calyx not 2 lipped, splitting down to the base, entire at apex is E. stricta I find Erythrinas quite difficult and from your pics I can’t say for sure. The E. suberosa trees which I am familiar with all have fissured bark like the one in your picture on the Right side. The bark of E. stricta is very variable. Attaching some pictures of leaves for ID confirmation. Correct orientation of glands image. The wooly leaves indicate E. suberosa. Younger leaves are always much more tomentose than mature ones. …, Thanks for the response and interest. Erythrina For ID : Lalbagh,Bangalore : 260513 : AK-1 : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 1 author. Flora of Kaiga_ID_CONFIRMATION Please. Attached 2 photo. Is it Erytrina Stricta.??? Date/Time-:21/1/13 – 10:30 Location- Place, Altitude – Kaiga , Uttar Kannada ,Karnataka, 380 mtrs Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type– wild Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- TREE Length- 15m Erythrina sp Yes, it looks like Erythrina stricta var. suberosa (= E. suberosa). Erythrina stricta Roxb. SN Aug 44 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3). Erythrina stricta Roxb, medium sized soft tree, near Coorg, Karnataka I think it is Erythrina suberosa. Please note the tomentose leaves and characteristic bark. Agree with … This is Erythrina suberosa. Please check these links : Google Groups My photographs of Erythrina stricta for comparison are available at this link : Butea monosperma? ABAPR01/23 : 11 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (4) Dharamshala, HP 1400m approx. 18 April 2015 Erythrina sp. correct. not palash.. butea erythrina sp forgot to tell you very nice to look at good scene if accessible would love to see its fruits and then leaves as they emerge and mature do they turn color up there in cold and high altitude? Will keep my eyes open. This tree is known as Madar in our area. This is Erythrina suberosa. . Fabaceae (Faboideae): Erythrina-2 for ID from Cactus Garden, Panchkula-GSOCT29/34 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4) Another Erythrina species photographed from Cactus garden Panchkula in April, with flowers appearing like E. suberosa but with a distinct broader white keel in flowers. May be another E. suberosa as suggested on Indian Flora Facebook.
This seems to be Erythrina suberosa (E. stricta var. suberosa is a synonym) – most prominent indicator is pubescent leaves which I think can help distinguish from E. stricta (as given by Hooker – v.2 page 189 and Brandis – page 227). I could not decipher many typical taxonomic terms used in these texts (Probably … can help in that and find some more distinguishing features) The tree on right side in my earlier post also has some similar characteristics to the one above but there are some deviations also like spine characteristics and glands on petiole. Pradeep Krishan in ‘Jungle trees of Central India’ – page 371-72 has also left this issue unresolved but it is obvious that there are many overlapping/ mixed characters – bark being the most confusing. I found a reference describing natural hybridization within Section Erythrina Both E. suberosa and E. stricta belong to section Suberosae and if section Erythrina can have interspecific hybrids, chances in section Suberosae are also high. Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight :: Erythrina sricta var. suberosa:: Morni :: NS OCT 53/53 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5) This tree was recorded from Morni Hills area, Panchkula… Please suggest if this belongs to Erythrina stricta var. suberosa or otherwise Calyx 2 lipped. not splitting down is E. suberosa, though the bark and spines may differ. Pl. see images of Erythrina stricta & Erythrina suberosa To me it appears to be Erythrina suberosa as the calyx is two lipped. Erythrina suberosa—–for sharing and validation : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2) Pics taken at Aambyvalley Rd., Lonavala, Pune in April 15. Erythrina For ID : Nasik : 21FEB16 : AK-01 : 01/01 : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Erythrina seen in Nasik on 1st March, 2014. A small tree. Kindly help in identifying the Species. Erythrina variegata (fabaceae) Pl. show us a close up of the Calyx for correct Id. As per efi thread: I hope this cropped picture helps in determining the correct id. Attachments (2) Pictures are not clear, but I feel it you may try with images of Erythrina suberosa I would go for E. suberosa, but it’s a guess in absence of leaves and bark. Surely not E. variegata. Thanks for the suggested id. Will take more pictures of the tree since I know the location. Name given to me was Raan Pangara in Marathi. It is my pleasure to present a few images of Erythrina stricta (Fabaceae) Habit: Tree-thorny Habitat: Wild, Dry decidouos forest fringe Sighting: Chikmagalur and Tumkur, Karnataka, about 1200 msl and 800 msl respectively. Date: 2-02-2015, 23-02-2015 and 05-03-2015 I think it should be Erythrina suberosa As per efi thread: Calyx not 2 lipped, splitting down to the base, entire at apex is E. stricta Calyx 2 lipped, not splitting down is E. suberosa, though the bark and spines may differ. Thanks … MS/23/10/2016 – 1 – Request for Id of a tree : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) Thanks, … It’s Erythrina species. Pl. Check calyx with comparative images at EFI site for species I’d. Of course, my ID is also Erythrina species but I want to know the exact species name. It looks Erythrina suberosa Thanks for your ID. For me it looks perfect ID. Infact, my ID is also the same. Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week: Tree -Erythrina stricta: Attaching photo of Erythrina stricta I think it should be Erythrina suberosa Roxb. as per images herein & as the calyx is clearly two lipped. Erythrina or ID : Maharashtra : 290413 : AK-2 : Attachments (4). 3 posts by 2 authors. Erythrina species seen on the Mumbai-Pune road on 7/3/12. Kindly confirm id. Erythrina stricta I think it should be Erythrina suberosa Roxb. as per images herein & as the calyx is clearly two lipped. This tree had hundred’s of red flowers in feb 2008. The local villagers whom we met could not name them but they say this tree is used while ironing clothes (?) . Not sure of the Id. Help requested. Thippuru Village, Mysore district 24Feb 2008 The flowers strongly resemble Erythrina stricta: It is Erythrina suberosa locally called Pangara. As I had stated in an earlier mail [to Dr.Satish]- Tree for ID RDS 002 110512: Another deciduous tree for ID. Found this near water body, on the way to Barvi dam forest, Badlapur- Maharashtra. Trifoliate leaves; thorny tree….some Erythrina species. This is a species of Erythrina possibly Erythrina suberosa. Please check the archives of this group for my photographs of this. Very common tree in central India. The area where i live is full of them multiplying rapidly. Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week: Erythrina-2 for ID from Cactus Garden, Panchkula: Erythrina for ID : 050611 : AK-1: I guess Erythrina variegata (syn. E. indica), Pangara in Marathi As the keel is white & calyx appears two lipped, I think it is Erythrina suberosa Roxb. as per images herein. actually the leaf would be of help in identification. i believe if the plant is opposite lane of Jijamata Udyan office and with pubesecent leaves it is E. suberosa. …, you are right. This tree was seen during one of my first visits to the garden. It is in the lane opp the JU Office, the lane leads further to the circle. Adding a picture with few leaves that I could find. SK1027 19 MAR-2018 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6) Location: Balaju, Kathmandu, Nepal Altitude: 4400 ft. Date: 16 March 2018 Habit : Cultivated Erythrina suberosa Roxb. ?? Thanks, … Pl. check the calyx. Yes to me also appear close to images at Erythrina suberosa Erythrina Species : Lalbagh Botanical Garden,Bangalore : 270618 : AK-15 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Erythrina Species seen earlier during March. A small tree. For Species id please. Could be Erythrina suberosa? Pl. check calyx with images available at efi site. To me also appear close to images at Erythrina suberosa Roxb.
. Erythrina Species for ID : Nasik : 06DEC21 : AK – 04: 3 images. For me your ID is correct. Pl. post high res. images to check the details. Adding… It may well be Erythrina suberosa, but difficult to distinguish from E. stricta. Any distinguishing points between the two? I also think it is Erythrina suberosa Roxb. as the calyx appears to be bilobed and keel of cream/ white colour. Yes, there are also fewer prickles on the branches here. If you can get a picture of the leaves in Erythrina species it would be helpful. Don’t have a picture of the leaves right now, but will get it for you. This is one more image in case it helps. 1 high res. image. . Fabaceae: Erythrina suberosa Roxb.: 1 high res. image. synonym: Erythrina glabrescens (Prain) R.Parker location/date: Kolkas, Melghat Wildlife Sanctuary, Amravati Distr., Maharashtra, November 1994 . References: The Plant List GRIN (Erythrina stricta Roxb. var. suberosa (Roxb.) Niyomdham as accepted name) Flora of Pakistan Annonated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal Dinesh Valke’s Flickr Post Flowers of India India Biodiversity Portal PlantFiles: Detailed information on Coral Tree Erythrina suberosa |
Erythrina suberosa
Updated on December 24, 2024